Central character in The Blacklist - prolly responsibly for majority of high ratings on NBC.
So, when (if ever) will we see him on Redemption? Obviously if ratings are flagging - it will be far too late for even the Master James Spader to save the product. Many of the eps are already in the can so ratings isn't going to factor in that much. Panic - or the simple realization that Redemption may not be up to TBL snuff could inspire the creators to insert the Red character (plus a smattering of his cronies - Dembe, Glenn, Baz, etc.)
Any other thoughts? Right now Ryan Eggold is the only mainline black-lister to jump to REDemption - Famke was only in a limited number of S3 episodes. Suspect Liz will be inserted randomly to keep the Tom/Agnes connection in play! And if something goes awry with Liz & Agnes - then Tom can pivot back to Blacklist - or the episodes can expand to include some regulars from TBL to pursue a potential Liz/Agnes problem!