The Blacklist Refugees

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10/19/2019 10:41 pm  #1

Episode 7.5

Norman Devane.

Liz and the Task Force investigate an infamous assassin who has a long history of weaponizing diseases, but has now turned to even more insidious activities. Meanwhile, Red and Dembe travel to Cuba in search of a lead, and Aram considers a new relationship. Elizabeth Bogush guest stars.

Screenspy has the pics for it.  I saw Dr. Spalding and the Guy on the bench!

It's a shame you have no crackers  

11/01/2019 10:48 am  #2

Re: Episode 7.5

There haven't been many spoilers for this one, but with Dr. Spalding Stark and Bench Guy back, there has to be something interesting.


11/01/2019 10:11 pm  #3

Re: Episode 7.5

Tuxie, I was thinking there was going to be some sort of big reveal since there were not many promos.... 

It's a shame you have no crackers  
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