Lara- it was more the shape that made me think ballet. The ruffle part threw me off because like you said, ballet shoes don’t generally have them. Then it made me wonder if it was elastic that had worn over time, like a slipper? But I still can’t tell what is at the other end.
Brittany - yes, I am thinking the same thing - the more elastic type fabric around the inside parameter that degraded, having sort of puckering effect. Since I did that last post, I looked up vintage ballet slippers and saw one or two photos were the shoes were quite old, and that sort of effect had started to happen. If its a shoe that is.
Did anyone happen to see what she was wearing when she had her bathrobe on and he came up behind her with the ax? She had it on 2 times. Were they possibly slippers that were similar?
Eastcoast - Katarina was wearing slippers with the robe in Cape May. But they're not the kind that look like ballet slippers. They appear to be white terrycloth slides with nothing covering the heel.
Thank you tuxie. Since your on a roll do you remember what she wore in McGrath? I know she had on silky looking pjs that looked very nice. I think she was shown 2 times writing in her diary.
I will say I think it's just really weird that Red is shown with an axe behind his back looking as creepy as i have ever seen him and we have a chopped up body in a suitcase.
Katarina's feet are not shown in either Miles McGrath imagining. She does have footwear in Liz's remembering of the time capsule burial in Mato. She's wearing tan platform sandals.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (12/25/2017 11:49 am)
Well I don't have any new insights about the suitcase, but I did re-watch Ivan the other night and the computer program that "Ivan" stole was called The Skeleton Key. That made me smile. I don't think that the idea of a skeleton in a suitcase had been conceived way back then but the show is to a certain extent about skeletons in closets, IMO.
So, just for fun - the theme of the episode was unrequited love and infatuation. It's also the episode where Liz finds out that her husband has a different identity, Tom has to destroy his wall of clues. Also, when Red gives the music box the Liz. And I realized that the tune, "Anniversary Waltz" was a reference to dance. I hadn't made that link before as I was focused on the song itself. I believe its the third reference by Red to dancing by that point in the series.
Last edited by lara1 (1/02/2018 10:38 pm)
Even though I said a couple of months ago that I wasn't going to think anymore about who is in the suitcase, I did as I've been rewatching the series. I haven't come up with anything more about whose bones are in the suitcase. But with a show so rich in symbolism, I've thought about the symbolism of this plot. Most people have "skeletons in their closets" but Red doesn't have a home, so you could never find his closet. As someone who is always traveling, his skeletons would most likely be in a suitcase.
Recently, having considered the whole Blacklist may be someone's long dream in a coma or represent a journey of the unconscious, I started to look at the dream symbolism of this suitcase plot. I found some things that might apply. Dreams about luggage, for instance, may symbolize the emotional baggage you carry from your past into your current relationships. Seeing bones in a dream warns that someone is deceitful or treacherous. It also suggests you are trying to discover your personal or family secrets. Losing a suitcase can symbolize a request to let go of the past issues you are carrying around. To see a skeleton in a dream can symbolize getting back to your core essence.
I've also thought about how some of the great TV series of our time have ended as they began. In the beginning, Raymond Reddington gave up a different kind of carrying case - a briefcase - with all the aliases he previously used. Could this series be poised to end with Red surrendering the case with his main alias - that of Raymond Reddington?
Tuxie400 - of course I loved reading your post! LOL.
Its interesting because in Ivan and the Skeleton Key plot, Tom tries to keep Liz from finding out that he is living as her husband in a fabricated identity. Killing Jolene was part of it, he tears down his wall of clues, and of course he ends up punching Liz to the ground and running out to keep her from seeing him, and to a certain extent, who he really is. Of course I see a parallel to Red, who of course would never punch Liz but who is going to great lengths to keep the suitcase from her and maybe his real identity and that he is not her father.....just some ideas.
In the prior episode, Mako Tanida, Tanida's brother was killed while he was captured, and someone from the FBI task force took over his identity and role in the Tanida syndicate. Another parallel if you think about the imposter theory. A government agent who takes on the identity of a criminal....
I like your idea of matching the "end" with the "beginning". There are also a lot of scenes where Red is carrying a black bag or case...including in Cape May. Interesting idea.....
Last edited by lara1 (1/03/2018 2:47 pm)
Tuxie400 wrote:
In the beginning, Raymond Reddington gave up a different kind of carrying case - a briefcase - with all the aliases he previously used. Could this series be poised to end with Red surrendering the case with his main alias - that of Raymond Reddington?
This is fantastic Tuxie. I hadn't even thought to look back at the first episode. But the opening scene is emblazoned in my mind. It was designed that way. The briefcase was a prominent image too. Wow, I never thought about the suitcase/briefcase.
I suspect we can find more clues in the last part of season 4... whatever happened to all those dead bodies and the guy who was going to 'uncover' it all? Those dead bodies and their images are important.
Tatiana - Good question about what happened to all those bodies and Agent Gale. His investigation was shut down by Laurel Hitchins, but who knows about the bodies. Would they even have enough space to keep them all for evidence?
Interesting thoughts Tatiana and Tuxie400. You know its interesting, because sometimes when I looked at that suitcase, it reminded me more of a very large briefcase, the structure, dimensions and shape of it, as well as I think it has a digital lock if I recall correctly. Its not a briefcase its too large, but it does seem, to me, like a larger version of a briefcase.......
Well still no new theories on the skeleton, but I re-watched Milton Bobbitt tonight and totally forgot about the scene with Red and Vlad, where Red seeks him out to help with touch DNA from Craig's fingerprints - Vlad is a scientist and professor, he is examining a broken skeleton when Red goes to see him for help. There are also around half a dozen skeletons being studied by others on examination tables.
I didn't really pick up on thoughts from this, but I did add stuff to the parallel and numbers list, maybe someone else will have an idea.
I thought the suitcase looked large when MR. K was holding it but she is a small person. Maybe its the size of the person that makes it look smaller?
So, as I rewatch any episode I am looking at shoes, lol. I have gotten behind from all this snow!
Is there 1 or 2 episodes where Red watches the home movies? I remember The Front, but is there another one?
A friend brought up Naomi so we were discussing if Naomi could be in there instead of KR and KR might have took over her identity. But I cant seam to make it work with what we know. On the other hand we never know if what we know is correct. I cannot make Jennifer fit into that idea.
Eastcoast - The only episode I know of where Red watches home movies is The Front.
For the last couple of days, I've been questioning whether the bones could be a child, which is bananas because I've never been in on the theory of there having been two kids there at the fire. I've wondered if Liz's memory of shooting someone could have been that second child instead of her father, like she has believed since season 2. The child's existence could have been glossed over or intentionally hidden for whatever reason. I'm not in the belief that Red isn't really RR, but I've wondered if Red and Carla could have had a child older than Jennifer or if Red had a child with someone else in his younger days, but perhaps there isn't a major link to him for some reason (his name wasn't on the birth certificate, it primarily lived with its mother, etc). Or if it could have been someone else's child (maybe someone who was working with Red?) that was shot and Red has not only wanted to protect Liz from the memory of shooting a child, but to protect her from revenge of the parent(s) of that child? It's definitely out of my normal line of thinking and will probably go away. lol
I just can't quite figure out how threatened Red feels by the contents of this suitcase outside of his relationship with Liz. Especially since he can't seem to offer up a good reason not to be honest with her, even after they've lost Kaplan and Baz and his business was ruined. That seems to be the only concern he has ever really shown besides people getting killed so someone else could get to it. Garvey thinks he can blackmail him with it, which makes me think it is something bigger than Red's own dead child. But maybe not.
Last edited by Brittany (1/07/2018 9:58 am)
Brittany - On my initial viewing of the season 4 finale, I thought the bones looked like they belonged to a young teen or small woman. They've never struck me as a man's bones until recently. And now, more and more, I've been thinking they are the real Raymond Reddington. I think the longer this mystery goes on, the more theories we're willing to consider.
I know we've all looked over the bones (like that questionable shoe thing), but I've made myself stop looking at things that have been blown up or are zoomed in from the background because it isn't realistic that we as the viewers could be expected to be doing still frames and blowing up pictures to get answers. I don't think the bones are supposed to be able to tell us much of anything except that there is a body in there. They changed props between the season 4 finale and the season 5 premiere so any conclusions we can get from one set are likely negated by another . So I'm not going off of the look of the remains, but by the possibilities that would elicit his behavior along with being a reason why he would need to enter her life when he did. But I'm still not in the camp of it being a "real Raymond Reddington". We've already been told he doesn't have DNA on file from prior to his disappearance. Garvey seeming to have no idea who Liz is or any care about her already makes me think the CODIS search didn't bring up a genetic connection to her (from either parent) and it isn't public knowledge that Liz is RR's daughter.
Hi Eascoast, nice to hear from you. And thanks for updating the writer's list!
On the home movies, I have trouble thinking that is Katarina in the home movies. Because KR doesn't seem the floaty, flowery dress type. We've seen her in jeans, pants, sweaters and the like, even in silk pajamas (which may or may not feed into the Rederina theory). But one thing I think, is that the home movies are real, so whoever that mother and child are, they are related and real. Not that its saying much, LOL.