I was looking at some of the promo pics and the ones of him giving a speech seam a bit out there for him to do. He has always been very public and I have always found that very odd, but this really seams out there even for him. Then it looks like a street cop sees him at a food stand and that is how he gets caught. Does it seam odd that he allows himself to get caught if that is the way it happens? Any other time it seams he shoots or thinks his way through.
Are there two of them? I am wondering if he wants in the prison for some reason like he did before with Braxton. Is there a way for him to switch places in and out of the jail and a double takes his place inside now that he has Mr. Creepy making doubles out of people for him?
In the credits when I was strolling through them I see there is an inmate listed in episode 1 and we see he gets caught in Ep 2 if I am reading that right.
It is just a passing thought I had and wondered what you guys thought.
EC, I keep thinking maybe he starts out the season in prison and then we see the story of how he ended up there, then his time in there, and then his eventual escape. But it seems like, being Raymond Reddington, once he is in prison I don't see how they could ever let him back out. Life in prison at the very least, and most likely, the death penalty for many of the things he's done if they can prove it in court. Assuming he would even get a fair trial. It will be interesting to see what they do with this prison story. But when and if he gets out he might have to disappear completely.
Eastcoast - Those pics of Red speaking at the United Nations do seem a bit out there. And it does appear he gets arrested by that one cop.
Did you guys see the first five minutes of episode 1? It's really fun. And I understand it's not the original opening, but one they decided to change and filmed in October. Here's the link if you haven't seen it.
Thanks, Tuxie400, I watched it last night and it was fun. I didn’t realize at first they were driving a dump truck until the inevitable happened. Good TBL fun again!
That is a good thought HW. I like that.
I did see it Tuxie. Starting out with some humor again like last time. I wonder if they will tell us why they changed their mind. Just a few laughs before it gets dark again?
Eastcoast wrote:
What clip did Troy use for that Tuxie?
Does anyone know when the new Podcast will be out? I thought someone said this week.
Troy now says the podcast will be released for public consumption on Dec. 26.
Thanks Tuxie. I will keep an eye out for it.
I am sure we have all been paying attention to the coming episodes. Has anyone else noticed that there seams to be plenty of cast listed in most of the episodes coming except the 2nd one?
I wonder if the street cop is one only one they are talking about when they say Red will have an encounter with someone?
I just went on tumblr and Aly has a new promo! Has some different stuff in it. Looks like Liz is throwing a hint to Cooper.
Tuxie400 wrote:
Eastcoast wrote:
What clip did Troy use for that Tuxie?
Does anyone know when the new Podcast will be out? I thought someone said this week.Troy now says the podcast will be released for public consumption on Dec. 26.
Just want everyone to know The Podcast is out as of a few hours ago. 😁
I am on round 2. It is really good!!
Thanks Eastcoast and Tatiana! Maybe I can listen to it while getting Christmas dinner ready today? Ha! Like that will really be possible!
I just finished listening to the podcast. I'm glad they released it today so I could digest it while I was digesting my Christmas dinner.
Merry Christmas!
Eastcoast wrote:
I just went on tumblr and Aly has a new promo! Has some different stuff in it. Looks like Liz is throwing a hint to Cooper.
Eastcoast - It does looks like Liz is giving Coop a hint, but I think it just confuses him. LOL
Tuxie, I can't wait to see that whole conversation. He was a confused/bewildered look on his face. I wondered if he was going to laugh.
HW, I hope you were able to listen to it.