I mentioned this briefly in another thread, but thought it should have it's own section. I'm not an impostor theorist myself, but I know there are plenty out there. It's not totally off the table, but it seems unlikely to me. But what I can't seem to wrap my head around is why it would be a big deal at the end if he weren't the real Red...
This man being a Raymond Reddington impostor would make Liz feel played/betrayed, the Task Force and US Gov't in general feel played and likely would result in the disbanding of the task force and everyone going their separate ways. It would be the equivalent to a long, complicated con game. An impressive one to be sure, but still just a con game. This man has been pretending to be Raymond Reddington for 30ish years. He likely has been Red longer than the real one. Everyone knows him as Red, he has committed these crimes as Red. He would have used Liz to get to the Fulcrum and other things possibly because she's Katarina Rostova's daughter. I feel like for some people it just serves to support their belief that he isn't her father because they don't like the idea or because they support Lizzington. Am I missing something? Is there more to this than I'm considering? Because for that to be the big secret at the end would feel anticlimactic for me.
Thanks for the input.
Last edited by Brittany (9/23/2017 8:23 pm)
Hey Brittany, I've been an on again off again proponent of imposter theory since almost day 1. (I'm not a Lizzington, have just been intrigued by their possible connection since the pilot). I also went back and forth on the "is he her father" question....at one point in Season 3, I changed my mind every few weeks! LOL. I'm not a proponent of Rederina though (not yet!), but looking back on the series, I think there is quite a lot that would support it....equally stuff that negates it - much like a lot of stuff in the show. Such is the clever writing of this series.....
So now we have the father question answered, which is part of the answer....
For me, Red being an imposter would bring an additional level of interest. Who he is, why did he "take over" Reddington's identity, what is his purpose in coming for Liz....takes on a new dimension. At times I think he is deep undercover, and/or the identity of "Reddington" is a completely fabricated one to begin with (with this he could in fact still be Liz's father but just not be "Reddington" because Reddington never existed as such). Another option is that Red is so "lost" in the identity that he now believes himself to be that person....lots of what is the real truth references.
There's references in the series to books and films about made up identities, and people who got totally lost in those identities - i.e. they became the "fake" person. then we have Red's speech to Ressler in Season 2 about Tom about how he and Tom are alike in that when they take on a "persona" they are all in....to the point of actually "becoming" that "persona". And then there's the "fake" criminal that Red totally made up, the role that Tom plays in Season 4 to help Red....another reference to a completely fabricated "person".
Its interesting to me that all of the main characters with links to Red have other identities - Kaplan, Carla/Naomi, Liz/Masha, Kirk/Rostov (and it hasn't been explained yet why/how the well known businessman Rostov became Kirk), Howard and Scottie, KR, and probably Dom, though we don't know that. Everyone but Red. In a series all about fake deaths and fake/double identities, I find that more than interesting. And the almost insane amount of focus on mirrors we see in the series. Then again, we have multiple names referring to the lead characters (Liz, Elise, Beth, etc) but not to Red - which may point to him really being Red after all.
I also think that there are a lot of buried clues in Gregory Devry. A con man from Red's past who comes back as fake Red - "Fred". The imposter of the imposter (my thoughts). I did a post somewhere about names, and who calls Red by which name, and the fact that "Fred" always calls himself "Ray" which of course real Red never does, and only Fitch ever called him Ray. so I think there are clues there that maybe we can't fully see...
None of this proves that he is an imposter of course and there is stuff that can be said to refute it. I'm not trying to preach this theory - and I do think its just a theory and could be out the window with the next episode, LOL - just explaining my point of view, I'm just intrigued by all of the themes in the show and how they may ultimately knit together..
I totally agree with you that Liz and everyone would feel played - although Red could still be her father yet not be Reddington (if its a fake identity). I think that whatever it ultimately is, they will hold it until the very end of the series.....LOL.
Thank you, lara1! I've been dying to get someone's perspective on it, but don't dare ask the other group I'm in (they can't have a civil theory conversation to save their lives).
The idea that someone took over Red's identity and became lost in it to the point that he believes himself to be the real Red is fascinating. Ever since learning of the impostor theory this summer I've wondered how certain things could be explained, the most important one being Red's anguish over Liz's death. That was real, and it wasn't put on for anyone because we saw him alone at Cape May. His care about his ex-wife's safety and happiness was another one. If he's lost in the role, it would make sense why he could develop that devotion people important to the real Red.
I can't ever see myself putting my tent down in the impostor camp, but it's helpful to learn more about the possibilities in case it turns out to be true.
Hi Brittany, not at all. I am obsessed with this show's theories like no other show I've ever watched. LOL
Oh yes I forgot to mention, I don't believe the FBI file on Reddington, ever since I discovered (or thought I discovered) that the source of the fingerprints don't appear to match. I did write about it at the time but as I recall, the technology for each (the left and right hand) appeared to be different (this was in the Keene dossier book). And yet another address for him - somewhere in Virginia, nowhere near Tacoma Park or the cabin or the flat, for that matter. LOL. Maybe his family just owned a lot of real estate!
Yeah some of the board discussions have turned a bit nasty. I'm still in it for the fun!
Brittany and lara1 - The recent previews have me thinking that Red, whoever he really is, might originally have been a grifter or con man. The preview with the car scam certainly paints him in that light, and the song "Back in the New York Groove" implies he's back to something he knows and loves. Plus, he has engineered so many cons throughout the series. With Sam and Gregory DeVry being grifters as well as people he loved, you've got to wonder how Red came to know them.Was he involved in a con-man ring at one point?
Also, don't forget way back in Season 1 in the Courier Episode, Red is talking to Newton Phillips after the NSA agent Red and Liz saved allows Red access to classified networks.
Newton Phillips: The right question, and we could have made the world tremble - finally found our adversary. Why did you waste it on the girl?
Red: Not wasted my friend. Circumstances are far more complex that we ever imagined. I'm betting on the long play. The future.
Playing the long game is a British term for a long-term confidence trick or con - a multi-step scam, often involving multiple people and aimed at obtaining large sums of money from marks. Lately I've been thinking that the kidnapping of Masha and what happened on fire night might have been part of some type of con. Everything that's happened on the Blacklist could be some sort of continuation of this con. I've even wondered if Katarina was a con artist just pretending to be a KGB spy.
I am not a Lizzington shipper and I have always believed Red's actions toward Liz were parental. But I have not ruled out the impostor theory. I firmly believe there will some sort of twist ending to the Blacklist and would expect to see the task force disbanded at the end.
Tuxie400 - very interesting observations. Red does perpetrate a lot of cons, when you think about it and the connection to both Sam and DeVry (forgot his real name) is interesting.
I also come back to magic tricks and card games, which you can look at as forms of cons as well - maybe artistry is involved also, but in the end they fool us into believing something that hasn't truly happened. Scattered throughout the series (including when Cooper goes to the storage locker to retrieve the shirt).
Last edited by lara1 (9/24/2017 11:25 pm)
Tuxie400 - I got to thinking about your comments some more. We wondered, when Requiem aired, how Reddington (a naval officer) and KR (a spy) could know a grifter in Nebraska....
Your idea does play into Red's comment to Liz that he knew her mother "as KR". I've also thought from time to time that there were two Katerinas (but I stopped thinking about that when it made my head hurt!).
Last edited by lara1 (9/24/2017 11:23 pm)
I have thought he was her father from episode 1. But There have been a few times I have wondered if he is someone else but I always come back to he is Red. I am glad I don't ship anyone, I just roll with the writers! I agree that it is crazy how the fighting over that starts. It isn't like they are real people....
I have wondered so much how they all knew each other enough that they would trust Sam. Actually the fact that Kr and Red both trusted him with their very young child. The fact that she told Kate it was someone they both trusted made me think they, her and Red had discussed it. We know Red had known him from what he told Liz, but not how she did.
I was thinking that she might have met him through Red.
That they might have played house while Kirk was away and he was a friend she met. After all, Dom seams to have some sort of relationship with Red but not Kirk.
Or maybe Sam was in the Navy earlier in his life?
Sam had another name too if you remember. Tom used it when he went to go see him in the hospital.
Well, I have other thought but it's late and I'm .
Oh, my other thought is he did say he was arrogant back when he was younger and he cheat on his wife. Who is to say it was only with Kr? For all we know he had a few family's? Naomi, Kr and the one in the house he blew up.
Last edited by Eastcoast (9/25/2017 2:22 am)
I think the biggest struggle for me with the impostor for me has been the chance that he wasn't her father after all. I could handle the impostor thing much better if he were still her father, just not the original Red.
Tuxie--that's an interesting observation about the use of the long game phrase. I've never doubted Red had a long-term plan with this. Not just to get to know Liz and protect her, but that there was someone he was trying to smoke out of hiding. I'm assuming it is Katarina at this point. I'm so thankful to be able to ask non-Lizzington shippers about the impostor theory because I feel like I'm getting more logical information about the impostor possibility than just 'he doesn't treat her like she's his daughter'.
Eastcoast--I too wondered how in the world they knew a grifter in Nebraska. Granted, Sam likely had to move a lot to keep out of jail, so he could have been out east at some point. Red mentions knowing Sam most of his life (and all of Liz's). I wonder if he and Sam grew up together or met in the Navy. And Red and Katarina were together for quite a while....Liz was four when she was abducted, so they had likely been together for 5 years at that point (probably closer to 6, as Liz seemed like she was at the later end of 4 years old). They may have traveled or met up in various places. I also wondered if Red was brought into the edges of the criminal world by Katarina or if he had already found it on his own.
I remember that arrogant comment from Cape May. I don't believe he specified his cheating, but talked about how he 'thought there was an order to things" and that if he basically had raised Liz himself that he could keep her safe. But he failed (the night of the fire) and then left her with Sam to raise and just brought her violence and misery and eventually death when he entered her life as an adult. I took that to mean he was arrogant when he took her, thinking he would be able to keep her safe from everything and everyone when he wasn't a big enough player for that.
Tuxie400 and Brittany - re the grifter comments, its also curious to me what Red said to Kaplan in their showdown in the theatre in 4.21. Red talks about Liz. He said something about her growing up to be in law enforcement. He also said something like, "it may not be the life she was born to, but its the life she has chosen." Hmmm. Born to a career criminal It does seem. We've never had any indication that "Reddington" was a criminal before he went into the Academy. And it seems right after he was thrust out on assignments. (although of course according to the FBI "Reddington" then stole secrets)
I don't really know how often "Reddington" was at the Summer Palace. It always seemed odd to me that he could find time to be there anywhere near often - if he was off chasing Seaduke and others in Eastern Europe, or in the Middle East, etc. Presumably when/if he was recalled back to the US between assignments, "home" was somewhere in the DC/Maryland area (that's just a guess based on government and Naval locations). How would he have the time to then travel up to the Summer Palace in Canada, which doesn't even appear easy to get to - that is its a distance from any large city and presumably requires hours of driving time? Or maybe KR met up with him during her travels. It still doesn't add up to me.
Brittany - oh and by the way I don't think that Carla was Red's wife either - she may have been a cover, or the "real" Red's wife. I never have from the first time I watched the episode in which she appears. But, equally, I can see how she could be.
I should add that I'm not sure how my imposter thoughts compare to others out there. I kind of formed them on my own, and didn't even look at theory sites til nearly the end of Season 3, when I wanted to see what others thought of Cape May,Liz's death etc. I try not to, as to not affect my own thoughts on things, but sometimes I sneak a peek - can't help it! So in other words, I don't really know how others in the imposter camp have thought through the same things....
Last edited by lara1 (9/25/2017 10:49 am)
My comment #252 under the Kaplan discussion was about what he said in the theater. I had felt like it was linked to his discussion when he was turning himself in.
He said she was born into that world. I think he and Kr being spies etc... is what that was from. And of course whatever else he was in to?
Well, off to do some Rl things! 😉
Katarina likely had a cover job to hide her KGB position from Red (I'm dying to know what it was), so it may have given her more ease to travel to him than it would have given him to meet up with her. Like you said, if he was in Russia a lot, he would have had a hard time getting to Nova Scotia and even from the DC area, that's not just a day trip. The house Red blew up was in Tacoma Park, Maryland. That's about 1500 miles away from Cape Breton (yes, I looked it up ). Granted, we only see memories from there, so it isn't really known how often Katarina was there with Kate and Masha and how often they were in Russia. I believe in an interview Jon Bokenkamp said at one point that season 5 will have a lot more Red backstory from his time in the Navy, so I'm hoping we get a lot more answers this season.
Here are some questions I have in regards to impostor theory. Things that I basically think point towards him being the real Red that clearly have different responses from an impostor point of view.
1) Did Kate know he was an impostor? If so, what would make her trust him enough to work with him to protect Elizabeth? And why wouldn't she have rolled that out day 1 as revenge? And wouldn't she have loved to get a dig in at him by calling him by his real name at some point towards the end? I would have.
2) There are several people who knew Reddington prior to 1990. I don't think there is any way an impostor could have taken over the role of Reddington prior to 1990, while he was still active Navy intelligence. After an event like Seaduke, he would have been extensively debriefed, not to mention having to deal with superiors, contacts, etc.
A) Cooper has worked with Red in the past and would know if he's the real deal. Cooper handled the evidence collection from when he was held by Seaduke and there is also that incident in Kuwait that Red refers to and ultimately gives the evidence to Cooper as a bribe to get him back on the task force when he thinks he's dying. The only conclusion I could come up with validating Impostor theory in that regard would be that Cooper was in on it from the beginning (not totally out of the question for me).
B) Sam knew Reddington prior to 1990 (and most of his life). To know both the real Red and an impostor and Katarina seems like a stretch, but not impossible, I guess. He would have also had to trust this third person enough to do this.
C) Red says he has known Stratos (who died this season) since 1987. Why would Stratos go along with an impostor of Reddington?
D) Carla recognized him, though she did comment about how different he looked. Granted, they possibly haven't seen each other in 25 years at that point (I know people from high school that I barely recognize and that's only been 13 years since graduation). She also referred to him having brought her to that cabin (I want to know why that cabin has history for them). She also talked about not saying anything to anyone about him and Elizabeth, which makes me think he may have met up with her later to explain, and promised to leave her and Jennifer alone as long as she promised to keep quiet. I have a hard time believing Carla was a cover. I don't believe they had a happy marriage. I think they may have married young or because she got pregnant. Or he may have married her and adopted Jennifer. He appeared to care about Carla. He wanted her to be happy, he wanted her to be safe. If she had just been a cover, I can't imagine he would have been so insistent about getting her a new life. Plus he made comments about not being able to provide her with the stability that her current husband gave her. Once Liz found her, she could have gotten away from Red now that she knew the FBI would help her. Especially since she knew he didn't know where Jennifer was.
E) The Admiral he roomed with at the Academy knew him. He is totally unconnected to all of the task force drama and would have no reason to go along with an impostor.
F) Kirk knew who Reddington was. He had obviously known about Katarina's affair because at some point she had faked a DNA test to give him to make him think he was Masha's father. He had suspected Reddington could have been Masha's father. Plus he talked about that time he had a gun in Red's mouth at the house on the water.
3) What about the prints and photo from the pilot that were from the NY police in the 1980s?
Okay, I think those are the big things for me. I've so enjoyed this thread.
lara1 wrote:
Tuxie400 and Brittany - re the grifter comments, its also curious to me what Red said to Kaplan in their showdown in the theatre in 4.21. Red talks about Liz. He said something about her growing up to be in law enforcement. He also said something like, "it may not be the life she was born to, but its the life she has chosen." Hmmm. Born to a career criminal It does seem. We've never had any indication that "Reddington" was a criminal before he went into the Academy. And it seems right after he was thrust out on assignments. (although of course according to the FBI "Reddington" then stole secrets)
I don't really know how often "Reddington" was at the Summer Palace. It always seemed odd to me that he could find time to be there anywhere near often - if he was off chasing Seaduke and others in Eastern Europe, or in the Middle East, etc. Presumably when/if he was recalled back to the US between assignments, "home" was somewhere in the DC/Maryland area (that's just a guess based on government and Naval locations). How would he have the time to then travel up to the Summer Palace in Canada, which doesn't even appear easy to get to - that is its a distance from any large city and presumably requires hours of driving time? Or maybe KR met up with him during her travels. It still doesn't add up to me.
Brittany - oh and by the way I don't think that Carla was Red's wife either - she may have been a cover, or the "real" Red's wife. I never have from the first time I watched the episode in which she appears. But, equally, I can see how she could be.
I should add that I'm not sure how my imposter thoughts compare to others out there. I kind of formed them on my own, and didn't even look at theory sites til nearly the end of Season 3, when I wanted to see what others thought of Cape May,Liz's death etc. I try not to, as to not affect my own thoughts on things, but sometimes I sneak a peek - can't help it! So in other words, I don't really know how others in the imposter camp have thought through the same things....
Last edited by Brittany (9/25/2017 1:00 pm)
Regarding Nebraska. Offutt AFB in Nebraska was the hq for the Strategic Air Cmmand during the Cold War.
A long-ago theory of mine held that was why Sam was there. This was if Sam was really also undercover and only posing as a grifter.
Last edited by Honey West (9/25/2017 3:53 pm)
And what did Liz uncover about Sam in the Berlin episode?
Remember when she was meeting Red for them to arrest him and he asked her what she had learned about Sam?
I was thinking back then before I knew any 4th ing else about him that maybe he had been in the Navy at one point.
Brittney, those are all good points and i think they have been brought up before because there are just too many things for me that i cant make fit either. Im not saying it isnt possible, but there are so many things like the ones you mentioned. And kirk knew his voice on the phone right away.
And i thought i was going to loose my cookies about the 13 years! 🤣
i ran into some Old friends a few years ago in a store.
( they knew my name and said they were) We stood there and talked at least 30 minutes. They kept saying Wow, it's been over 20 years or more. I said oh it's probably been more than that I haven't lived here in a long time and I'm just visiting.
I kept thinking, would one of you please say the others name. Whoever they were they had changed a lot! I still do not know who they are to this day!!!
and there are others... Lol
Last edited by Eastcoast (9/27/2017 2:39 am)
Eastcoast - that's a funny story! thanks for sharing! LOL. There are people I haven't seen in 30 years whom I recognize right away (they haven't changed much) an those who I absolutely can't recognize at all (they've changed a lot!) But your story is great! thanks for sharing......
Brittany #13 - you raise some very good questions! I can't say that I have all of the answers but I can give you my perspective. Again, these are my thoughts, I'm not sure how they compare to others who think that there is an imposter at play. I am not totally married to the theory but I love playing around with it and think there's more than a good chance it could be true. I just love analyzing the pros and cons of it!
You make a good point about the voice. I thought of that as well. Then I started thinking, well Red's voice is not going to sound like the Red of 30 years ago anyway (Spader's doesn't and even mine doesn't (thank goodness re the latter! I used to hate my voice ) LOL). So maybe its not the voice so much as what is said that makes the characters jump to the conclusion that it is Reddington. For example, the point about Kirk recognizing Red's voice on the phone is a very good one. However, in thinking about it, Kirk already knew that Reddington was going after him in an aggressive way. So when someone calls in the middle of the Kirk/Red battle and says something like, "I have your Senator", I'm not sure its a great leap for Kirk to think/know that its' Red. I agree though its subject to interpretation. With some of your other points:
- My conclusion about Kate (which could be way off base!) is that she knew Red was an imposter - it was one of his "secrets". She knew Red/Raymond from prior to him being an imposter. I'm not sure she recognized him in the warehouse or wherever they "first" met in 1993 - II feel she hadn't seen him since fire night when they all backed out (he was "away" for example during the event with Annie) and think she thought he was (original) Reddington. Then (in my view) Red starts talking about what they have in common. But that's just my take. I forget things, and there is so much detail to remember about in the series, there may be something to refute that!
-I'm not sure that people knowing Reddington from before 1989 negates the theory. They may not know he is an imposter. He doesn't actually conduct meaningful conversations with them, through which they could tell that something is off. The biggest obstacles to his I think are Stratos (did Red know him before he was "Reddington"; or did he know him as "Reddington and Stratos doesn't know he is an imposter - I think the latter is unlikely). I haven't figured out Stratos, or Dom, either. But I do think Dom knows a lot. That's why Red doesn't have him contact anyone. Maybe Dom knew "Red" before he was "Reddington". But again, I agree its a huge question mark.
-Cooper falls into the general pool of people who knew Red prior to 1989. Either he doesn't know or is in on it (as Fitch may have been - the only person who has called Red "Ray" and interestingly, the name that De Vry refers to himself as when "impersonating" "current" Red. ) I'm not saying I know what that means but I think Ray may have been used intentionally. Then, maybe not - just a coincidence. hahah But I don't think Cooper knows as much as we might think about "original" Red. He didn't know the Red/Liz parental connection for example. Cooper is a huge question mark all around for me.
- Carla definitely knew Red prior. But as what, I don't know. I think she may have been there on fire night, there's a phrase we hear in the fire memories, something like "you're crazy" which Carla says to him in the cabin. I think she knows a lot and if he is an imposter, may know that as well. I think Red definitely does care for her, she suffered because of what he did, she lost her "real" life, and she was loyal - never said anything to anyone about Red and Elizabeth....and in keeping her safe, he also exerts control over her. He can keep tabs on her. He knows exactly where she is. There is something that Red does not want Carla to talk about. It could of course be the paternal thing. But i think its more. And I always thought she seemed wary of him. Just my take obviously. But I think there's more to Carla...like the chicken bone thing, how did she know to do that? There's certainly stuff that points differently. I could go on and on about other Carla stuff but I'll stop now! LOL
-When I first saw the Admiral scene, I thought he did not recognize Red at all at first. (Well why would he - some stranger just appears on a stairwell out of nowhere, LOL. Red has a habit of dong that!). When Red started speaking, he did recognize him. But was it Red's voice, or what he said? Interestingly, to me, when the Admiral starts talking back to him, Red only replies "Yes." Then changes the subject.
- Kirk knew Reddington for sure but not necessarily that Red is not Reddington. Was that what Red whispered to Kirk? Something that shook Kikr's existence to the core, like what he had thought all of his life was not true. But it could have been something else of course.
-The fingerprints actually fueled my theory, LOL. Why are they from NYPD??? Is this someone else, with a petty criminal past? And each set of prints has been taken with different technology which makes no sense. And a Virginia address far from the Maryland ones....Then again I don't trust the FBI file. Those fingerprints may be Red's but swapped in for what had been in there.
Of course if Reddington never existed at all, but was a manufactured identity, that is one answer to all of it! LOL Maybe by the end of this season we will have enough more info to point more in one direction or another. But in the meantime I have fun with the possibility!
Last edited by lara1 (9/27/2017 11:13 am)
I don't remember what was ever discovered about Sam. I feel like it all got buried by Berlin.
And don't you hate when you don't remember someone's name? It's embarrassing.
Eastcoast wrote:
Brittney, those are all good points and i think they have been brought up before because there are just too many things for me that i cant make fit either. Im not saying it isnt possible, but there are so many things like the ones you mentioned. And kirk knew his voice on the phone right away.
And i thought i was going to loose my cookies about the 13 years! 🤣
i ran into some Old friends a few years ago in a store.
( they knew my name and said they were) We stood there and talked at least 30 minutes. They kept saying Wow, it's been over 20 years or more. I said oh it's probably been more than that I haven't lived here in a long time and I'm just visiting.
I kept thinking,would one of you please say the others name. Whoever they were they had changed a lot! I still do not know who they are to this day!!!
and there are others... Lol
I've wondered on occasion if Kaplan was possibly working for Red without knowing it while she was nanny to Masha, as the writers did say they weren't retconning the comments (and if you aren't considering metaphorical language). He believed that was his child, living with her mother and stepfather. He may not have had much access to her, so he somehow worked it out to get Kaplan int here and got her to report on the goings on of the household in order to keep up with their life. Perhaps she believed she was a CIA asset or something, but was in reality just reporting to Red??
I definitely think that Cooper has more up his sleeve than meets the eye, but I can't figure out what. I think the idea of Red being a long-term, deep cover operative is a fascinating idea that could have either coincided with taking Masha/Liz from Katarina and the fall out of that or because of it (Red knew he would have to do something and suggested it). Those things are always possible under impostor theory as well.
I've seen several people mention that chicken bone thing about Carla and how would she know to do that. I don't work as a spy or in any sort of law enforcement but I am definitely the person who assesses my situation and determines my means of attack and escape. My old counseling office had no windows and the office set up meant that if a client became violent, they were between myself and the door. I had my attack plan and defenses plotted out just in case. She might be that way (considering who her ex-husband is). And maybe she watches a lot of true crime. (Spoiler alert: I never had to do anything like that. I hate to admit that I am torn on how I feel about that fact too, lol). I think Carla probably knows more than just the paternal thing, but it's hard to say what.
Dom is another wild card as well. I can't help but wonder if he was former KGB as well. And considering Eisendrath did Alias, I have had suspicions of Masha possibly being part of a child training program like they had Project Christmas in Alias. I could see Red putting his foot down and refusing to allow her to be in that and taking her (Katarina mentions she was taken from the campus, which was an odd term). I've also wondered if Katarina had taken part in that type of program, thus what she was so good at her job.
As for the fingerprints, they may have been part of a state background check, a gun permit, or maybe a drunken bar fight or something. But there is the possibility that the FBI file is wrong, like you mentioned. Especially if he is an undercover operative.
lara1 wrote:
Brittany #13 - you raise some very good questions! I can't say that I have all of the answers but I can give you my perspective. Again, these are my thoughts, I'm not sure how they compare to others who think that there is an imposter at play. I am not totally married to the theory but I love playing around with it and think there's more than a good chance it could be true. I just love analyzing the pros and cons of it!
You make a good point about the voice. I thought of that as well. Then I started thinking, well Red's voice is not going to sound like the Red of 30 years ago anyway (Spader's doesn't and even mine doesn't (thank goodness re the latter! I used to hate my voice ) LOL). So maybe its not the voice so much as what is said that makes the characters jump to the conclusion that it is Reddington. For example, the point about Kirk recognizing Red's voice on the phone is a very good one. However, in thinking about it, Kirk already knew that Reddington was going after him in an aggressive way. So when someone calls in the middle of the Kirk/Red battle and says something like, "I have your Senator", I'm not sure its a great leap for Kirk to think/know that its' Red. I agree though its subject to interpretation. With some of your other points:
- My conclusion about Kate (which could be way off base!) is that she knew Red was an imposter - it was one of his "secrets". She knew Red/Raymond from prior to him being an imposter. I'm not sure she recognized him in the warehouse or wherever they "first" met in 1993 - II feel she hadn't seen him since fire night when they all backed out (he was "away" for example during the event with Annie) and think she thought he was (original) Reddington. Then (in my view) Red starts talking about what they have in common. But that's just my take. I forget things, and there is so much detail to remember about in the series, there may be something to refute that!
-I'm not sure that people knowing Reddington from before 1989 negates the theory. They may not know he is an imposter. He doesn't actually conduct meaningful conversations with them, through which they could tell that something is off. The biggest obstacles to his I think are Stratos (did Red know him before he was "Reddington"; or did he know him as "Reddington and Stratos doesn't know he is an imposter - I think the latter is unlikely). I haven't figured out Stratos, or Dom, either. But I do think Dom knows a lot. That's why Red doesn't have him contact anyone. Maybe Dom knew "Red" before he was "Reddington". But again, I agree its a huge question mark.
-Cooper falls into the general pool of people who knew Red prior to 1989. Either he doesn't know or is in on it (as Fitch may have been - the only person who has called Red "Ray" and interestingly, the name that De Vry refers to himself as when "impersonating" "current" Red. ) I'm not saying I know what that means but I think Ray may have been used intentionally. Then, maybe not - just a coincidence. hahah But I don't think Cooper knows as much as we might think about "original" Red. He didn't know the Red/Liz parental connection for example. Cooper is a huge question mark all around for me.
- Carla definitely knew Red prior. But as what, I don't know. I think she may have been there on fire night, there's a phrase we hear in the fire memories, something like "you're crazy" which Carla says to him in the cabin. I think she knows a lot and if he is an imposter, may know that as well. I think Red definitely does care for her, she suffered because of what he did, she lost her "real" life, and she was loyal - never said anything to anyone about Red and Elizabeth....and in keeping her safe, he also exerts control over her. He can keep tabs on her. He knows exactly where she is. There is something that Red does not want Carla to talk about. It could of course be the paternal thing. But i think its more. And I always thought she seemed wary of him. Just my take obviously. But I think there's more to Carla...like the chicken bone thing, how did she know to do that? There's certainly stuff that points differently. I could go on and on about other Carla stuff but I'll stop now! LOL
-When I first saw the Admiral scene, I thought he did not recognize Red at all at first. (Well why would he - some stranger just appears on a stairwell out of nowhere, LOL. Red has a habit of dong that!). When Red started speaking, he did recognize him. But was it Red's voice, or what he said? Interestingly, to me, when the Admiral starts talking back to him, Red only replies "Yes." Then changes the subject.
- Kirk knew Reddington for sure but not necessarily that Red is not Reddington. Was that what Red whispered to Kirk? Something that shook Kikr's existence to the core, like what he had thought all of his life was not true. But it could have been something else of course.
-The fingerprints actually fueled my theory, LOL. Why are they from NYPD??? Is this someone else, with a petty criminal past? And each set of prints has been taken with different technology which makes no sense. And a Virginia address far from the Maryland ones....Then again I don't trust the FBI file. Those fingerprints may be Red's but swapped in for what had been in there.
Of course if Reddington never existed at all, but was a manufactured identity, that is one answer to all of it! LOL Maybe by the end of this season we will have enough more info to point more in one direction or another. But in the meantime I have fun with the possibility!