What do you all think are the chances of renewal at this point? From a couple of the websites that look at this stuff, one has Blacklist listed as "in danger of cancellation" and another has it on the fence. The latter argued that while ratings are down somewhat, the fact that Netflix pays $2 million per episode for it helps it.
In terms of story line, I don't think Blacklist has a lot left to it (another 1-2 seasons at most), but I think it could pull off at least one more season. In terms of renewal, I think it will probably depend on what direction the show takes as we get into the B-block. I've been a little concerned because so many writers/producers from the show are moving on to do their own things, but I guess that probably isn't totally surprising if they've been doing the same thing for 4-5 years. And network tv has a lot of competition these days. It can't be easy to be up against the Netflix, Hulu, and HBO originals.
I think if the delayed viewing stats remain good, another season is likely. But if those start dropping, I think this will be the last season.
I suspect this will be the last full season of TBL.
However, some quality episodes down the stretch - combined with a bit better writing and plot development could allow for a curtailed S.6, somewhere between 9 and 13 episodes to tie everything together. Same model Warner Bros. & CBS agreed to when the placed the ax to Person of Interest - an incredible show which should have had at least 2 to 3 more years of life.
The shot-caller in this one is none other than James Spader. He's bigger than the show-runners and as far as shows go - he's a giant. Even if the networks decide to give it another year - Spader could kibosh their decision by imposing his own!
This early time slot is also a major problem. If the writing remained top-notch, people would still tune in, but it's been hit or miss. Sadly, I think this might be the last season, unless some changes are made.
For me i think its way too early to tell. We are only 6 episodes in. The time slot does it no favors and its up against Boardwalk. I think they will change the time slot when it comes back. Though I do agree the delayed viewing has a lot to do with it. I know people who don't even watch any live TV any longer. They do streaming or on demand or HULU delayed live (when they can't get live.) Just my two cents
To your point, Lara, I wonder how much the networks are taking the changes of television consumption into consideration? Even since the Blacklsit premiered things have drastically shifted with streaming services and live viewing. All shows definitely have been impacted by it in terms of live viewing.
What I hope is that it can be wrapped up the way the creators envision without being rushed while also not dragging it out past its expiration date.
Iowa Watcher - Have you been disappointed with some of the episodes so far? I've loved them all except Miss Rebecca Thrall, and even it had some great scenes.
Brittany and lara1 - Viewership is down for live viewing across the board, so live ratings will mean less and less as time goes on. There are very few shows I watch live now. As much as I love th show, I would be fine if this were the last season.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (11/08/2017 9:56 am)
I think they could finish with this season. But I could also see one more season if they had the right story lines. My biggest fear is the show jumping the shark. I hate when shows try to go too long. Especially when there is a lot of serialization and mythology like this one.
My own view, not that it means much LOL! is that six would be the sweet spot. Enough time to wrap up all storylines and get some really deep meaningful scenes in. But I'm kind of reserving judgment for the fall finale. If that really shakes up the show or changes its direction, I'd be even more inclined to think six seasons. I thought though from the numbers I've seen that overall viewership is good. They struggle with the key demographic in current time slot though but I always find that interesting because I never thought of the show as being targeted to that demographic anyway! LOL What do I know......
I think it’s too early to know one way or the other. But I get the impression that the shows duration will be more in the hands of the folks involved in it than the Network.
Tuxie400 wrote:
Iowa Watcher - Have you been disappointed with some of the episodes so far? I've loved them all except Miss Rebecca Thrall, and even it had some great scenes.
Disappointed is too strong of a word. I just think the pacing and writing quality are not consistent, and that doesn't bode well going forward.
That said, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stick with this show until the end. I just hope that my patience pays off.
Hi Iowa Watcher - I tend to agree on the writing. With some of the veteran writers gone to work on other projects they have lost that but I don't agree with others who say the continuity is off. I actually don't think that at all. I also heard that Michael Watkins left as supervising producer but I don't know if that's correct as I have not verified that.
on related note, just read on Aly that the show will be back Jan 3 (yay!!) in the same time slot. I guess they don't want to mess around with changing things and then people forget when and what time its on!
I think Daniel Knauf and Daniel Cerone were two the best writers, and I miss their episodes. But I think the writing so far this season has been pretty good. There is just a different dynamic with Red in rebuilding phase and Liz believing he's her father.
I may change my mind after next week's finale.
I think it could go either way. I just want them to take care of all the loose ends!
Frankly, I think they should have ended the show last May. Season 4 was by far the most illuminating and gut wrenching. We learned so much about Kate, Red, Katarina, and then lo and behold, Red 'kills' Kate then Kate 'kills' Red's empire and then herself. There was some incredible writing and development of all characters and plot lines. But they killed off all the interesting and compelling characters!
This season feels like a 42 minute a week procedural :-( It even looks like the actors are trying to summon up the energy to give fully to their characters. I still like it, but I'm definitely not an addict ... sniff sniff
Tatiana - So sorry to read your addiction is waning. While I haven't been thrilled about Red's new helpers, I'm still quite engaged and addicted. I've watched 5.01 multiple times. It's one of my favorite episodes of all time. I also found the Blacklisters in The Endling and The Travel Agency some of the best in the series. Don't you find Red compelling anymore?
Last edited by Tuxie400 (11/13/2017 3:18 pm)
Not to worry, Tuxie! I love Spader and actually, I like the dynamic between he and Liz very much. It was truly fun seeing how Red quickly gets back on his feet, living in the hotel and getting regular 'criminals' as part of his team. There's a lot I like about it. Life has taken me elsewhere though and with hubby travelling a bit, we've missed some shows and had to watch much later. The new time isn't great with our schedule.
Anyway, you couldn't pull me away from TBL anytime soon. It's actually the only regular show I watch.