Tuxie400 wrote:
lara1 - We don't know that Red was imagining the girl dancing in the year 1987 - just that he still had the program from that year. He could have been imagining Liz dancing at an older age, or Redarina could have been imagining herself.
Yeah, maybe. That still doesn't hang together for me. There was some kind of ballet recital of Swan Lake in 1987. Who then was dancing in 1987? If they are showing Liz, but at an older age, not in 1987, who was at that recital? Even if it was KR imagining herself, it wasn't her in 1987 nor could it be Liz. It just doesn't add up for me. I think its another girl, but it is, I don't know - yet. LOL
lara1 wrote:
I am still no closer to figuring out what Garvey wants from Red. Anyone had their theories/ideas advanced tonight?
Separately - The whole involvement with the drug syndicate looks like it could be a massive undercover op. maybe?
I'm not very good at coming up with theories. Lara, but it's interesting they're both looking for each other, Garvey and Red. Certainly looks like it's a massive undercover op, agree there.
I still think there's significance to Garvey wearing the military ring... that might tie him and Red back to Navy days.
Tatiana wrote:
Brittany wrote:
Tuxie400 wrote:
And what about all the doppelgangers being buried? That was weird! Will doppelgangers have anything to do with the suitcase body? I'm having this weird feeling that Red is going to fake his own death in a fire, using both Earl Fagen and Raleigh Sinclair.
Part of my KR theory is that Red faked KR’s death by trying to make it look like her as much as was possible in the 90s. Could tie into the doppelgänger thing. I’ve been wondering if he might run off or pretend he’s dead should his secret be exposed. Not that I want another faked death but the show writers love it.
Now that's a very interesting twist. So following this theory, would that imply that Katarina is still alive somewhere?
Tatianna- I think there is a very good chance KR is alive somewhere and that to have this secret revealed would show the world and Liz that she is alive and that Red has been hiding this. Which I think has huge potential to unleash enormous issues. If she is a deadly psychopath she could be the biggest of big bads. She could also be like Red but the knowledge that she is alive could bring some really bad peoples out of the woodwork. I see so many great potential storylines with a living KR coming into the fold.
Well a re-watch is necessary to scoop up more dialogue and details....
All I know is, after this episode with all of the double, doppelgänger, corpse and ghost references, someone is a double of someone else but who?
Liz a double of another daughter?
Red a double of real Red?
KR a double of real Red?
here is another twist - "real" Red is out there somewhere still in hiding and "our" Red is his doppelgänger - for reasons we do not know yet.
It’s very possible Liz was meant to be ballet girl. I doubt the writers intended for people to remember the date on the flyer from that episode. Even so, Liz’s year of birth has been messed with over the series. She was supposed to be 30 when it started in 2013 and by the time she has a headstone in season 3 it’s 1985.
Brittany - totally get that. But 2,3 or 4 is too young to be dancing that ballet. Its for an older girl. Even if they had to get an actress that was older in order to find an actress that could do ballet, it still makes no sense to me. I did ballet as a child of 5. Even at that age, girls can't dance Swan Lake like that. IMO of course.
so it has perplexed me since I first saw it.
Last edited by lara1 (2/28/2018 9:27 pm)
Red now has a most "noble" FACE-LIFTER on retainer!
Hmmm, given the circumstances is retainer the right word? lol
What do you think the preview means: next week the truth comes out? What truth? The truth about Garvey orLiz finds out Tom was killed for a skeleton in a suitcase.
and the 1987 on the flyer could have been a mistake. I mean, we are talking about the same show that had KR calling her husband by a name he wouldn’t take for another 10-15 years long after she went missing. They aren’t perfect.
Last edited by Brittany (2/28/2018 9:32 pm)
Big Bad - hey, I was wondering where you went! I gotta wonder if keeping a guy like Sinclair on the payroll is such a good idea...but interesting that Red says he's been following his work for years. This is part of Red's long-term plan it would seem.
Lots of great questions! I don't know what to think . . . will need to ponder tonight's episode.
I'm glad it's back! I hope it gets renewed for one more season.
Just throwing this into mix, the major ballet programs all have classes for 2-year-olds called Mommy and Me, or something similar. The little girls wear tutus and work on movement and coordination exercises with thier moms helping.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (2/28/2018 9:36 pm)
Thought-what if Red is employing Sinclair in order to give Liz an airtight alibi to kill Garvey? Especially once she is reinstated? Granted it seems like he usually takes more time to plan but Red could probably convince him to work a little faster. But he would have to convince her to kill him without getting his secret. Which could be tricky...
Last edited by Brittany (2/28/2018 9:39 pm)
Oooo, even better thought- create a doppelgänger for Garvey so Liz can believe she has the real one and Red actually gets him? Even if just temporary distraction
Brittany - I was thinking Red would use Sinclair for his own purposes, I hadn't thought about using him for Liz. That's an interesting take.
Brittany wrote:
Thought-what if Red is employing Sinclair in order to give Liz an airtight alibi to kill Garvey? Especially once she is reinstated? Granted it seems like he usually takes more time to plan but Red could probably convince him to work a little faster. But he would have to convince her to kill him without getting his secret. Which could be tricky...
Brittany - I thought of that too. It could be.
Brittany wrote:
Oooo, even better thought- create a doppelgänger for Garvey so Liz can believe she has the real one and Red actually gets him? Even if just temporary distraction
Oh, now that's creative!
Ok, I'm having a hard time connecting the dots on some things with Garvey... what did Tom's notes say about Oleander? I must be mixing it up in my mind, but I thought that she was looking at the notes to try to get a clue about Tom's killer. And that brought her to the name Oleander. And then she discovered Dom.... I need to re-watch those episodes. I really am not connecting it at all.
Red is so creative. He could do so many things! I’m so excited to see where this goes.
Tatiana - You're right about the Oleander stuff. Liz thinks it has something to do with Tom's killer, but the question Tom asked Dennison was Why did I pick up the suitcase? Dennison's reply was Oleander. It doesn't really tie into who killed Tom, which is Garvey.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (2/28/2018 9:50 pm)
I’m not sure how exactly Dom/Oleander fits into everything, unless he is also in on the suitcase secret. If it is related to KR being dead or alive, she may have believed Oleander would tell Liz the truth. Or that she would be telling Oleander something that he didn’t know? It could be a bunch of things. I think we need to know how/how much Kaplan knew about Oleander to get some more ideas.