The Blacklist Refugees

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11/16/2017 2:58 pm  #121

Re: The Suitcase

Stackman - I posted the other day about thinking the bones could be Liz's real mother, who is not Katarina. I still think the real Reddington is a very viable option.


11/16/2017 4:24 pm  #122

Re: The Suitcase

Brittany wrote:

I wonder how Kaplan’s plans have been screwed up by Tom going off script?  Was he supposed to be referred to Oleander via Dennison after he gave Liz the bones and then it would just involve Liz?  Was she ever anticipating any of this?  Would she have done it this way?  JB said her not knowing about the Red-Liz DNA test would impact things.  Was this what he meant?

Brittany- my take on it is that Kapan did not anticipate Liz finding out that Red is her father. I think that Tom was all set to tell Liz - he brought the case into the apt and had something to tell  her -
and seemed to change his mind when Liz said, guess what, Red is my father.   Thats my take, anyway.

Last edited by lara1 (11/16/2017 4:26 pm)


11/16/2017 4:32 pm  #123

Re: The Suitcase

Well i still think there were two girls, KR was the mother to one but not the other. So its possible KR was not Liz's mother. 

I do think Garvey knows about fire night or if he is working on behalf of someone, that person does. We havent seen him making any calls to his "boss" so im thinking he is the big bad. And i dont think Red knows who he is. At least he didnt 10 months ago. The two never spoke. Unless red's spy took photos which is entirely possible

Im really looking forward to where this goes next

Last edited by lara1 (11/16/2017 4:33 pm)


11/16/2017 8:06 pm  #124

Re: The Suitcase

I was looking back at some of the dialogue from Garvey when he's talking to Tom about the suitcase.  He talks about the number of people who "would want" the suitcase.  He doesn't say just 'want' as though there were people actively searching for it, but would want and would do anything to get to it specifically.   As in, if they knew it existed they would want it and they would want the bones in particular, not just the power over Red.   So did the search results just drop into Garvey's lap?  Or had he been waiting for those specific results to show up someday?   He talked about Red’s power being legendary.  Is he not in the know on Red’s empire being torn apart by Kaplan or is he aware that while Red might be less wealthy, he’s still very powerful? 

And I feel more confused than ever about whose remains they are. Reddington doesn't have DNA in CODIS (they talked about this in Gregory Devry when Fred showed up, not to mention Cooper wouldn't have needed to go to evidence to get a DNA sample if it already on file).  Katarina Rostova most likely wouldn't have had DNA in CODIS because she was always considered to be a myth.  Unless her DNA was given to searchers by Kirk when she went missing in Cape May and it was later put into CODIS once the missing persons part was established (which wasn't until 2000, so not especially likely, but can't rule it out).  She could still be a possibility, but I can't understand why anyone would care about her remains, unless there was something special about her DNA (that is now passed on to Liz and Agnes).  I don't know if Jennifer Reddington would have had DNA in CODIS...she was in WITSEC, but not a convicted felon.  And if they used the family connection and it identified someone genetically related to Elizabeth Keen, I think Garvey would have known who she was and been interested in her, even if just to leverage against Red.  Tom believed he had figured things out, so it must be someone whose name he is familiar with.  But does that mean Liz is necessarily familiar with the name? Tom ran in different circles than her. The name could mean something to him, but nothing to Liz without context (thus perhaps the need for Oleander). 

I don't believe that Garvey necessarily cares about the contents of the case, but his ability to hold it over Red.  From his dialogue, it seems like others would want the specific contents, not just the knowledge.  He wants to use it to make Red do his bidding.  Which if he were actively threatening Liz or Agnes would make sense because he would know Red would do anything for them, but he doesn't seem to know about them or who Liz is.  Even though her ID was used to run the CODIS search, she is widely known as Masha Rostova, the FBI agent who is the daughter of a Russian spy who shot the attorney general.  He seemed oblivious to her in general, not just that he didn't know she's the daughter of Raymond Reddington and Katarina Rostova.  I get why Red called it the GD suitcase at the end of season 4.   And what specifically does it have to do with what Red did to Katarina if it isn't actually her?   I feel like a dog chasing its tail.

Last edited by Brittany (11/16/2017 8:06 pm)


11/16/2017 9:08 pm  #125

Re: The Suitcase

Brittany - I agree its quite obscure.  My thought was to let it sit for a few days then come back to it and re-watch the last episode as well, and the last two Kaplan episodes.

I was wondering about Garvey and Liz also.  I don't think he knew much about Tom, I'm not even sure he was looking for him particularly.  They found him through Tom looking for and finding Pete.  He didn't know Tom knew Red (I don't think), Tom offered up the lie of working for Red in order to save himself.  So I don't think Garvey knew who Tom's wife was, not her name nor what she looked like particularly.  Because he didn't know who Tom was and that there was a connection.  Well, that's my best guess anyway.  I could be wrong.  I really do need to go back and re-watch because the episode last night was so intense and moved so fast, I'm sure there is stuff I missed or didn't notice.  


11/16/2017 9:17 pm  #126

Re: The Suitcase

It's frustrating we don't have more clues on the body in the suitcase. But I'm not going to spend any more time on it. Even Ryan Eggold, who was given some idea of who it was so he could act appropriately in his scenes, predicts the writers will likely change who it is as time goes on. Did you read the EW interview with him?

Last edited by Tuxie400 (12/09/2017 1:04 pm)


11/16/2017 9:38 pm  #127

Re: The Suitcase

Yes, I did.  Which only served as confirmation for me that they probably have a couple of options in mind in case they have to wrap up things more quickly than they would like . But I still get sucked into trying to figure it out.  Lol


11/16/2017 9:54 pm  #128

Re: The Suitcase

Brittany - You are probably right about the couple of options. I just don't think we have any more to go on now than we did at the end of Season 4. I do understand the obsession with trying to figure out this show. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours thinking about the BL and I still don't know what this show is all about.  But I do love that it makes us look for patterns, connections and clues.


11/16/2017 9:56 pm  #129

Re: The Suitcase

Yes I agree that the story is always evolving.  And they did tell Ryan a direction only, and only part of what they were thinking (according to what he said).  I tend to think they will continue to work on where it ultimately lands, but I think there are only so many things it could be.  So the identity may be known just not the entire backstory, like how they (the bones) got to where they were, where were they before, who was responsible, etc.  And we'll continue to get clues on it as the Season progresses.  

Who knows what they will do.  Ryan may have also been deliberately vague, who knows about that also!   I do think we will find out by the end of the season, LOL!  

To me its starting to be like the fire memories, we don't know enough to make definitive judgments on what happened or who said what.  Or who is being carted around in a sports bag.  

In the meantime, we have each other!  

Last edited by lara1 (11/16/2017 9:57 pm)


11/16/2017 10:09 pm  #130

Re: The Suitcase

I told myself I was going to rest my brain about it during hiatus because the only thing overthinking will accomplish is likely getting further from the answers and making me crazy.


11/17/2017 9:53 am  #131

Re: The Suitcase

Brittany wrote:

I told myself I was going to rest my brain about it during hiatus because the only thing overthinking will accomplish is likely getting further from the answers and making me crazy.

LOL! How's that going for you Brittany???

Guess I've re-entered the insanity of addiction.

I've long had a sense that 'Red' is fake Red, Fred? and that the bones are really Raymond Reddington's. Which begs the question: who is the real Raymond.

I have to re-watch this episode to see Tom's reaction when he opens the "DNA REPORT"... 
@HoneyWest, I laughed out loud when I saw that too... I mean really? Do they think their audience is that dumb we wouldn't know what the report was?


"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington

11/17/2017 11:01 am  #132

Re: The Suitcase

Well, I'm here, so you can probably figure it out.  LOL!

And I think the assumption Tom made (like many people have) is that Red is responsible for the death of the person in the suitcase.  He very well could be, but it could also be that he had nothing to do with it, just discovered the person after they had died and buried them or is actively seeking to hide the remains for other reasons that suit his purpose. 


11/17/2017 11:10 am  #133

Re: The Suitcase

Lol!  Good thing we have this addict support group!   😁

My latest thought ( since yesterday lol) is that the remains are probably not an unknown person in that they have to at least be in the realm of Tom being able to piece that identity to other info he did know and that he then knew “everything”.

And just an aside, the moment Tom said that to Red I immediately thought of when Liz said that to Red after shooting Connolly. I don’t think Liz remembered “everything”. And maybe Tom didn’t figure out “everything” either. Or came to a wrong conclusion. Not that it matters. Just an interesting parallel. 😊


11/17/2017 1:28 pm  #134

Re: The Suitcase

I am back to the value of the bones.  And whether they have any value to anyone else, but most valuable to Red.  I think he may have even said as such to Tom

I kind of think of its as another insurance policy of his, a kind of "break glass" for emergency use only if he ever needed it - like the idea of the fulcrum, and the box buried in Dom's garage.  But basically to be buried and hidden from all.  Otherwise, why not just destroy them if they are that incriminating?


11/17/2017 2:20 pm  #135

Re: The Suitcase

I have thought of that as well, though Red said they were supposed to have stayed lost to the sands of time.  Not destroying the bones to me either signifies a major emotional attachment or Fulcrum-type stature.  He seems very dispassionate about the suitcase, except that it can't be taken to Liz.  He calls it the 'goddamn suitcase' and sits on it while waiting for Dembe to check out the house.  But we also saw him being that way about Liz in the beginning. Not because he didn't care what happened, but because he was afraid of showing too much emotion and giving away his hand.  


11/17/2017 3:44 pm  #136

Re: The Suitcase

Hello to Everyone!

I'm obsessed with the suitcase bones too - thanks for making a separate discussion thread for it.

I'm wondering if the bones have historical significance, beyond TBL. Last night I destroyed my data plan reading up on famous missing persons. There were a couple cases about toddlers kidnapped from a beach, but nothing else paralleled TBL.

Given the ongoing royalty theme, could the bones be from a deceased prince or princess, a child of Tzar Nicholas II? In reality, all of the Tzar's children were murdered, but maybe in TBL world, the DNA of their remains were altered or faked. I'm sill intrigued by the idea that Anastasia or Masha (I think here real name was Maria but Masha was her nickname) survived, thus continuing the royal lineage. Dom, then Katarina, are part of the lineage, making Liz and Agnes princesses. It's a stretch, but a fun one :-)

Perhaps Dom is isolated for his own safety. Maybe there are people today who would still want the Tzar's line wiped out, for political reasons. At the very least there must be a fortune that the Tzar's descendants could rightfully claim from Russia.

Like Dom, maybe Red wants to keep the royal lineage secret to keep Liz and Agnes safe. But if Tom read the DNA results, he might think only about a financial windfall, not realizing the bigger picture. It reminds me of when Tom's Dad died (fake died) and he was asked to go to New York. Liz encouraged him to go, saying maybe Dad left him an inheritance.

Queen Elizabeth, King Tom, and Princess Agnes...

"I'm happy you're happy. Eat your pie."

11/17/2017 8:40 pm  #137

Re: The Suitcase

Colleen, interesting thought.  And I found the reference by the Major to "Queen Elizabeth" to Tom interesting.

I think that other than someone that Tom knows about, in order to connect the dots and know "everything", it would have to be someone very very well known, to whom a connection is then obvious.  Because he pieced it together quickly and didn't hesitate that he should share that info with Liz.  (But who knows what that would have really done, the possession of what could be dangerous information - if Tom never knew about the danger of it.)


11/17/2017 11:16 pm  #138

Re: The Suitcase

I posted this on another thread, but it really belongs here since it’s a bones article. We're not the only ones going nuts over this stuff!

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

11/18/2017 12:40 am  #139

Re: The Suitcase

Maybe it’s Jimmy Hoffa? Or Mata Hari. Not to mention D. B. Cooper or Amelia Earhart. Lots of famous missing bodies out there, apparently.

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

11/18/2017 6:57 am  #140

Re: The Suitcase

Honey West- if anyone could hide people, it would be our Red.  Lol

Oddity that may or may not be explained:  the tag on the suitcase had the Keens address on it so it wasn’t hard for Garvey to find Tom.  But it is also addressed to Liz.  Her ID is the one used to run the CODIS search, yet Garvey seems not to know who Liz is, doesn’t appear to care or question why her name was involved.  🤔


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