To me, Season 4 seemed like an opera with one side singing "Let her go" and the other side singing "Walk away." I looked up how many times the phrase walk away was used in Season 4, since that seemed like the dominant message or theme. In a search of scripts, I found it 17 times, four times in stage directions and once in a song. Here are all the times it appeared in dialog:
In Miles McGrath, Red says to Johan: Johan, you should walk away. I'd help you if I could, offer a man.
In Dr. Adrian Shaw, Liz says to Tom:
What if we were talking about your father? What if you suddenly found him? Would you be able to walk away?
And later in that same conversation: "You're telling me you met your mother whom you've never known, and you were able to just walk away?
In The Architect, Red says to Isabella Stone: I didn't just kill your husband. I helped him walk away from everything he loved to protect you and your innocence.
In Requiem, Katarina says to Kate: No she won't be safe with you. You know that. You - you have to disappear yourself Kate. There is nothing more you can do for me or Masha. I'm begging you, Kate, walk away.
Later, as part of the coversation, Katarina says to Kate: You'll walk away then?
In Philomena, Kate tells Joe: Your life as you know it is over, Joe. But I'm going to give you the chance I was denied. All you have to do is walk away. Leave Raymond Reddington.
In Philomena, Kate tells Liz: Your mother hired me to care for you. I promised her that I would defend you with my life. The reason I'm telling you this now is you'll listen to me when I beg - walk away. Later in the same conversation, Kate says: Please, do what your mother never had the courage to do until it was too late. Walk away from Raymond.
In Mr. Kaplan Part II, after seeing the DNA report, Red tell Liz: Elizabeth, if you need to walk away ...
Liz replies: Walk away? Are you serious? How can you be so smart and so clueless? Yes, I'm terrified. I'm angry. I'm angry at you, at who I am, at the fact that I want to help you despite everything you've done to me and to yourself. But anger and fear and a certain amount of hatred are all normal in a family. And that's what we are. And I'm not gonna walk away from that.
Walk away also made an appearance in the lyrics of If You Could Read My Mind in Mato:
If you could read your mind love, what a tale your thoughts could tell. I'd walk away like a movie star who gets burned in a 3-way script.
Let her go appears five times in dialog, most of them during the first set of episodes.
First it appeared in Esteban when Kate told Raymond: Yes, I betrayed you. But only after you had betrayed her. Raymond, you have to change. I took Elizabeth from you, and now I need your help to get her back. But when you do, as I'm sure you will, you have to let her go.
In Esteban, Tom also pleads with his captor to let Agnes go. "Hey, let her go. Look you can take me, all right? Do whatever you want. Just give me my little girl. Hey, I'm begging you. Give me my little girl.
Later in that same scene, Tom says: Look, just let her go. All right you can kill me. I don't care. Just let my baby go.
In Adrian Shaw II, Red says: The ripe allpe falls - doesn't know what else to do. So here I am. Time to let her go.
In The Harem, Emma's parting words to Red were "You need to let her go."
I'm playing with a theory that somehow instances of repeated dialog may reveal the secret to what the Blacklist mythology is all about.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (8/17/2017 10:30 am)
Very good work, Tuxie400!
Gives us something to think about. I had noted the frequency of the "walk aways", but hadn't really thought about the "let her go"s.
Well it's interesting that neither Liz nor Red paid much attention to those messages. Red told Kaplan he was not going to stop watching out for Liz, while Liz refuses to walk away despite everything he's done to her.