Honey West - N13 may be a red herring. It could be part of Fakerina's con. In any case, I'm looking forward to finding out out how Neville Townsend fits into all this intrigue regarding Katerina.
Tuxie400 wrote:
Hey BBB - Good to see your post! I agree that Liz's character is the only one who has changed very much. I found it very easy to accept Ron Raines as Dom, so I think that was genius casting. I do agree that this was the weakest season opener in the series, but it was still better than a lot of Blacklist episodes and better than most hourlong dramas.
Yes, Lizzy has almost come around 360 and then some . . . .not much more room for spinning, is there . . . ? ? ?
In terms of other characters here's some perspectives:
- Red/Ilya/Spader, virtually no regression or progression of character despite numerous attempts to explain various behaviors
- Dembe: Prolly the least progression of any character on the show. Still a fairly sympathetic characterization.
- Harold: A very minor progression in terms of relations with team members, especially Liz. Far deeper communication and grudging respect for Reddington
- Ressler: Minor tune-ups here and there. Still the resolute law officer.
- Madeline: None, despite continued attempts to soften her. You never know where she'll eventually end up.
- Dom: Definitely a bit of progression regardless of the death of Brian Dennehy
- Mrs. Kaplan: Good attempt to rehabilitate a top side character early in the series, before Kate offed.
- Glen: None. With all respect to Clark Middleton's fabulous portrayals, the character remained a whirling dervish of underground crime and sneaky taps into the database. Yet even without the progression, Clark Middleton's portrayal of "Glen" is now legendary, almost Chaplinesque, Buster Keaton in the DMV
- Agent Park: A moderate amount of progression in order to impart respect upon her after Marno's sudden departure
Now, who did I miss . . . ? ? ?
Tuxie400 wrote:
Honey West - N13 may be a red herring. It could be part of Fakerina's con. In any case, I'm looking forward to finding out out how Neville Townsend fits into all this intrigue regarding Katerina.
LOL! Maybe Neville is the N? (I know she explained it was a Russian word, but still...)
Plum forgot about Aram - his character developed quite a bit from S.1 to S.5
After that - he's pretty much back to data entry . . . ! ! ! lol
Big Badd Bazzer wrote:
Plum forgot about Aram - his character developed quite a bit from S.1 to S.5
After that - he's pretty much back to data entry . . . ! ! ! lol
I think you summed it up quite well. I was watching Season 1 recently, and Liz is so different!
Tuxie, Could be a red herring.
I was also thinking about that Private Investigator Liz hired. She said that Ilya was obsessed with the Archive. So I have wondered about him. It seams like they do not want her to get ahold of the SA. It looks like they want to to keep running as far as she can away from them. I don't blame them.
I'm wondering what number Neville gets? I would think it was a lower one.
Yes, it's the best thing on network TV, followed by Transplant (NBC Tuesdays). I don't usually like doctor dramas, but this one has its moments. It's an import from Canada.
I haven't seen New Amsterdam, yet. I'm waiting until summer to stream it.