She made a post on Instagram a few weeks ago from a book about a standing ovation at the end of a performance. That's when I thought this might be her last episode.
I wonder if they both go out together.
Honey West wrote:
I wonder if they both go out together.
Ok my friends, chin up. We will get through this!! :-)
wish wish wish wish wish...
I'm not sure what to make of the Samar storyline. I'm just not sure what purpose it serves. And I'm never sure what to make of actor's social media. Diego as I understand it hasn't been active for a while. And there can be false clues, so the real ending is a surprise.
Unless the Samar storyline is needed in order to turn TBL into a different story, as has been hinted by TPTB.
She has tended to post pictures or videos, but the last one was of the cemetery scene in 5.20. I haven't seen anything else since. And she then posted a video being in NOLA the day after they wrapped for the season. Not exactly a smoking gun, but she got out of town quickly if she was filming up to the end.
Ryan Eggold's was pretty obvious. Lots of pictures with crew, a gift from the Jons, etc. I think it is dependent on the person for sure.
Brittany - true about Ryan, but that stuff wasn't posted until after Tom "died". So I wouldn't expect anything about Samar or Aram til then, if it happens. As I recall, the actress who plays Samar was photographed last year traveling right after they wrapped. She may just prefer to get on with vacation quickly.
to be honest I'm not a huge fan of Samar. I like her much better when she was clearly Red's mole on the taskforce and when she interacts with Red. Other than that, for me she's just another task force member. I'd actually like to see one or two new members to shake up the dynamic a bit, its too predicatble for me. I wished they'd kept the police detective around. He was compelling to watch, for me at least.
lara1, I do believe he got a guitar or something before hand and a lot of people were questioning if it was a parting gift.
Today on Reddit I saw a little snip on Megan (a few others on the other board said they saw it on aly-Tumblr) and they were asking her if Liz and the audience will find out who the bones belong to and she said the audience will. I was really wanting to Liz find out. I guess that will be part of our cliffhanger waiting for her to find out who they belong to??
alyblacklist posted a follow up with Bokenkamp in which he says he's very confident in a renewal AND he says they only did one ending for this season finale...that's almost never done
That is good news. They better not leave us hanging like that! They have more work to do! lol
Nbc did that to me on another show I was looking at after the BL was on. I was not a happy camper.
Thank you!!
Maybe I'm foolish (LOL) but I'm not worried. Its possible that they are using TBL as bargaining chip to get the other stuff they want. Who knows.
What familiar faces would you most like to see in the finale? I would most love to see flashbacks of Kaplan and Fitch.
If I had my druthers, I would really like to see Fitch. I do hope we see Dom though as the story between the two of them seems so deep.
It would be great to see Dom too!
What if Sutton Ross walks off with the duffle bag - and hands it to Dom?
I want to see Dom, his wife, KR, Tom, Fitch, Sam, Naomi, Jennifer, anyone from the night of the fire, Nik and Mr.Kaplan. I hope i didnt leave anyone out!
I am thinking we will see them ny him telling a story to Ross?
Honey West wrote:
What if Sutton Ross walks off with the duffle bag - and hands it to Dom?
That would be a good one. And then he hands them to Red in front of Liz would probably be what happens next.
Well, we already know Red walks off with the bag from the preview. But that would have been really good HW!
Ross tackles Red, grabs the bag and then hands it to Dom. Better yet, he hands it to his cousin, Alexander Kirk. I just figure Dom has to be a part of this somehow since he was the mysterious Oleander.