Is on aly's twitter feed. I can’t figure out how to link to it here.
Well, so much for Red and Katarina working together!
She even looks like a vampire.
"You’re going to tell me everything I want to know."
Do you think it’s possible that all this time Red kept Liz's whereabouts and maybe even existence secret from her? No wonder she’s P. O.'d
Last edited by Honey West (8/31/2019 8:47 pm)
Honey West, I just saw it and NOOOOOOO!!!!!
I sincerely doubt it is Katarina, but just for grins, if it is Katarina, who the hell is Red? He's not Raymond Reddington.
Honey West wrote:
Is on aly's twitter feed. I can’t figure out how to link to it here.
Well, so much for Red and Katarina working together!
She even looks like a vampire.
"You’re going to tell me everything I want to know."
Do you think it’s possible that all this time Red kept Liz's whereabouts and maybe even existence secret from her? No wonder she’s P. O.'d
Vampire, Good one!
She looks soooooooo Evil!!
I just saw it this morning!
Honey West - I can understand the vampire vibes from when the blood goes in the bag. If this is Katarina, I wonder if she had her own memory wiped when Liz did.
Tatiana - If this really is Katarina (and I'm not convinced at this point), maybe Red really is Ilya. Or, there were three men shown leaving the night of the fire. What if Red is another childhood friend of both Katarina and Ilya, who was enlisted to help get Masha back that night? I'm going into Season 7 still in the Redarina camp. But I've always held open the possibility of some other twist.
After watching it a second time, I'm thinking, why does "Katarina" need this much bloom from Red? Since I consider her Fakerina, me thinks this blood is for some kind of fake out.
Tuxie400 wrote:
After watching it a second time, I'm thinking, why does "Katarina" need this much bloom from Red? Since I consider her Fakerina, me thinks this blood is for some kind of fake out.
Maybe it's for setting up a crime scene for him to disappear, as in, his blood was found on the scene. When Anslo Garrick had him they tested the blood and said it was his. So whoever fake Red really is, they already have blood on file to match with him. Of course, then when Cooper went and got the old blood for the DNA test, doesn't that mean he must know fake Red is Fake Red? He seems to know the blood is different anyway.
Katarina reminded me of Gary Oldman as Dracula. LOL!
But, anyway, back to Katarina's statement - it made me think of what Red said to Dom about what Dom told Liz in Rassvet. Maybe their story is starting to come unraveled a bit by them possibly telling slightly different versions of it, and that's how Liz will discover the truth in the end.
Interesting thought about Katarina having her own memory wiped. It would certainly be one way of "killing" herself.
Thanks for the link! I couldn't figure out where to copy it, but then I always have trouble doing a lot of things on my iPad that I can easily do on the computer.
Honey West - If Katarina's memory was wiped, I do think it was her idea to do it.
I haven't thought this through but I thought I'd put down random, incomplete thoughts and let you all dissect them ;-)
1) This is Katarina, this is the real Raymond Reddington. Katarina really was an evil woman made more evil somehow when she jumped into the ocean. She was able to keep RR alive somehow. Or, this "real" RR managed to pull himself up out of the dirt, heal himself, and made the decision that he had to protect Elizabeth from the evil Katarina. I totally do not believe there is anything to support scenario.
2) This is not Katarina, this is not Raymond Reddington. Red being the original Raymond Reddington (OGRR) in my mind has been thoroughly debunked. He is an impostor. We don't completely know who he really is, but I'm 100% that Red is an impostor. But I have no theories as to what this Katarina is trying to achieve, except that she clearly is an enemy, perhaps once an ally to this Red.
3) Katarina Rostova is a false name given to whomever assumes her role. There is no real Katarina Rostova. Red said to Liz, I knew her as Katarina Rostova "one of her many names".
Ok, we get it. KR had many names because she was KGB. They said she was a ghost, a myth. An amalgamation of many but not one individual.
a) Let's pretend for a moment that this Red was the parent of Liz, known by the name of Katarina Rostova (one of her many identities). In order to freely move about and protect her blood relatives, mother, father, daughter, she took on a completely new identity and became Raymond Reddington. We have some support of that theory with Rassvet.
So then who is THIS Katarina? This Katarina is Katarina Rostova, because there really isn't a real Katarina Rostova. The name is a fictional character, an imaginary force of evil and power, resourceful, clever, extremely dangerous. And this Katarina Rostova is working for the KGB or the Cabal or whatever entity this Red was formerly involved in. This Katarina has some kind of power and control over Red, what we don't know. A handler?
b) ... I had some other ideas, but was interrupted... oh well!
Well, now that our super sleuth Lara1 is no longer part of our active membership, I did some sleuthing of my own on the blood draw kit. The bag shown can hold up to 600 ml of blood, the typical amount taken for donation is between 350 and 500 to 600 mls (depending on gender, body weight, etc.)
To me, this means either the blood is being used as a donation or the blood is being used to pretend that Raymond Reddington is dead.
Of course, it could be some kind of weird, bizarre, twisted torture scheme.
Losing more than 715 mls of blood would start hypovolemic shock, although the effects are felt moreso after 1,500 mls are lost.
It's pretty dangerous.
That is the extent of my blood draw knowledge :-)
Here's a link to the type of blood draw kit shown in the preview:
Tuxie400 wrote:
Honey West - If Katarina's memory was wiped, I do think it was her idea to do it.
And she left clues for recovering her memory if she needed to. Sort of like "K" did in Men In Black II.
Tatiana wrote:
Well, now that our super sleuth Lara1 is no longer part of our active membership, I did some sleuthing of my own on the blood draw kit. The bag shown can hold up to 600 ml of blood, the typical amount taken for donation is between 350 and 500 to 600 mls (depending on gender, body weight, etc.)
To me, this means either the blood is being used as a donation or the blood is being used to pretend that Raymond Reddington is dead.
Of course, it could be some kind of weird, bizarre, twisted torture scheme.
Losing more than 715 mls of blood would start hypovolemic shock, although the effects are felt moreso after 1,500 mls are lost.
It's pretty dangerous.
That is the extent of my blood draw knowledge :-)
Here's a link to the type of blood draw kit shown in the preview:
Yikes! Whatever she’s doing it doesn’t look good. At first in the clip he doesn’t have the tubing, so it would appear that when she talks to him, she hasn’t started the blood draw yet.
Hey, maybe she’s taking the blood for Kirk? Wouldn’t that be weird?
Good gravy, I'm really going down this rabbit hole!
I noticed the dates on the bag and wondered why there would even be dates on there. Newly purchased bags have no dates or serial numbers on them.
Then it hit me. Red had contracted with the pharmacist sometime in the past year or so (according to TBL time... yeah, let's not go there). Remember, Dembe insisted on seeing the Pharmacist even though he was about to go to jail. We have no idea what kind of project it was, but later in season 6 we see Red taking pills and having a pouch with a needle and clearish liquid for injection, it looks like somewhere on his hip.
Red knew who this person "Katarina" was. Does she know what Red is up to? She does, but she also knows he's likely "chewed through the leash". Because in the promo she says, "tell me everything".
Tatiana wrote:
I haven't thought this through but I thought I'd put down random, incomplete thoughts and let you all dissect them ;-)
I will have to think about these. Heading out to dinner shortly.
Tatiana, I saw those dates, too. Made me think of something like a clinical trial. That would have a start date and and end date. But why would she be doing it?
I think it correlates with the beginning dates of the clinical trial Dembe and Red had contracted for with The Pharmacist.
Either Red is trying to protect himself from Katarina, or Red is the subject of Katarina's clinical trial.
What if this whole thing is a clinical trial? (seriously ladies, I do not do hallucinogenics! LOL)
We were talking a few weeks ago about the whole medical aspect and Liz's abdominal scar and adhesions.
Maybe when Liz wakes up in the Pilot (a timeless non-time with the flashing 12:00 on her clock) and she says, "this whole day is classified" it's because it is. She's the one being experiemented on.
Clinical trials in overabundance. We have Cooper - a fake clinical trial, Tom (during the bone search he enrolled in a trial to get to the bones); ... I'd have to go back to Lara's lists.. there are so many diseases, drugs, trials, like these people are all part of a biological experiment.
I think this is going to be the last season and I have to think the reveal will be something along these lines.
Tatiana wrote:
Well, now that our super sleuth Lara1 is no longer part of our active membership, I did some sleuthing of my own on the blood draw kit. The bag shown can hold up to 600 ml of blood, the typical amount taken for donation is between 350 and 500 to 600 mls (depending on gender, body weight, etc.)
To me, this means either the blood is being used as a donation or the blood is being used to pretend that Raymond Reddington is dead.
Of course, it could be some kind of weird, bizarre, twisted torture scheme.
Losing more than 715 mls of blood would start hypovolemic shock, although the effects are felt moreso after 1,500 mls are lost.
It's pretty dangerous.
That is the extent of my blood draw knowledge :-)
Here's a link to the type of blood draw kit shown in the preview:
Sleuth Tatiana - Great info on the blood bag!
Well the promo certainly has us intrigued. The idea of Katarina wearing a white lab coat in that behind the scenes photo does got with this medical stuff and the idea of medical trials. The Ressler transfusion and Kirk's blood stuff have all been leading to this blood bag dvrnr. But what it's all about, I haven't a clue. LOL