I don't see anything in this article which is a direct quote from Jon Bokenkamp to confirm that this "Katarina Rostova" is the real KR and the mother of Elizabeth Keen. It looks like the author took some poetic license.
Interesting. The TV Guide writer is taking everything at face value. I wonder what the Townsend Directive is. Who is Townsend, and what is the directive? How does it play into why Red entered Liz's life?
I don't know what happened to my avatar. That one that replaced it looks too negative.
Tuxie - My memory is failing me, but I could swear somewhere we had a discussion about Townsend, a man by that name. I don't remember the first name though. Or the Townsend project, or something in real life. I did a search and nothing comes up. Must be my mind playing tricks on me.
As for the avatars, what on earth is going on? Your avatar and Honey West's avatar are popping up saying "tinypic" and that your photo is no longer available?
Oh for crying out loud, how could I forget? Leslie Townsend!
Hiding in plain sight.
We probably need to re-upload our photos to tinypic or host them elsewhere.
I have said from just about the beginning that I thought Red was part of something much larger than just being the concierge of crime. In my mind I thought perhaps he and/or his organization kept the world's balance of power in balance by keeping the various shadow governments and their minions in check, weeding out the bad ones who would make bigger waves than they were allowed. Brokering deals to keep things going, or stopping them. He said in Cape May that he was sort of an actuary and I think that’s the closest thing we’ve heard to what he is and does.
Leslie Townsend, Royal Navy? (grin)
Actually, yes, it was mentioned in Robert Diaz. When Dembe came back he told Red that a friend in Miami had told him that the Townsend Directive was in play.
Honey West - Tatiana and I remembered the origin of the Townsend Directive with Dembe's line. After the finale, some fans tried to connect the name Townsend with real people or happenings. Some of the Redarina fans found the link to Leslie Townsend, a trans person. Others linked it the Townshend Acts and it tea tax, which fired up the American Revolution. Personally, I think the name is just one of Bokenkamp's cronies. I looked up Bokenkamp's wife's Facebook, and dozens of Blacklisters are named after her friends on facebook. There's some other Facebook page by a person in Kearney, NE that lists all the people in Kearney whose names have appeared in BL. There are lots of them. And last spring we found out Raymond Reddington was named for Jon's high school friend, Chris Raymond.
Thanks, Tuxie400!
Also, I found that TinyPic is shutting down in a few days, so that's why they gave us the generic icon. Too bad, it was a nice little free anonymous image hosting site. They apologized for not being able to let everyone know individually, but that's the point of anonymity, plus it was impossible to notify all of the third party sites where their images might be located.
Thank you for posting this! There is another one that came up on my google a few hours ago on EW. They had pics too. Whoever this KR is, she looks evil!!!!
Link to EW photos and article. I found it through Bokenkamp's Twitter.
Eastcoast - I agree this Katarina is the evil version. I miss the Lotte version already.
Thirty years on the run has not made them into good people, that’s for sure.