OK...I know this is a controversial theory and I consider myself to be a pretty level headed person, but at some point while catching up on the show (I was late in discovering The Blacklist, 2015(?), so later binge-watched it on Netflix) and it dawned on me..."wait, could Red maybe BE Katerina?!?" and it's kinda clouded my vision ever since.
I will add though, that I'm currently (May 2017, season 4 concluded) not 100% sold on that theory. It would certainly be outrageous and there is still soooo much evidence to contradict it. For now, I'm maybe 75% leaning there. I fell in love with the character Red as being an amazingly interesting MAN and I still hope that's the case. But I'm also very much open to "Redorina"
And so this thread begins, for anyone interested. I'll add thoughts as I think of them.
Oops, I think the correct spelling would be Redarina....not Redorina! Sorry!
JackPow - I was strongly favoring the mommy theory at midseason. And I still don't think the most recent episodes have ruled it out.
I think Red's comment to Dom, "I wish I'd been the person you wanted me to be." could point to it.
I even think Dembe's last words to Red, "Raymond I’m not sure Elizabeth will ever be ready to learn about what you did to Katarina", also could be referencing the gender transition. Elizabeth and most of the fans are not ready for that.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (5/20/2017 3:00 pm)
JackPow and Tuxie400 - I'm still just about where I was on the theory. Its possible, and can't be ruled out, but it has holes in it. But so does every theory!
Tuxie400 - I also think a lot of what Kate said to Red (I think she said "I loved you" three times, definitely at least twice) points in that direction. But then, I don't think she would hurt or try to kill Katerina.
And I don't think (getting back to that scene when she "first" meets "Red" in Requiem) she would put in place a different employer/employee relationship than what she originally had with Katerina, and she did.
I mean, Masha was clearly her priority but Katerina was firmly the employer and the boss.
And Kate did say to Katerina "Masha is my priority. I will do everything I can to keep her safe. And her mother." words to that effect. which of course leads me back in a circle to - Red can't be Katerina. LOL
JP, I gave my thoughts on this a while back. I am a retired nurse and I had tried to look at that idea but I personally cannot make it fit from a medical standpoint to make a long story short. But this is TV land...
Hi all! Thanks for adding your thoughts. Like I said, I'm not totally sold on "Redarina" yet but they just keep throwing in those typical Blacklist quotes that can be interpreted in so many ways. That scene between Dom and Red in the Kaplan finale also had me wondering. Where Red said something along the lines of "I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you wanted me to be."
Of all the things Red could have said, they chose that wording when he could have clearly said something more straight-forward such as "the son in law you wanted me to be" or "the life partner to your daughter you wanted me to be" ...but then it would give away too much, too soon, of course. Only time will tell if that somehow meant "the daughter you wanted me to be. Instead, I made a colossal mess of my life and had to literally take on the identity of another as the ultimate disguise."
While I'm not sold on Redarina yet, I will continue to add my thoughts to this thread as they come up either over the break or in future seasons.
Oh! I think it all started when I read that interview with Jon Bokenkamp a long while back in which he mentioned wondering if the networks would "let" him do the endgame he had in mind. That to me, implied perhaps that it was something outrageous for network tv....but could have simply meant will they allow him the proper TIME to tell his story by renewing the show. I suppose it's the latter.
Like the impostor theory, this one was also one that I only discovered this summer after the season 4 finale. What immediately stood out to me against the theory were a couple of things: 1) Red is taller and has a bigger frame that Katarina (in real life, Spader is 5'10" and has a larger frame whereas Lotte Verbeek who played Katarina is 5'6" and appears to have a smaller frame). Height and frame size isn't something you can change. 2) Maintaining the hormone levels would likely be difficult to do considering how often he has been captured or has to leave everything behind because someone caught up to him. 3) The significant burn scars on his back that we see in the season 1 finale. Bokenkamp had confirmed in an interview that Red got those burns in the fire where Liz got her burn. We see Katarina in Requiem after the fire. She might be a little singed but nothing like those burns. Those would have needed immediate and on-going medical intervention. So that for me had shot Mommy theory out of the water, though it is a fascinating idea.
Hi Brittany,
thanks for the reminder - yes I remember checking KR's back in Requiem! LOL. There were some scratches and cuts, maybe some minor burns but yes nothing on the scale of what we have seen on Red's back.
Yes and I recall now the question for me was around physical stature. I guess bulk can be added but not height and general body type (I'm guessing here). And the point about the medical needs, yeah, we discussed that here before - if you believe all of Red's stories, about being in various prisons and holes in the ground etc., it would kind of rule that out. and I guess back to our old theories about Red talking to himself or his conscience in Cape May. Rederina still fascinates me though! That's what is so great about this show that it can support so many theories. I guess one by one, by a process of elimination, many will go over time....
Oh yes ever the doubter, me! I suppose KR could have gone back to fire house and sustained worse burns....but I think that unlikely because when she calls from Cape May there's nothing obvious about burns. Although that was supposed to be two months later.....heh heh......
LOL! It is a fascinating theory. I can definitely understand where it comes from if you don't consider the physical aspects.
For those of you who listened to The Blacklist Exposed podcast of "Smokey Putnam" S5/E1, did you hear the host Troy mention that a fan pointed out that Red was driving a wagoneer and supposedly remarked something like "it smells like dad's" and that supposedly Dom owns a wagoneer? I wasn't able to catch that but didn't do a full rewatch. Needless to say, I found this rumor to be extremely interesting. The guys on the podcast said they'll go back and investigate and report back on next week's show.
I'm hesitant to report rumors without proof but maybe someone might like to go back and investigate. I hope it doesn't turn out to be nonsense like the make-up guy (Anthony Pepe?) telling them in an interview that there was a book on "gender reassignment surgery" in Red's flat, when clearly there was not. A surgery book, yes, but not "gender reassignment" surgery.
Obviously, if the wagoneer thing turns out to be true, that would be huge for the Redarina theory. I'm surprised I missed that because the NBC app has subtitles when I watch and I don't recall anything like that.
Last edited by JackPow (10/01/2017 3:13 pm)
I had noticed that wagoneer reference immediately and thought it was interesting. I looked it up to be sure and Dom is shown to have a Wagoneer parked outside of his house in Artax Network. I don't subscribe to the Redarina theory but knew it was cause speculation for those that do. It could just be a cost saving measure on production, given how many vehicles they damaged in that episode. Liz was driving a Ford this time when she usually is shown driving a Mercedes (though I think in Harem she was in a Lexus).
Jackpow - Troy has posted screencaps of Dom's Wagoneer on the Blacklist Exposed facebook and tumblr. sites. Personally I'm putting it in the Rederina column. I think Episode 5.01 had something for every theory in it.
Jackpow - you may not have seen it yet but we discussed the Wagoneer a little bit in our Smokey thread. I just added to it.
Tuxie400 - it does seem to play Into Rederina theory, yet at the same time I think there's stuff in Artax that negates the theory.....although there was I think a parental vibe. I'm still inclined to hold onto the idea that Dom is either Red's father or a parental figure. Like Liz had more than one father. Just a guess of course. But I do think the Dom/Red vibe is very parental. When I first saw Artax I thought of Red as either the "black sheep" son (not quite disavowed but close to it), or there was a different type of parental bond - maybe Dom being adoptive father.
I might be making too much of it, but I still can't get that Dom/Red kitchen sink conversation out of my head. Red is getting fed up with Dom and finally says something like "Dom you still have family" which is kind of dismissed by Dom and Red looks stung by his response. Like when Dom comes over to Red at the piano and almost taunts him with the have you come here for a hug comment and Red says, God no.
Last edited by lara1 (10/01/2017 4:04 pm)
Thanks for the replies everyone. Yea, it looks like I'll file it under both a common re-use of a prop AND another "check mark" in the Redarina column. In other still leaves me at 50% "Redarina" and 50% "whatever other theory"
And Lara, you're right. There is SO much in Artax that I can't wait to piece together in the end!
I'm going to check out the podcast guys' other sites now. I really enjoy their show!
Last edited by JackPow (10/01/2017 5:29 pm)
My Redarina meter is up to 65% after 5.13, but I'm not going to post much about it here because it stirs such strong feelings. But I will say that I do support a thoughtful post made today on Reddit by Wolfbythestream titled "Let's poke a stick in a hornet's next and see what happens." I have posted some replies there under the alias DZ731, my old name on Blacklist Support Group, if you are interested in my opinions.
Thanks Tuxie, I will look at that. I have read a few things by that poster. I did wonder about DZ731, I saw that the other day when I dipped into a post - forget which one. anyway thanks for pointing out this specific post, as I might not have read it otherwise, since I only dip in now and again to Reddit when I see an intriguing new idea that grabs my attention.
I know there are quite a few people in the BL fandom that chat on Reddit, but it is too hard to follow for me. I occasionally look, but quickly get lost between threads and give up.
Brittany wrote:
I know there are quite a few people in the BL fandom that chat on Reddit, but it is too hard to follow for me. I occasionally look, but quickly get lost between threads and give up.
I agree with that. Sometimes, if I poke around, I don't have the patience to follow it and its confusing to find newer replies. Although, I think its a moderated site, so that is a good thing.
lara1 wrote:
Brittany wrote:
I know there are quite a few people in the BL fandom that chat on Reddit, but it is too hard to follow for me. I occasionally look, but quickly get lost between threads and give up.
I agree with that. Sometimes, if I poke around, I don't have the patience to follow it and its confusing to find newer replies. Although, I think its a moderated site, so that is a good thing.
I do that too Lara. I don't get much time to 'poke' around but when I do sometimes I can't follow what they're saying or it's so long I get bored reading it.
AS far as the R theory, I know some of the things they say can make us feel that way, but I feel they do that on purpose with all the theories at different times.
I personally just can't make it fit logically. I read somewhere that someone said they didn't think it would be a to hard to get a few pills while they were in jail. The places he mentioned were like holes in the wall. I really think that if he had tried to explain to them and he had had a sex change and he needed hormones that they would have felt like they had an advantage and would try to exploit him.
I just can't wrap my brain around making it all fit.