The Blacklist Refugees

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11/07/2017 3:49 pm  #1

5.08 Ian Garvey photos

Naturally, they’re not going to show everything! But I wonder if Red will be forced to make another Hobson’s Choice? Plus I was thinking that if Tom is killed, will that be something that pushes Liz over the edge into Reds World and will parallel how he got to where he ended up?

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

11/07/2017 4:27 pm  #2

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

Some people have noticed the bald guy has a similar ring to the one on the man who put Liz in the closet in Luther Braxton. There's no straight-on shot to tell if it's a red ring or not.


11/08/2017 12:18 am  #3

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

Tuxie400 - I saw that.  And if this is supposed to be a mega episode maybe ring man does come back. And we never knew if "ring man" was really "Daddy".  heheh


11/11/2017 11:01 am  #4

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

New photo on Tv insider shows Tom is the one who sets those cars on fire.

Here's the link:


11/11/2017 2:51 pm  #5

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

So is Tom a "man who would burn down the world to save those he loves"? And will Red respect that?

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."
     Thread Starter

11/11/2017 6:16 pm  #6

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

very intrigued.  need to think on this some more (because I don't already think enough about things, LOL!)


11/13/2017 2:07 am  #7

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

Tuxie I saw that.  The other pics made me think that Tom got away from them for a bit before they got him again.  It shows Ian G. going in their apartment. Maybe that is when Red catches up with them. They show them going to the hospital. I am guessing Tom might be ok?
 I personally think he keeps things interesting. I don't always like how they have treated each other but I think Tom and Liz have good chemistry on the show.  

​HW,  That is what I was thinking. They are alike in many ways.  I think Red is coming to terms with that.  Tom just wants her to have the truth because he knows it is important to her.  Like us,  he does not realize why? 
IF Red could just be honest with her like Dembe has been telling him a lot of this could be avoided.  He said to tell her the truth, all of it.  

  I thought it was a good line for the writers to give Tom that family secrets always come out.  Some of his did. Of course we are still waiting for the writers to blend in the rest of Tom's story.......

There was an interesting question shared by TPTB, I think on FB. 
​"Who else thinks that these bones could belong to the 'real' Red from long ago and that Katarina Killed him? " 
I just thought it was interesting that they shared it. Probably to do what lara1 just said. We need more things to tink  about. lol

Just a few more days.......

It's a shame you have no crackers  

11/13/2017 8:41 am  #8

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

Eastcoast - I saw that question that TPTB posted.  I think a lot of people have wondered if RR killed Katarina, but very few have wondered if Katarina killed him. I think they posted it because it was such a different take on the situation.


11/15/2017 1:19 am  #9

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

OK, so in the newest clip, Red is fixing up Tom's bullet wound.  Am I wrong, or is that THE suitcase in the opening frame?  If so they got it back somehow.  And maybe Garvey comes back to swipe it again.

Just as an aside, it still doesn't look like its been buried for 30 years.  It looks quite pristine for having been buried.  So I wonder if, like I've been thinking, its only been buried a few years.  Or, maybe not buried at all - maybe Kaplan dug up bones and then put them in a suitcase.  Doesn't explain why the name tag had water stains on it though.  Maybe that was a red herring.  But I'm guessing from Red's dialogue with various characters that its the suitcase itself that was dug up.  Not buried very long then.  Like the bones themselves.  hmmm


11/15/2017 2:26 am  #10

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

lara1,  It looks like it to me!  I was thinking she could have added that tag to it.  Since it was their secret maybe they have had to move it around a few times or maybe they got it from someone else at another time. Maybe they didn't always have it.  

From putting all the clips together I have seen, it seams in one Tom get away because he is running in a woods and looks like he is shooting someone?  Looks like he was sitting on some bloody plastic in the woods. 
He must get away because he is looking at papers he got telling him what the bones are about and is talking to Red on the phone.  
​Now we see him in what looks like that house with Red fixing a wound. I gather this is the house where we see Tom torching the cars. 
​At some point Red is going to come in with guns, and then we see Tom and Liz in the hospital.  

I read the interview of JB, and he said we will not know who the bones belong to but will know more about them? 


It's a shame you have no crackers  

11/15/2017 3:27 am  #11

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

JB also said it would be clear what happens to Tom. The way I see it is that Red either kills Tom or saves him. Either way it would be a game changer since if he lives, Tom knows things. But I would think that maybe when Tom finds out, he probably will understand why Liz can’t know about the bones. Does he then become an uneasy ally of Red's, knowing some deep dark secret that he also has to protect? Meanwhile his disappearance forces Liz to go searching for him and, it seems, puts her in grave danger. Liz and Tom both seem to be on gurneys, all bloody, in some of the photos. I wonder why the flashback to their original wedding? Tom's life flashing before his eyes? Or was there an important clue way back then that becomes apparent?

Either way, I really think the story becomes more intriguing if Tom lives. I love the Tom and Red scenes, the Cat and mouse, tiptoeing around while circling one another, all built around the Fulcrum that is Liz. I would miss those. Red needs a major ally aside from Dembe. But not an FBI person like Cooper, he needs someone like Tom. I read that Red and Tom are sitting in the backseat of a car at some point, with the suitcase between them. In one of the photos Tom is in the backseat while Red is shooting at someone? I think that’s what I remember. So if he’s back there with the suitcase and Red doesn’t kill him (at that point Tom is dressed in dark clothes and not too beat up), maybe that means that it’s not Red who tries to kill him. Anyway, the City promo has Tom sitting in a chair, all beat up and duct taped, looking for all the world like bait for a trap. Liz comes in and a couple of men look like they grab her. Was she the one they were waiting for or did she spring a trap set for Red? And doesn’t Tom look like he did after Zamani paid him a visit back in the pilot?

Anyhow, we will see tomorrow what all the photos mean. It’s going to be so tempting to check in here before we see it out West, but I will do my best! I don’t think we will be disappointed, though.

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."
     Thread Starter

11/15/2017 8:35 am  #12

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

I've already told my mother that if my digital antenna is acting a fool tonight that I'm coming to her house to watch live (she just lives around the corner, so it isn't much of a trip).  My daughter gets to stay up a half hour later. I don't think she'll mind.  I'm so anxious for this fall finale. It's a good thing I'm taking next week matter what happens tonight, I'm going to need a vacation to recover. LOL


11/15/2017 11:15 am  #13

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

Interesting thoughts!

Yes, what does the wedding flashback mean.  (personally I now have had enough of Liz and tom's "weddings" but I digress).    

then a wild thought popped into my head.  I was thinking at one point that Tom was undercover and the current marriage to Liz was "fake" like the first one.  But then with all the suitcase stuff, its clear he wants to get/keep the case and find out for Liz.  What if KR is alive and he's been hired by KR to "protect" Liz.  It also opens the thought that Kaplan was as well.  I don't know though, its probably unlikely.  

But the "first" wedding and the "current" wedding parallel - in the first, Tom was working for Berlin to keep Liz close and get to Red - in the "second" "real" wedding - what if its the same, but for someone else?

Probably not.  LOL. 


11/15/2017 4:42 pm  #14

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

For those who are interested, it seems that Ryan is doing Twitter Q&A at 7:30pmET tonight.


11/15/2017 7:55 pm  #15

Re: 5.08 Ian Garvey photos

I am wondering 2 things.
That either Tom thinks he is dying (cant bring myself to say that yet) and is having flashbacks, or maybe Red is talking to him about why it is important for Liz not to know so that he can understand why it could hurt her. 
 But who knows? After this we will probably all be shaking our heads!

It's a shame you have no crackers  

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