newly released photos, thanks Aly Blacklist for pointing out.
Thanks posting the link Lara1 - love seeing Red in the nautical office - there are eight "international code flags" or "signaling flags" in the background - one of them is a checkered flag!
I looked up what the flags meant in case there was a message hiding in plain sight - that was a theme of Sherlock the other night. The checkered flag means "November" or "no," so nothing special comes to mind. I don't see a pattern for the rest of the flags, although they may mean something once we watch the episode. Here are what the flags mean:
First Row, going across: Tango/Keep Clear, Alfa/Driver Down Keep Clear, X-Ray/Stop Your Intention
Second Row: November/No, Charlie/Yes
Third Row: Whiskey/Require Medical Assistance, 2 (just plain old number 2), Mike/I Am Stopped
The first row can spell out TAX (Tango, Alfa, X-Ray). The names Charlie and Mike are mentioned. Of course none of this could mean anything - TBL set designers could just be making a really cool looking office
Other thing I noticed in the nautical office is the ship's wheel figurine. In Caretaker, Red burned his letter intended for Liz if he died. A few months ago, I re-watched the episode on a better TV, and I'm 75% sure that Red's seal on the envelope was shaped like a ship's wheel. Someday I'd love to watch Thrushes again on a better TV to check out Red's seal on the envelopes inside the Nick's Pizza boxes...
Last edited by Colleen (1/10/2017 12:57 pm)
I don't know. It looks to me like Red is thinking about getting into the cruise ship business. The model ship looks like an older style passenger ship from maybe the 60's or 70's or later? Then there's the travel poster for Montenegro on the wall. And Montenegro happens to be a Balkan country tucked in next to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.
Last edited by Honey West (1/10/2017 4:41 pm)
Colleen and HoneyWest - well I hadn't seen those details yet, you both have really keen eyes for detail!
Colleen - that is really interesting about the flags, and the checkered one being prominent right next to Red. November - isn't that the month of the Russian revolution of 1917 - I think it is october or november depending on whether the old or new calendar is used....hmmmm. I never noticed that there was a seal on he invites in the pizza boxes - thank you for that! I was fixating on the "Nick's pizza" boxes as I think I wrote my Red/St Nicholas stuff around the same time. LOL, I will have to re-watch that now. I could never make out the seal on the envelope in the Caretaker.....
Honey West good catch on Montenegro. Isn't there a historical significance to that place as well....I will have to come back on that.....Want to see what the other poster is too as its cut off in the photo.
By the way, It looks like Liz is a bit glammed up in those photos!
Last edited by lara1 (1/10/2017 7:30 pm)
lara1 wrote:
Colleen and HoneyWest - well I hadn't seen those details yet, you both have really keen eyes for detail!
Honey West good catch on Montenegro. Isn't there a historical significance to that place as well....I will have to come back on that.....Want to see what the other poster is too as its cut off in the photo.
By the way, It looks like Liz is a bit glammed up in those photos!
LOL! No, I just have a 27" iMac with Retina display. It's not 4K, it's 5K! So very good detail if the photo is high res enough. The model ship didn't have a name on it or anything, but it reminded me of the models they have on the Holland America ships of the older ships they used to have. They re-use the names so you can see models of the earlier bearers of that ship's name via the models. It just reminded me of those.
I don't think I could see what the other poster was. We may have to wait until the episode airs. I am thinking it may say HAWAII, though. There were all kinds of things on the shelves with the flags. A fish sculpture, a captain's hat, coral, etc.
Colleen - Thanks for the cool info on the ship's flags. I agree that the seal on the red envelope in the Caretaker looked like a ship's wheel. After reading your post I looked up the screencaps for that episode. There are screencaps up for the episodes 1-3 on Screencapped. I didn't get a good enough look at the seal on the Nick's Pizza box invited to see if it was the same.
Honey West - Montenegro is in that area suggested by Liz's scar and the mark on Tom's box. It's also the country of one of my favorite detectives - Nero Wolfe.
lara1 - Liz does look "glammed up" for The Harem. I'll be glad to see her out of black duds for a change.