Woohoo! Tuxie is out of the closet!!! I was so bummed when you decided to go under cover although I certainly can appreciate the harassment you received as a big deterrent.
So yay!
Tuxie400 - as you know, I think there is a lot that points to Rederina as well as stuff that does not.
But, it could be a reason why the bones were never burnt but lugged around from place to place. If KR loved the real RR, she might not want to burn them. Also, it could explain why "Red" kept emphasizing that the bones were incredibly "personal" and "special" to him. Maybe.
In any event the last scene confirmed the close bond between Red and Dom. Dom was not just a handler. I've always thought a child/parent relationship from what I've said before: the look of hurt on Red's face when Dom abandons him at the front door; and the comment by Dom that he has no family, a twinge comes across REd's face, among other things. So could be Rederina, if not, something equally close, IMO
I don't remember the actor's name (from the haberdashery scene) but is it a any wonder they chose one of the most flamboyant, well kniwn lgbtq actor /director for a scene with Frederina about fashion surrounded by a sea of plaid wall-paper? (Plaid, a favored symbol of TBL blogger Tessa)
Lara1, I agree with your post. Some things point to it but some things do not.
Tatiana - The actor's name in the tailor's shop is John Waters. It's interesting that the dialog referenced Pink Flamingos. The most controversial scene in that movie invovles a transgender person. Of course they could have picked that movie title of Waters' because of Spader and Shatner's connection with flamingos in Boston Legal. And the idea of Red's going to his Christmas show reinforces the Christmas Eve themes in BL.
There are definitely a few things that would need to be explained for Redarina. Like the Fowler story about what happened to his family. I’ve been willing to consider that family didn’t necessarily mean spouse/child but possibly parents/siblings. Which in KR’s case could be a mother and sibling or if Red is the brother to RR perhaps RR and Liz were staying with him and the brothers family (wife and child) died in the fire along with RR, prompting him to take over his brothers identity. That latter scenario could also explain the Takoma Park house thing. Though KR and Rostov could have had that house together I suppose. And lastly that comment Red makes about imagining KR as a child Covered in glitter. But some do these things may never be explained either. They might just be little red herrings thrown in or whatever.
lara1 and Eastcoast - It's possible that Redarina is still a huge red herring. I'm noticing a lot of people on other Internet sites who were violently opposed to it, are now saying Redarina might be the answer. But the writers could be leading viewers in that direction, only to throw another twist at us in the end.
The only other option I could see is if that bloody shirt the paternal DNA test came from actually belonged to Seaduke, and Seaduke was either Dom's son or surrogate son. And even then, would Seaduke refer to RR's bones as "precious?"
Kaplan's comments that Red put Liz in her arms as a baby would not square with the Seaduke theory - unless there is some scene we are yet to be shown. And Seaduke doesn't explain how Red knew Katarina's thoughts.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (5/18/2018 8:47 am)
I wonder if Krilov’s claim of a second memory modification will be exposed? He said it was done because Liz learned a certain truth about Red. Did she just learn he wasn’t really Red or if she learned his real identity. It sounds like the Director knew the truth.
Brittany wrote:
I wonder if Krilov’s claim of a second memory modification will be exposed? He said it was done because Liz learned a certain truth about Red. Did she just learn he wasn’t really Red or if she learned his real identity. It sounds like the Director knew the truth.
It's frustrating to me that the second Krilov memory wipe was never addressed again. Who was responsible for it, and what did Liz find out? There are so many things brought up and then dropped. Season 5 was such a long season with only that one explosive reveal. Season 6 should give us the mother lode of answers in restitution. But I doubt it will.
Tuxie400 wrote:
Tatiana - The actor's name in the tailor's shop is John Waters. It's interesting that the dialog referenced Pink Flamingos. The most controversial scene in that movie invovles a transgender person. Of course they could have picked that movie title of Waters' because of Spader and Shatner's connection with flamingos in Boston Legal. And the idea of Red's going to his Christmas show reinforces the Christmas Eve themes in BL.
Brilliant! I was totally perplexed about the Christmas reference. Now that I think of it, it's funny he says he missed most of it and only got the last 20 minutes or so, kind of like how he was 'late' for Christmas eve a long time ago.
And the Pink Flamingo! Boston Legal was hilariious. I think we have all 5 seasons on DVD.
I just requested to join that Redarina group on FB. If someone had told me a year ago I would be doing that I would have laughed my head off. But alas, here I am. A refugee in need of a new home.
Brittany wrote:
I just requested to join that Redarina group on FB. If someone had told me a year ago I would be doing that I would have laughed my head off. But alas, here I am. A refugee in need of a new home.
LOL! Never say never, right?
So I didn't want to use my persona facebook account, but I did set up a Tatiana Reddington account and asked to be let into the group but haen't been allowed in yeet. Let me know if you do get in .Maybe I jsut need a good reference LOL
Brittany wrote:
I just requested to join that Redarina group on FB. If someone had told me a year ago I would be doing that I would have laughed my head off. But alas, here I am. A refugee in need of a new home.
I wouldn't have believed it about you a month ago. Welcome to the club!
Tatiana wrote:
Tuxie400 wrote:
Tatiana - The actor's name in the tailor's shop is John Waters. It's interesting that the dialog referenced Pink Flamingos. The most controversial scene in that movie invovles a transgender person. Of course they could have picked that movie title of Waters' because of Spader and Shatner's connection with flamingos in Boston Legal. And the idea of Red's going to his Christmas show reinforces the Christmas Eve themes in BL.
Brilliant! I was totally perplexed about the Christmas reference. Now that I think of it, it's funny he says he missed most of it and only got the last 20 minutes or so, kind of like how he was 'late' for Christmas eve a long time ago.
And the Pink Flamingo! Boston Legal was hilariious. I think we have all 5 seasons on DVD.
I recently read an article in which Bokenkamp says he saw John Waters in a Christmas show last year....
...Ears perked up when Red something similarTuxie400 wrote:
Brittany wrote:
I just requested to join that Redarina group on FB. If someone had told me a year ago I would be doing that I would have laughed my head off. But alas, here I am. A refugee in need of a new home.
I wouldn't have believed it about you a month ago. Welcome to the club!
Lol I’ve quietly been preparing myself for it since the Garvey Conclusion episode. I just didn’t want it to come true.
Pink Flamingos was quite controversial when it came out in the early 70’s. Hairspray, a little less-so, about ten years later. But he loved using the actor Divine in his movies. Divine was a very large drag queen, but wasn’t trans. I never met Divine, but I had friends who'd worked with him in SF.
It was fun to have John Waters on TBL. He’s an interesting guy and it was fun to have him riffing with Red about clothes in the tailor shop. It’s always tricky when you have real people interacting with fictional ones, but they did a great job.
Honey West - I knew Divine appeared in all of the Waters movies. He's a very funny drag queen. Hairspray is the only Waters flick I've acutally seen. When it was announced Waters was to appear on BL, I looked up his movies. In Pink Flamingos, the transgender person is a thief who stuns victims by by simultaneously exposing his breasts and penis.
Patter - I had seen Bokencamp's interview about his seeing Waters' Christmas show too. Apparently he was very impressed, much as Red was in that scene.
Tuxie400 - I look forward to your continuing thoughts on this as season 6 progresses (well anytime, really!)
there's some obvious stuff that sticks in my mind, mainly from Season 1, and Cape May, in possible support of this theory. But look forward to anything else you unearth through re-watches and otherwise.