Just out of my own curiosity, I put together some of the dialogue between Kate and Raymond after he discovers she has betrayed him. I cannot help but think their bond is as close of that of spouses, or at the least siblings. Could she have been his mother? I don't know.
Red: I have nothing for you, Kate. No parables about loyalty, no florid speeches of trust belied, deception, treachery, or false devotion. I’m simply too bereft. It will have to suffice to say… I would name every human being on the planet before you if asked who might betray me.♤
Mr Kaplan (Kate): Raymond…
Red:I know what you’ve done. I know you helped Tom and Agnes leave the country without my knowledge.
Kaplan: Yes.
Kaplan: What do you want to know, Raymond? If I’m sorry? Yes. I’m sorry you weren’t more honest with Elizabeth from the beginning. I’m sorry you wanted to know her so desperately that you convinced yourself we could keep her safe. I couldn’t sit back and watch you make the same mistake with Agnes. I didn’t betray you. I did what I’ve always done… protected you… this time, from yourself.Red: You’re wrong. Kate: I know you don’t want to talk to me. Fine. Then listen. It was excruciating to watch you mourn Elizabeth’s death, to know that I was making you endure that. Yes, I betrayed you, but only after you had betrayed her. Raymond, you have to change. I took Elizabeth from you, and now I need your help to get her back. But when you do, as I’m sure you will, you have to let her go.
Kate: Do you remember what I looked like that night? Lying in the street, my head torn open… Annie’s body in front of me.
Red: You know I don’t know what you looked like. I was away
.Kate: Right, but he does. Little Nikos sat by my bed in the hospital. When I healed, he gave me work, a reason to push on. He’s a decent man. I’m only here to serve you today because of his kindness.
Red: I’m sorry it had to be Nikos
.Kate: If there’s no sincerity behind your words, don’t waste them.[ Nikos screaming
]Red: What would you have me say, Kate?
Kate: Say that you understand. I didn’t just give you my friend as an act of contrition. I’m not sorry for what I did. I betrayed you for the same reason I just betrayed Nikos– to keep Elizabeth safe, just like you asked me to all those years ago, when you first put her in my arms as a baby girl, only now she has a baby girl of her own, and your existence in their lives puts them in constant danger. ⋘⋙ Say that you understand or don’t say anything at all
Red: There are places back here that have never borne a human footprint. 53,000 acres of virgin wilderness, all but one owned by the Bureau of Land Management. One acre, a jewel. A single buildable acre. Like a flawless diamond set in a sea of emeralds. The real estate equivalent of a unicorn. I acquired it some years ago from a family who had held it in trust for over a century and a half
.Kate: Beautiful.
Red: Yes. [ He stops ] You understand, Kate, that I–
Kate: Have no choice? Isn’t that the speech, Raymond? That I know too much? Every single one of your weaknesses, all your faults, all your secrets. I dedicated my life to you. You entrusted me with everything you value– your freedom, your life, a child. I have never failed you. What you see as a betrayal of trust was actually a fulfillment of your wishes, to protect your interests. No more, no less.
Red: You presumed to decide what was best for me. Even if I resolve the anger, the pain you caused… I can’t trust you. Ever. I’m standing before a stranger. And yet, I know you believe what you did was best for Elizabeth, which is why I brought you here. You’ve told me you’ve always wanted a pristine, unspoiled place to live out your days in peace. So the acre is yours. For all eternity.
[ Red cocks gun ] [ Gunshot ]
[ Kate spins and collapses, face first, arm outstretched ]
[ Red turns around and walks away ]
♪ if you could read my mind, love
Last edited by Tatiana (2/11/2017 5:26 pm)
Tatiana, I read this and its really interesting when its set out with just the dialog in black and white.
I think at least parts of this sound like spouses - or ex-spouses who are disagreeing or fighting. Not a crazy wild fight but a serious argument or disagreement. Especially some of the phrases. And Kate's speech at the end. I wonder if there is something to your idea - they could be ex-spouses (Red did say once that he had been in marriage therapy, LOL (which seemed odd to me at the time)).
Here is a wild idea for those who think "current Red" is an imposter for "real Red". What if Naomi was the "real" Red's wife, and Kate was the wife of whomever "current Red" really is/was. Although, that is so wild, if I think through it for more than a second, it may make my head hurt!!!
One thing I always thought a bit incongruous about Kaplan's backstory: the whole Nicos/bail bondsman/Mato/tracker connection. That would make Kate's background different from what some think of as maybe a former Naval career. That doesn't sound like it at all, doesn't fit somehow. Then again we know so little about her. What if her background is more criminal than we have thought? And did she teach the young Liz some of Liz's grifting ways?
LOL sorry for the brief sojourn to fantasy island! but there are so many conflicting clues in this series!
Anyway back to your original idea, yes, I think its possible they could be ex-es. Or something similar. IMO, of course.
Last edited by lara1 (2/11/2017 7:46 pm)
Tatiana - Well, Red did once call Kate his better half. And why would he be concerned with her sister in witness protection? They have some sort of very close relationship. Thanks for putting the dialog together!
Tatiana, I've been thinking about this and also how Kate seemed to turn a bit bitter in Mato. Here is the dialog she has with Tom in the car. Portions of it sound almost like a disillusioned spouse, almost like someone who has dedicated her life to her spouse, but here she is communicating her feelings to Tom. But I think her words would have been the same had she been speaking to Red.
K: Why are you telling me this?
T: Because he's your friend.
K: So you want me to make you feel better? Everyone wants me to make things easier for them. Cleaner. That's what I am, after all, the Cleaner.
T: Just forget I brought it up.
K: In my desire to make life easier for your baby, I betrayed Raymond, and now he doesn't know what to do with me. Well, he knows what he has to do, and he wants me to make it easier for him. But I won't. I'm not here to make him feel better, and I'm not here to make you feel better, Tom.
Last edited by lara1 (2/13/2017 6:00 pm)