If you haven't checked it out go to Hisham Tawfiq's Twitter page. Yesterday he answered a bunch of fan questions and although he couldn't really say anything specific, it sure sounds to me like we will be getting a big Dembe episode coming up. He'll probably even say more than 3 words and everything! Interesting comment when asked what his favorite Dembe scene was and he says it's coming up.
Honey West - Thanks for the heads up! Not only does Hisham say his favorite scene is coming up. He says his favorite line is too! I'm looking forward to great episode for him.
Yep! I read that too. I'm glad that it looks like we may be getting that big Dembe episode we've been hoping for. They've been setting the scene for it for some time. (happy)
Thanks, Honey West! Well, the good thing about how Dembe's character is, is that when he does have something to say, it is powerful. Looking forward to that.
Honey West - thanks! looking forward to what is in store for Dembe on Thurs!