lara1 wrote:
HW, that is a fascinating story! Thanks for sharing.
Someone posted yesterday that they were filming around the Arthur Kill facility on Staten Island in NY. Fun fact - The facility was sold a while back to a production company, and it was slated for development into sound stages, but I think that was put on hold and I'm not sure that has ever happened. So its probably still standing as a prison facility. I'm not sure whether it is still in use in that capacity.
I'll bet that's where he was headed, lara1 - good detective work!
"there was a job opening advertised for someone to teach makeup at the RB,B&B Circus clown school in Florida."
I forgot you did makeup :-) I was a very amateur make-up artist in high school. The director let me buy whatever I wanted. My first task was to make a very skinny tall kid look like a fat, rich, sultan. We could do the costuming, but I learned a lot about creating volume with shading really fast! I loved it!
Tatiana wrote:
"there was a job opening advertised for someone to teach makeup at the RB,B&B Circus clown school in Florida."
I forgot you did makeup :-) I was a very amateur make-up artist in high school. The director let me buy whatever I wanted. My first task was to make a very skinny tall kid look like a fat, rich, sultan. We could do the costuming, but I learned a lot about creating volume with shading really fast! I loved it!
I remember doing some show in junior high where we had to make everybody Chinese. We used greasepaint. I took a real theater makeup class in college and the first show I worked on my assignment was to make one of the professors into Fagin for a production of Oliver! Talk about pressure for a newbie! One of Fagin's gang was played by a little 9 year old girl named Molly Ringwald.
Honey West and Tatiana - please say you keep journals of all your adventures!
Given TBL's lower ratings and how much darker season 4 has been, I've been worried that we wouldn't get a season 5. But tonight there was a commercial for an NBC show airing Sunday - celebrating how long NBC had been on TV. The commercial flashed the titles of its best, most famous shows over the years. One of the titles was The Blacklist. I'm thinking (OK, fingers crossed and praying) that TBL wouldn't be included if NBC planned on cancelling it. It'd be like NBC saying "Here's one of our best shows but its getting the ax."
Colleen - Yes! I noticed that too and it made me hope - There were some really big names on that NBC special anniversary blurb and The Blacklist was one of them. I found that to be quiet encouraging. I also follow TV Grim Reaper who does predictions for renewals/cancellations and he feels positive it will be renewed for another year. Here's hoping!
I wasn't sure where to put this, but thought here was okay, rather than the Architect discussion page.
So things look pretty dire for Red next week. But I couldn't help but wonder if the poisoning might not be Red's own doing. It might be sort of an extreme way to flush out who's been after him. And test the loyalties of his closest remaining associates. He looked pretty mystified at the end of tonight's episode. Would he go that far, though? Probably not the case at all, but it was sort of a random idea that popped into my head.
Honey West wrote:
I wasn't sure where to put this, but thought here was okay, rather than the Architect discussion page.
So things look pretty dire for Red next week. But I couldn't help but wonder if the poisoning might not be Red's own doing. It might be sort of an extreme way to flush out who's been after him. And test the loyalties of his closest remaining associates. He looked pretty mystified at the end of tonight's episode. Would he go that far, though? Probably not the case at all, but it was sort of a random idea that popped into my head.
Interesting thought, Honey West. I would not put that past our Red. He has to be paranoid right now about who is after him......Or even fake his own death (maybe not for the first time? !). But I think I could only take a fake death if the audience were in on it, we know its a fake.
I am wondering if the Apothecary is a true blacklister - or a good character as an apothecary normally provides fixes or cures. But if this one has gone bad then maybe not! we shall see!
Last edited by lara1 (2/17/2017 11:54 am)
Exciting update on AlyBlacklist:
Leon Rippy - Hunter is going to be on!!! Does that mean Mr. Kaplan shows as well? Or in his quest to discover why he's being pursued, does Red go back to the place he 'killed' Kaplan and find Hunter??? I wonder because....Glen is back! Did Red contact Glen to track Mr. Kaplan/Hunter?
And Episode 4:17 will have Nikos, Young Alexander Kirk, and someone named Jason. Wow! This is getting exciting :-D
Tatiana wrote:
Exciting update on AlyBlacklist:
Leon Rippy - Hunter is going to be on!!! Does that mean Mr. Kaplan shows as well? Or in his quest to discover why he's being pursued, does Red go back to the place he 'killed' Kaplan and find Hunter??? I wonder because....Glen is back! Did Red contact Glen to track Mr. Kaplan/Hunter?
And Episode 4:17 will have Nikos, Young Alexander Kirk, and someone named Jason. Wow! This is getting exciting :-D
That is exciting news, lara1! I hadn't looked at alyblacklist yet today. I knew Glen was coming back. And I am totally intrigued by Young Alexander Kirk. I suspect that Lotte Verbeek will be Katarina in flashback with him. Maybe we will get some better insight into what she was really thinking about their situation back then. I wonder if we will ever see Young Red? And who would they get to play him?
But Leon Rippy. Maybe we will finally get somebody going back to bury Kate's remains. And they run into him. Keep in mind that he would recognize either Dembe or Red since he has their photos on his game cameras. But yes, I think we will be seeing Kate again before the end of the season.
Tatiana - those are really exciting pieces of news! Also, I see that Leon Rippy has a "stunt double". So either he sees some action or some action comes to guesses are that 1) Red starts to wonder, when he is confounded by who could be after him, did Kaplan actually survive....he not only never went back to check, he did not even turn around....and so he and Dembe go back, find she isn't there and find the woodsman.....2) the woodsman was a wolf in sheep's clothing all along.....he's either a former blacklister or enemy of Red who fell off the grid to hide, or one of Red's contacts....I can still swear that i saw a computer modem blinking in the darkness in his cabin.....
And Nikos.....wonder if that is where Kaplan went. I think maybe she wasn't far. Little Nikos was based somewhere in Texas. I remember looking into the type of government land that Red spoke of (I now forget the exact term for it)...and I seem to recall most of it being in or just north or west of Texas....I hope I am not misremembering that....! Anyone remember whether a pick up truck was parked outside the bail bondsman's?
Anyway I agree I think all of this means that Kaplan will return.....but not tis after the winter finale. Exciting!
The flashbacks we are going to get sound exciting too! I wonder if they will also shed some light on what Red said to Kirk????
Last edited by lara1 (2/17/2017 5:39 pm)
My bad, I meant to thank Tatiana for that link and info! Duh, I even quoted her original post.
lara1 I am going to have to go back and look for that blinking light. All the time I was wondering where he was getting his electricity, never mind any modem lights. LOL!
I don't know why but I thought Little Nikos didn't survive Tom's questioning. Didn't Tom say something like "I'm sorry. I know he was your friend." Was. Either that or part of the flashbacks will be to when he helped Kate all those years ago. Maybe we will find out who Annie was?
Honey West - you know, I was looking for the electricity in the woodsman's cabin when I re-watched Mato the other week. That last scene, with the woodsman at the table, with the single candle (another repeating symbol, LOL), there actually is a lamp that is on....I guess he has some kind of generator?
I think Little Nikos did survive - didn't Kate go back into the room to see him afterwards? To say sorry or something like that? I got the impression that it was extremely grueling, but Nikos survived it.....
Has anyone seen any information on episodes after the Blacklist Redemption showing? I assume Blacklist will resume sometime in April, right?
We'll watch Redemption but I just think it's going to be an "action" show, not as much the intellectual curiosity that TBL is.
Just wondering :-)
Hi Tatiana, as far as I know, TBL resumes on april 20 with a two hour episode. I'm not sure if that will be a 2 hour 4.16, or a double bill of 4.16 followed by 4.17. The last I heard was that they were filming 4.17 late last week or early this week. I think that's the episode with the kirk/katerina flashback, or what we think will be that. But I haven't seen anything released re title/synopsis as yet. I'm wondering if they want to build some more tension with the winter finale and then there is 2 months of Redemption.
We were told that another large piece of the puzzle will be revealed before the season finale....I guess we'll see!
(And I"m with you on Redemption. I'll watch it to see what it's like, but I doubt I will obsess over it! LOL I'm not sure I would have time for another obsession other than TBL anyway! haha)
Last edited by lara1 (2/17/2017 11:15 pm)
Thanks Lara!
I went back and looked at some of Daniel Cerrones tweets last November and there were three things he said that are good reminders: 1) We will still see Kate, she's not out of the picture yet; 2) What Red whispered to Kirk is crucial and we will find out what it is, although we won't be told it; 3) that Red never lies to Lizzie but that it's all a puzzle.
The NBC site has the official photos up. Couple of things I noticed. One is that David Levine is standing next to the canvas, so I wonder if this is another one that picks right up where last week ended and the other is that the guy who one assumes is The Apothecary has his wife (?) in a wheelchair and they are in a room that is a nursery, judging by the wallpaper which has baby bottles and other baby-related art on it. Plus I think I see a crib rail off to one side. So I had thought maybe he is experimenting with snake venom to treat something his wife has going on (she is obviously ill with something debilitating) or now I wonder if there is a baby who is also ill that he is working to save or treat. Anyway, he seems to work at a place called Hightower Serpentarium, so maybe he is a snake venom expert and that will make it easier to find him. Obviously he is using the venom for some sort of research.
I did see where someone else finally posted the idea that maybe Red is doing this himself in order to disappear. I think it might be more likely that if he is behind it then it is to convince a specific person or group that he is dead. That's if it goes that far. Then the question would be who would he be trying to convince - friends or enemies? Or is it to teach Liz a lesson about faking one's own death? Or maybe it's just a straightforward someone-trying-to-take-out-Red story and nothing more. But then, this IS The Blacklist. Where nothing is as it first appears.
Thanks for that Honey West. It looks like Liz and Cooper are at a boxing rink/gym in a few of the photos too. There's a poster for a fight between Mickey Roughhouse Price and William ? Show :-)
Interestingly, there is an American flag hanging over a large window in several of those shots.
I agree, it does look like a crib rail and baby things on the wall.
Tatiana, I believe that Red's makeshift hospital room is in a back room area of the gym. Ooh, I didn't see the American flag. Good catch!
Honey West - I also think Red's mobile hospital unit is in the back of the boxing gym.
And in one photo, it looks like he has left the ICU - the bed is empt but the bedsheets moved? maybe