I had thought NBC was going to delay its announcements, but I see on SpoilerTV that we have news of several pilots, mostly comedies, which NBC has passed on. The more they pass on pilots, I would suppose, the greater the probability they will keep TBL. Everyone's pretty sure they'll keep the 4 'Chicago' shows.
Here's the link if you want to see it:
Redliners has also been passed.
There have been more reports for cancellations and renewals. I was surprised especially with NBC because they've probably firmed up at least half of their line-up.
Any of you tv savants able to share some wisdom here?
A link to Spoiler TV where you can get updates, this chart will live update as info comes in:
HI Tatiana
I don't know much (LOL!) but I think we will know by Friday. I think there are 6 shows in total left for NBC to pronounce on.
James is on the Charlie Rose show tonight. I don't suppose we'd ever get a hint from him but we can still enjoy listening to him!
Lara! yes, I saw that he's supposed to be on Charlie Rose, but I don't know what time?
Why do I think I heard someone say we may not find out until the 18th what the plight is for TBL?
Tatiana - Charlie Rose is on my local PBS station at 11PM EST. tonight Not sure about other time zones, but I hope that helps a little!
the NBC Upfronts were scheduled for May 18. The thought was we wouldn't hear on any shows until Monday 15. They do like to keep us guessing! LOL.
Last edited by lara1 (5/10/2017 8:55 pm)
Thanks, Lara! that helps a lot!
Charlie Rose comes on at midnight here. Looks like DVR time!
Worth watching. Very thoughtful interview. Runs around half an hour. They will probably make the video available.
Great interview. It's nice when JS talks about the characters and his approach to acting.
Yes he is fascinating to listen to, and especially so when he is given ample opportunity to express his views at length and without interruption. I really enjoyed watching it.
Much agreed with everyone - PBS allows us to see a different side of actors than other talk shows. Thanks for the post - read it here minutes before JS interview began - perfect timing!