Just thought I would revive this old discussion thread from the old board. It may become a moot point after Thursday. LOL!
But then, it might not.
So here's the deal: they say we will find out The Answer this week. After four years. The Answer. It appears from the promos that Kirk finally has Red in his clutches and there's a shot of him, right up in Red's face, looking angry and demanding to know "Are you her father!" More of an exclamation than a question. Then a cut to Red, who has evidently been injected with some sort of truth serum drug, asking "What do you want me to say?" as he is being threatened with another syringe-full of something. So is that his answer or has he given an unacceptable answer and Kirk wants more? I just wonder if he named someone else and Kirk won't believe it. I guess we'll find out on Thursday. But it does make you wonder about the third man idea that's been bandied about here lately, doesn't it? And as I mentioned before on the other thread, my vote is for Fitch, as usual. But wouldn't it be really crazy if her real father turned out to be her adopted father Sam? Talk about our tangled webs. I have also thought that Sam was involved in things way back when, too. And what a great place to hide the kid than pretending her real father is her adoptive father.
Oh, and just because WE are given the answer I don't necessarily think that Liz will be given the answer. In fact, I doubt that she will learn anything about what Red and Kirk "discuss". So then we will still get to watch Liz try to figure it out.
Anyway, discuss!
Hi Honey West
Re Sam: I've pondered that from time to time, whether Sam was in fact Liz's real father (with name change). There are some things that would tend to point in that direction. The way that Sam says to Red in the hospital room, "I have to tell her"; "she deserves the truth" made me think it. The main thing that stops me though is that Red, rather cryptically says to Liz, it wasn't his (Sam's) decision to make; implying that Red was the one who had the right to control "the truth" and other information to Liz; it was Red's tale to tell, or his decision as to whether anything was told to her. And Red said to Sam, "I can't let you do that" when Sam said that Lizzie deserves the truth. Not sure why Sam would not be empowered with that decision if he was her real father. Unless the "truth" that they were both talking about was not the identity of her real father, but something else. But since Red admitted to Liz that partly why he killed Sam was to keep him from revealing the name of her father, that seems to be what Sam and Red were talking about.
But I do think its a possibility, because I don't think we really know what we need to know in order to understand that whole hospital scene with Red and Sam.
I think Fitch was definitely a major figure in what happened way back when, but then he did not die the night of the fire (if Red is telling the truth). (Then again nor did Sam.) I can't remember whether during any of their chats, Fitch asked Red about who Liz was or why she was important to Red or anything along those lines. If Fitch was her real father then perhaps he would know… would not need to ask….but then again perhaps not!
But really at this point almost any option is possible because I don't think we've been given enough information to eliminate any scenario (except for Kirk)…..(I think)…LOL
Last edited by lara1 (11/07/2016 8:05 pm)
Oh yes I left out of #2 I also thought at one point that Sam could have been Liz's "real" paternal grandfather. (If not her father.) The reason I thought that is the line that Red says to Sam, when he describes having seen Liz recently : something like: "There's a real fire in her Sam that you gave her." or something like, "You gave her a real fire Sam" (no puns intended there). Describing temperament, rather than something that is learned.
So to me that's a comment you make to someone about a blood related descendant. Kind of like when Red said to Dom that Liz "had your temper."But Red could have meant anything really!!
And the way Red looked at Sam when he said the words," taking her in and raising her as your own", as he (Red) kind of does that nodding thing.
But again its just a theory we saw so little of Sam that it's very hard to say. To me, the scene shows more the lengths that Red would go to keep Liz from learning the truth. He clearly loved Sam, he could have even been a blood relation, and sobbed after he killed him. don't think we've ever otherwise seen Red do that.
Last edited by lara1 (11/07/2016 7:59 pm)
LOL! , lara1 #2, I just keep throwing Fitch out there because I really liked him! There is that little died in the fire thing to mess up a lot of fun theories.
Yeah, I remember that "you gave her a real fire" comment and wondered about it. Especially when Red told Dom she had his temper. But we know that Dom was Katarina's father and Liz is her daughter. But I never thought of Sam as being a career criminal for some reason. Seems like Liz would have figured that one out a long time ago. But in any case Red told Liz that he "knew Sam all of your life and most of mine." So they go back a long time.
To begin with ... I'm sooo jealous of you being able to see the fall finale today! I hate to wait for tomorrow :-/!
Great thing to discuss the father question here separately.
#4 - Honey West - yes, I think as well that Fitch does not really fit in here.
#3 - lara1 - interesting thought, Sam could be her real father. Never thought of that!
My theory is based on the history of Red. I remember when they discussed his personal history roughly (at the post office?), there was a cut somewhere in his younger years, where he disappeared and changed from the successful military career to a criminal. So, my theory is, that back then everything happened and he was forced to leave behind his normal and respectable life and become instead the criminal he is today. Fire night, etc. were taking place in that periode of change or triggered them. So I think he's indeed Lizzie's father (biological or not) but couldn't care for her any longer or didn't feel it appropriate as he was forced to act "on the dark side". It seems that she's already experienced terrible things or maybe he wanted her to forget about him/about her family in order to keep her safe, so he tempered with her memory. The transformation from a respectable and caring family father to the criminal he is today might have felt like a death for him. So, I think when he says "Your father is dead", he means it - but not literally, rather in the figurative sense. Now that he's Red and has been for so many years, he cannot become anymore the father and person he once was. With all he did over the years, the many people he's killed, etc.
Or/and - looking at the promo for tonight's finale... in case he's not the biological father and considering that we know he has/had kids... he might have caused the death of his own family and was involved in the fall of Lizzie's. So he might therefore feel responsibility for her and instead of caring about his own daughter decided to watch over Lizzie. Just another thought...
Btw - I really hope, that the promo didn't again show the final scene of this weeks episode (like they did when Lizzie showed the DNA report to Red and then... CUT!).
Danamee #5 - interesting thoughts. Some also thought that the line that Red says in Cape May, "I was a different person then" kind of fits into that sort of theory. Its when "Katarina" and Red are eating and she asks him if he has been there before, he replies "Yes. A long time ago. I was a different person then." or some words to that effect If I remember correctly, Katerina is about to say something and then the cop knocks on the door of the hotel, so that line of coversation is dropped.
Some say it was just a metaphorical line, that he was just different a long time ago, like many people are with age, some say it points to Red confirming that he is in fact a different person (i.e. new identity).
I think Cape May is laden with clues, so I do think it was more than a casual conversational remark but whether it means he is literally someone else with a new identity is subject to interpretation. But yes, a different person in that he has changed a lot as a person so that he is "almost" a different person/identity, and that is how Red sees himself,is very possible.
Last edited by lara1 (11/10/2016 10:06 am)
Good thoughts Danamee #5 and lara1 #6. Looking back at Cape May, I really think that Red might have been present when Katarina walked into the water. Of course that is assuming that she really is dead, and I kind of think that she is. Maybe he didn't actually see her do it, but I think he was there. I also think that is where his suicide speech comes from. He may have followed her to try to talk her out of doing something crazy. Who knows. Maybe we will get the full story someday.
So, for my perhaps final bit of Who's Your Daddy? theorizing, this is how I think the big revelation could possibly go.
We know that Kirk ends up with Liz. Red offers to trade himself for her and gets taken by Kirk's men to the lab lair where Kirk is holding Liz. Kirk tells Liz that she is free to leave if she wants to. Kirk tells Red that he has a lot of questions for him. Liz either decides to stick around or maybe Kirk has double-crossed Red and had no intention of letting Liz go after all.
In any case Liz ends up being present while Kirk interrogates Red. They inject him with so-called truth serum drugs to loosen him up. In reality these drugs don't make a person just start spitting out the truth, they act like alcohol would after a few too many. The person is more likely to say things, but they are still not necessarily the truth. This is why these drug-induced statements are not valid in a court of law. But still, it makes for good storytelling. Anyway, we already have seen a clip where Kirk asks "Are you her father!" We really don't know what Red will end up saying or not saying, so right now we are still free to make things up.
And in this scenario, Liz is listening, too. I kind of think she would be inclined to do that, given a choice, because it might literally be her last chance to hear the "truth" because Kirk might be the only one who could get it out of Red and he's not in great shape himself. So Red gives an answer and Liz hears it. Whatever it is, Red, if he survives and he likely will, is not going to remember later what he said. My research shows that these drugs that are used act like the sedation you get for some medical and dental procedures where you aren't completely out but you don't remember the procedure afterwards. So Liz will get her answer, but Red won't remember giving it to her.
The question then will become what will Liz do with this information? She probably won't tell Red that she knows. That would give us a one-time great scene between them, but it's better if we get to watch how the knowledge plays out over the course of maybe the rest of the series. It could give her some leverage that she will need to use later on. And who would she tell anyway? Various people know the answer already, so maybe she could confide in one of them? Or would she tell Ressler or even Cooper?
My bet would be that she would tell Dembe. Dembe told her about the Bethesda flat, after all. He thinks she should be told the truth and has said so many times. Plus at the end of The Caretaker Dembe told Red that if the Universe wants her to know the truth, she will find out, regardless of what Red thinks or wants. And in the end, Liz could even hold this over Red's head, as in, you said some very interesting things when Kirk was questioning you back there. But she won't tell him what he said. She will finally have some secrets to work with. Like Jodi Walker said in her 4.07 recap last week: PLAY THE GAME, LIZZIE!
So I still don't know the answer to the question, but there are some possible scenarios of how it could work out, whatever it is. Anyway, we will know tonight, I guess! This is just a possible way it could play, as I see it.
Edited for typos! LOL!
Last edited by Honey West (11/10/2016 2:39 pm)
Lara1 #6 & Honey West #7 - you're right! I remember the Cape May scene. interesting thought, that Red might have been there and maybe even witnessed Katharina when she walked into the water.
Honey West #8 - wow, that would be a cool twist to the story! I was wondering, how this father-daughter relationship would work out, in case Red turns out to be her father and she finds out about it. I mean, with all she had to deal with and lots of it directly connected to Red. And Red not telling her the truth for such a long time although she asked for it. How could she simply accept that and just continue working with Red on Blacklisters - I mean, that would be kind of strange. Now with your theory... by the way - is that just a guess, that Liz is there and will watch Red being sedated and everything? I've seen the promo, but didn't
make that connection. Although it would perfectly make sense... I mean, Kirk would be able to hurt them both by forcing Red to tell the truth, which he wanted to keep from her and have Liz watch everything.
Looking forward to watching the episode tomorrow and find out if you hit the mark! :-)
Well, Danamee, that is all just an idea. I never saw any evidence that Liz was there at the same time as Red was being interrogated. We know she was there at some point, though. And the way Kirk keeps telling her that things are "her choice", to save him or not, to stay or go, etc. makes me think that he might tell her she is free to go, but if I was Liz, and knowing the answers was so all-consuming important to me, I would probably stay. Maybe she would think she might be able to help Red, maybe she would be in hiding. But I keep thinking that if they say that Liz gets the answers then she must be present in order for that to happen because I doubt that Kirk would call her on the phone later and tell her what Red said. Or maybe he would. LOL! One thing I am sure of is that whatever they come up with it will be far better than anything I can think of! And there will be a twist we didn't see coming and it will all have been part of some plan of Red's in the end.
Honey West - thanks for sharing your thoughts! You know, it makes sense that if Liz is to get her answers, she needs to be there, whether Kirk knows or not (she could maybe sneak around or hide), I didn't think of that! Haha, yeah Kirk is not going to call her and Red is for sure not going to tell her.
I"m hoping that this is all a plan of Red's, or part of it - and lets not forget what Dr. Shaw is supposed to be working on/who she is supposed to be finding for Red. interesting!
Re Cape May I think its very possible that Red was there when Katarina walked into the water - perhaps that's why he is so distraught there and that scene repeated itself in Cape May. No matter what he did, he could not save her, she ended up evading him and walking into the water and he could not find her.
Edited to add: and it would make sense that Red would go there after LIz's "death" if that was the last place he knew and saw Katarina.
Last edited by lara1 (11/10/2016 8:48 pm)
My current theory of everything.
Raymond is either genetically engineered or genetically enhanced in some way: he can withstand huge amounts of pain and mind-altering drugs. Perhaps he was designed to be an elite spy or super soldier by American interests (Maybe one with Cabal connections?) or maybe he was designed by Russians and stolen by the Americans (Cabal?). Raymond was not the only product of this program, which I call Program X, but perhaps he is one of the most successful ones because he survived to adulthood. And it may be that his days are limited because of the genetic enhancements, plus he knows that he will only live to age 65 or so (or whatever), so that is his main motivation to "do it now" rather than bide his time. Also, Lizze is now an adult.
Program X (or a similar one) produced KR ("We can recognize each other" -- paraphrase from Cape May) and maybe some of the embros/children were stolen and came into the Major's hands, of which Tom is one, a subsequent generation. Tom's mother may have donated some of her own genetic material or may have just carried Tom. In any case, Raymond and Tom know a certain amount about each other's true backgrounds but not the whole story. Tom doesn't not know the whole story about Liz.
Back to Raymond. He grew up as part of a family and had a somewhat "normal" upbringing (unlike Tom) and went into the Navy. He graduated, married (perhaps Naomi's sister, some "normal" woman?), and had a "normal" daughter. At some point, he was recruited into intelligence. One of the assignments was KR, maybe to steal her for a time so that one of her eggs could be implanted with some of Raymond's DNA, as well as additional genes, to create the next generation of enhanced agents. Thus, although Raymond is one of the fathers, he isn't the father ("Are you my father?' "It's complicated"). Raymond brought Lizzie back to the US, had her memories wiped, and placed her with Sam.
"Something" political happened, and the Cabal (or Project X employees) started eating their own, and Raymond's family was murdered. Maybe Naomi's husband was also killed in the same time period.
At that point, Raymond was deeply depressed and married Naomi, maybe after a one weekend stand, and adopted her daughter, Jennifer. A year or so later, either Raymond went deep cover and became Red ("Everything about me is a lie") or he went rogue from his supporters and became Red the super criminal.
And maybe that happened fire night. Lizzie "killed" Raymond and Red was born that night.
Or -- as some have speculated in the past -- Raymond Reddington and Agent X were two different people. Agent X became Raymond Reddington (via plastic surgery) after Fire Night.
He divorced Naomi, who was happy to leave. Before he divorced Naomi, he probably had Lizzie staying at their house (maybe while her memories were being wiped). That's how Naomi knows all about Lizzie.
I also think Red fell deeply in love with KR. Lizzie represents the one piece of her he still has.
Ballerina girl is KR. Bubble girl is Lizzie.
I'll also throw in at this point that Alan Fitch could have been Raymond's uncle, which is why he knew him so well. Perhaps Mr. Kaplan is Fitch's estranged sister, and she went to Red's side because she held a grudge against the Cabal.
To the best of Red's knowledge, KR killed herself, but he finds out later that she didn't, Part of the reason Red may have saved Kirk was to draw off KR, who wants Red dead for whatever reason.
And I realize there are a few holes in here, mainly the timing, but these ideas help explain Red's motivation.
Last edited by IowaWatcher (11/12/2016 1:49 pm)
Iowa Watcher - I"m glad you brought up the genetic factor with Red again. Because we still don't know what makes Liz so special, whether she has the warrior gene, whether Red does, whether one or both of them are "programmed" in some way whether as assassins or other etc. And I keep thinking there has to be a genetic manipulation angle somewhere....
I loved the fall finale but the one thing that disappointed me was that I continue to think that it can't be that simple, that Liz is just the daughter of Red and Katarina and the product of an affair between them. Its too simple, not complicated, in a way.
I have been thinking what Red whispered to Kirk. That Katarina is alive makes the most sense in some respects, and from a plot perspective, introduces a new theme. But it doesn't add up with what Red has previously said and what he experienced at Cape May. I didn't think he thought anything other than she had committed suicide....but anyway...back to Kirk
I wonder if what Red whispered to him was something about Red or Liz - either who Red really is, his mission, or why Liz is special. Something that was his fall back position and would never otherwise say to anyone. But it would have to be something that Kirk would understand. So a reaon to let Red live, rather than a reason for Kirk to live. Or maybe just that Kirk has another child out there, one he didn't know about.
Well go off track a little bit. I liked reading your theory. I still need to re-watch the episode so I'm holding back on any other theories of my own lil then LOL.
Last edited by lara1 (11/12/2016 4:05 pm)
You're right, Lana. Whatever Red whispered might be something else. I like the "another child" idea.
Yeah, I'm sure it's more complicated than KR and Red had a baby.
Loved reading your theory of everything, Iowa Watcher # 12! Good thinking and good expressing of it.
Yes, we have all of that genetic stuff, and adoption and surrogate stuff and medical stuff and spy stuff and somehow, it is all tied together. Maybe it's more like Katarina didn't accidentally get pregnant. Sure they had an affair, but maybe her pregnancy was no accident and she resented it and was furious about it. And outside forces pressured her to keep her baby. We may never know the exact circumstances, we only have what Red told Liz about her mother's pregnancy and reaction to it. And how does Kate Kaplan figure into things as she seems to have known Liz as an infant? That would seem to say that she and possibly Red were around when Liz was tiny baby. Yet the Rostovs raised her for her first four years. So when did Constantin start to suspect that Red was her father and had the paternity test done (which was faked by Katarina, apparently)? We are back to one answer spawning many more questions. LOL!
Honey West - all good questions! At least we know 2 things: that Liz was with the Rostovs until the age of 4, so we know she was taken at around the time of the fire and not as an infant. At least we got that sorted! I was thinking if Red placed Liz in Kaplan's arms as an infant, maybe she was the caretaker, or a caretaker at the summer palace. But what confused me about that is that the woman there (forget her name) said she had taken over from her mother 9 years ago, I think. and I got the impression that Kate had been working for Red for more than 9 years. But we don't know - I just got the impression that she helped look after Liz until she went to Sam - so not sure she would have still been at the summer palace until only 9 years ago. but who knows?
The second thing that we got (I think) is that it was Red who took Liz away. Although he never answered Konstantin on that point. It kind of fits in with the fire night fight. Yet Konstantin said that he came home one day and his wife and child were gone. That got me thinking......unless Katarina left immediately after Red and Liz, she either willingly went with Red (though that is not what the fire argument tells us) or perhaps some really wild thing like both Katarina and Liz were taken by someone else with evil intentions and Red "saved" Liz - was that his Hobson's choice? That doesn't fit entirely either! oh well, time to cook dinner!
Last edited by lara1 (11/12/2016 5:59 pm)
LOL! lara1 #16. So many new questions spawned by that one big answer.
Yes, I think it is pretty clear that Red was the one who took Masha away. Maybe Constantin had found her journal and threatened to get violent over it? And Red was worried about Katarina's ability to protect her? Or there was a third party who found out about all of it and threatened to expose Red as a traitor over his affair with a Soviet spy? Somehow the Fulcrum was involved. I think Red probably took it to use against that third party to make them go away, threatening to expose them if they didn't stop threatening to expose him and also Katarina's role in everything. They may have eventually called his bluff and come after it. I think there was a lot of blackmail and attempted blackmail going on back then. After all, Red had been compromised by Katarina. He was one of those "intelligence personnel" that she had seduced and gotten secrets out of, as he told Kirk. So how long did Red try to keep that a secret? He faced dire consequences. And her bosses certainly knew all about it, maybe they were the ones blackmailing him. And it could have been "we've got a job for you to do, you steal the Fulcrum for us and we will leave you alone." It probably would have been resolved simply except for the complication of little Elizabeth in their lives. Maybe they also threatened her.
Another thing I think we can probably say happened is that it was Red that was shot by Liz the night of the fire. He even said that there should never have been a gun there for a small child to grab. And it would totally explain that scene in the diner when she pulled a gun on him.
As to when he had to make that Hobson's Choice? That's a good question. It could have been the night of the fire, or it could have been later, when Katarina supposedly committed suicide. If she's dead, then maybe she was planning to take Masha with her. And if Red was present at Cape May, maybe that's what he told Kirk.
Thanks for your kind words, HoneyWest. Sleep does help!
As for the questions the reveal spawned, yes . . . one answer did generate a gazillion new questions.
I need to rewatch the first episode again.
Honey West #17 - that all makes sense!
Iowa Watcher, I was just thinking that same thing - I need to watch the Pilot again, too.
lara1, it was a lot of things that we had sort of discussed on the old board. Now we have a little more information for putting some of those ideas together. But there's still a lot we don't know. The EPs have said when they come back in January that they are going in a new exciting direction, now that the Kirk story arc is over. Maybe we will be getting back to the Map of Doom and what is coming up with the 2017 thing? They really haven't talked much about that stuff for a long time.