The Blacklist Refugees

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10/14/2016 10:12 am  #61

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Tuxie400 #60

Nice summing up of trust issues,  and the Post office mix up! 

Interesting comment on Red. For me, i loved it. Missed his storytelling. This week for me felt like the first episode where Red was truly "Red" again since before Liz "died".  I think we saw most of the aspects of his personality - the storytelling, the exasperation with Glenn, the "I mean business" and focus with the doctor, the concern for children and Skylar, and his feelings of care for Liz.   I guess its a matter of getting the balance right.   I thought last week had too little Red !  Lol. Just my opinion, of course  But as long as they keep mixing it up (more/less) i feel it should work.

I do need a rewatch though for all of the symbols!  Ha


10/14/2016 10:15 am  #62

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Tuxie400 wrote:

BBB - Excellent observation about the dichotomy!

Honey West - I like your parallel with Mr. Kaplan and Tom.

It seems there were a lot of trust issues this week. At the beginning, Red had trust issues with Liz and wouldn't tell her how the blacklister connected with finding Agnes. Samar had trust issues with everyone. Kaplan has trust issues with her creepy captor. Tom doesn't trust Liz to reel Kirk in. And at the end, Liz has trust issues with Tom, even though she knows he did what he thought was best for Agnes and her.

I can't believe I'm saying this. But there was a little too much Red this week. At the beginning when he's giving Liz info on the blacklister, he starts with one of his signature stories. And for the first time ever, I don't want to hear it. All I can think is why are you spending time torturing Liz and the audience with this lame story? Time is of the essence. Find that *#** baby!  

Speaking of time, BBB you were right about Kate getting only a bit of time. But those few seconds were so creepy and chilling! It was nice to see the Post Office team get more screen time this week. I especially enjoyed the Aram/Cooper scene on taking the blacklister out. And what was that Ressler said about Aram's hot girlfriend? LOL

Biggest surprise of the week: Aram telling Samar off and Ressler asking her to stay. Now that's mixing things up!

Aram was obviously in emotional pain/stress when he told Samar off - Aram is seldom in that mode - he's very respectful and fearful - so an experienced Mossad agent like Movabi will see right thru it - and decide to stay!

Its a wonder Red didn't blow Liz's head off after he reckoned she lied to him. Especially given past indiscretions?

Yes, Mr. Kaplan was just about on my mark of 75 seconds of screen time. Very eery - and very much alone. Now, we'll see why Red had her as his assistant for so long. Can she outwit the mountain man, even being chained up. What are her tools, her resources? Why is Andy Griffiths, Jr. even keeping her alive?

Guess we'll get slow-danced on all these fronts the next 3 or 4 eps, won't we?

Red: I can only lead you to the truth. I can’t make you believe it

10/14/2016 10:45 am  #63

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Well, I think Kate is going to have the most difficult time being found. That is if she ever does get found. When Red shot her he told her the peaceful, quiet acre was hers for all eternity. I do think he intended for her to rest there undisturbed forever. He had no intention of going back or sending anyone else back to bury her. So as far as that goes she is gone and nobody is coming to find her. Only three people know she was even there, Red, Dembe and mountain man. So the question is, how much did MM witness of what went down? Did he see Red actually shoot her? Was he close enough to hear any of their conversation? Those two things might give clues as to what he plans to do with her. The more he heard and saw, the better her chances with him might be. Otherwise it would be up to Liz to start questioning Red about it and maybe Dembe would say something, which I doubt. But you never know since he did tell her about the Bethesda apartment.

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

10/14/2016 11:05 am  #64

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Honey West wrote:

Well, I think Kate is going to have the most difficult time being found. That is if she ever does get found. When Red shot her he told her the peaceful, quiet acre was hers for all eternity. I do think he intended for her to rest there undisturbed forever. He had no intention of going back or sending anyone else back to bury her. So as far as that goes she is gone and nobody is coming to find her. Only three people know she was even there, Red, Dembe and mountain man. So the question is, how much did MM witness of what went down? Did he see Red actually shoot her? Was he close enough to hear any of their conversation? Those two things might give clues as to what he plans to do with her. The more he heard and saw, the better her chances with him might be. Otherwise it would be up to Liz to start questioning Red about it and maybe Dembe would say something, which I doubt. But you never know since he did tell her about the Bethesda apartment.

Nice point about Mountain Man being privy to Kate & Red's "final" exchange. . . . . . the more he knows the more he might want to cobble together a 'ransom' package with Kate as the package. That will play right into Kate's hands as she'll no doubt show initial resistance (to set the table) before :"succumbing" and calling in the cavalry to essentially escape then terminate Andy G., Jr.
NOTE: I don't think she'll be calling Red to be sure. The intrigue would be around who she calls in. Tom would be my first bet? Bazz or Glen would be interesting secondary choices! It really should be someone we already know - introducing a newbie at this point would be far too complicated!

Red: I can only lead you to the truth. I can’t make you believe it

10/14/2016 1:48 pm  #65

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Interesting  thoughts, Honey West #64 abd BBB 65.

I  wonder if survivalist man is a blacklister who went off the grid at some point long ago or who is "just" a survivalist  Yeah,, how much, if anything, did he see?  Kate is smart. She will figure out something. Im intrigued by how this will all play out.  I also doubt Red will come for her. It seems he did mean to end her life and leave her there. We still dont  know dembe's full thoughts on it

BBB - good point on Red's reaction to liz admitting that she lied. Maybe that's why he did not hug her as he would in the past - and he's probably still unsure where both of them now fit. I think that she became so distraught though that he was compelled to take her hand. I think he still loves her but doesnt quite know where they go from here.

On symbols - anyone else catch the fractured vision kate had when putting on her broken lenses?  Interesting close up.

DNA- ye, whose tet taken by whom. Its hard to think red didnt see tht coming. If he didnt either he is super distracted or maybe he didnt think it would happen -because he knows the full truth.


10/14/2016 3:01 pm  #66

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Lara - yes! The broken glasses. It's intriguing. Hitchcock used broken eye glasses in a movie called Strangers on a Train. In it a man strangles a woman and the whole scene is reflected in her glasses which have fallen on the grass. After she's died we see them and the glass is broken, just as she is.

I think you would really enjoy this movie. There are lots of "doubles" reflections, light and dark, etc. as symbols. Very interesting.


"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington

10/14/2016 3:49 pm  #67

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Tatiana #67 - Yes, thank you!  Strangers on a Train.  I have in fact seen that movie a few times (as you predicted yes I did really like it).  But I haven't seen it for quite a while,and certainly before my "doubles/mirrors/reflections" obsession that I now seem to have  - LOL!  I did not remember the broken glasses but now that you mention it....

I think I need to re-watch it again with those images in mind.  thanks!  


10/14/2016 3:54 pm  #68

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

lara1 wrote:

Interesting thoughts, Honey West #64 abd BBB 65.

I wonder if survivalist man is a blacklister who went off the grid at some point long ago or who is "just" a survivalist Yeah,, how much, if anything, did he see? Kate is smart. She will figure out something. Im intrigued by how this will all play out. I also doubt Red will come for her. It seems he did mean to end her life and leave her there. We still dont know dembe's full thoughts on it

BBB - good point on Red's reaction to liz admitting that she lied. Maybe that's why he did not hug her as he would in the past - and he's probably still unsure where both of them now fit. I think that she became so distraught though that he was compelled to take her hand. I think he still loves her but doesnt quite know where they go from here.

On symbols - anyone else catch the fractured vision kate had when putting on her broken lenses? Interesting close up.

DNA- ye, whose tet taken by whom. Its hard to think red didnt see tht coming. If he didnt either he is super distracted or maybe he didnt think it would happen -because he knows the full truth.

WOW - hadn't thought of Mountain Man being a black-lister or even a Reddington ally. If true, that could mean Red purposefully missed shooting Kate dead - instead wounding her to the extent Mountain could put her thru a gruelling survivalist exercise. Kinda mean-spirited on Red's behalf - but a tad or so better than death.

Red got re-invigorated on the chase by discovering the doctor responsible for the disfigured boy and Agnes - same man. No doubt he'll arrive at Kirk's newest hangout - too early to resolve the Agnes issue so I'm sure that one gets dragged out a few more eps - minimum!

Red: I can only lead you to the truth. I can’t make you believe it

10/14/2016 3:55 pm  #69

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

lara1 wrote:

DNA- ye, whose tet taken by whom. Its hard to think red didnt see tht coming. If he didnt either he is super distracted or maybe he didnt think it would happen -because he knows the full truth.

LOL sorry about the typos.  On a bus!  That should be:

DNA - yes, whose test taken by whom.  Its hard to think Red didn't see that coming.

But we super smart Blacklist refugees - you have probably already figured that out!  


10/14/2016 4:03 pm  #70

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

"Red got re-invigorated on the chase by discovering the doctor responsible for the disfigured boy and Agnes - same man. No doubt he'll arrive at Kirk's newest hangout - too early to resolve the Agnes issue so I'm sure that one gets dragged out a few more eps - minimum!"

(haven't mastered the quote functionality yet!)

Yes, I think so.  Also, Kirk is around until at least episode 8 (which I think is the fall finale - and are we really half way through already ! )  .  So lots of stuff to come.  Kind of like Berlin that ran 8-9 episodes I think except there if I recall correctly, Red had one large plan with various parts to it, here he keeps coming up with a new plan because Kirk is ahead of him.  Interested in how this will all end - will he take down Kirk or will Kirk just go permanently underground?

In any event if Kirk doesn't get a medical cure, he's gone anyway.....


10/14/2016 4:17 pm  #71

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

My computer hates me!  Hopefully it will let me post this time.
Tuxie400, love the new name . Kaplan in chains....Gordon could I miss that?!  I had that song stuck in my head for a week.
Colleen, It wouldn't surprise me if, playing his album backwards, we got answers to all our Blacklist questions ;-)
Honey West, Of course Liz would trade places with Agnes....ANYTHING to protect her daughter!  And who was that woman with Kirk?  She needs to take a long walk in the woods with Reddington! x-(

Never underestimate the power of glitter!

10/14/2016 4:31 pm  #72

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

I hope they rescue Agnes soon and move on with the show.  I don't like having an innocent baby being in danger!  Makes me wish for evil things to be visited upon Kirk.....and that woman with him!
I was happy to see Aram grow a pair and stick up for himself!
BBB, I have no doubt that Kate can outwit mountain man.  As others have said, Kate has special training and is more than just a "cleaner.". As for who she would call on for help, perhaps she will turn to the dark side and ask Kirk for help.....especially if it turns out that he is the father. (which I hope he isn't!)".  With the clues we've been given, I'm sure she knows who Liz's bio dad is.
Tatiana, Hitchcock, yes!  Gotta love his movies

Never underestimate the power of glitter!

10/14/2016 10:32 pm  #73

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

General Observations/Questions on the Episode

1.  Wilderness man - who/why/what/where.  How did he get there and how has he managed to get the materials to build that place in the middle of nowhere?  I read an idea online that said he could be related to the family that owned Red's "acre".  That would be an interesting twist, especially if Red did not "acquire" the acre through "normal" means.  Motive for revenge?  Just speculation of course.  This could play out in so many different ways.....

Did anyone notice that Wilderness Man makes a reference to "he" when talking to Kaplan about the man who shot her, and asks if she thinks if "they" will be back.  hmmm.  so did he see something?    As a few of us have thought that.

In my wild scenario, Red knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who gets his contraband from a guy who knows a guy who owns a bar whose friend overhears a wild story about a Mountain Man holding an older woman with black frame glasses hostage.  Red finds out and comes to get her.  this would be because despite his decision I don't think Red ever meant for Kaplan to suffer.    So his own code would not allow someone to imprison her like that.  Just speculation of course....and even if so, I don't think they'll ever be the same again.  Of course, I can think of at least half a dozen other possible twists/outcomes.

2.  Who is that woman with Kirk and isn't she a bit creepy?  And is she calling the shots in other areas? Does she have something to gain?  Is she Odette?

3.  I think Elise looks like ballerina girl.  But it will probably turn out that Aram just met someone in the local gym.  LOL!

My favorite scenes:

Hands down for me was Red talking to Skylar and his Mom.  Such beautiful sentiments.

The helicopter crashing to earth almost silently, to the sound of classical music, almost in a kind of slow motion - like a ballet (that reference again!0

The scene with the doctor at the end.  There have been some really beautifully lit scenes this season.  Almost noir in a way.

The scenes with Glenn of course!.  Red's expressions as Glenn talks to his "contact".  And Dembe's advice!


10/14/2016 10:51 pm  #74

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Did anyone notice that Wilderness Man makes a reference to "he" when talking to Kaplan about the man who shot her, and asks if she thinks if "they" will be back.  hmmm.  so did he see something?    As a few of us have thought that.

2.  Who is that woman with Kirk and isn't she a bit creepy?  And is she calling the shots in other areas? Does she have something to gain?  Is she Odette?

3.  I think Elise looks like ballerina girl.  But it will probably turn out that Aram just met someone in the local gym.  LOL!

Yes, I did notice MM referring to her being shot by a man, so that is why I think he witnessed it. And wondered if he overheard what Kate said about knowing Reds secrets, faults and weaknesses.

That was indeed Odette, it seems.

I think Red fixed Aram up with Elise maybe. Or maybe not, he's been pretty preoccupied with other things lately and we don't know how long Aram has known her. Obviously long enough. LOL!

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

10/14/2016 11:30 pm  #75

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

lara1 #74 - That would be interesting if Wilderness Man is related to the family who originally owned the acre. I would think a self-sufficient survivalist probably built that cabin himself out in the middle of nowhere. Having chained her to the bed, he can't be a good guy - unless he is just afraid of being found out as a squatter.

lara1 and honey west - As for Odette, what exactly is her relationship with Kirk? Is she his wife, girlfriend, personal assistant? She has no qualms whatsoever about harming a baby. She is definitely dark. And why did the writers name her after the character in Swan Lake?

I still think Elise is a spy for Kirk. I can't wait to hear how she met Aram. It's too bad Ressler didn't spill that to Samar.


Last edited by Tuxie400 (10/16/2016 2:41 pm)


10/14/2016 11:47 pm  #76

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

I think Samar wants to leave because she can't find love, and this program is about seeking relationships.  Betrayed by Liz, Ressler, Aram so far, and she lost her Mossad boyfriend. Hopefully she will stay.

Kaplan: most likely Mountain Man hopes for a ransom.  But on Blacklist, who knows?  He could be a cannibal.

Liz:  My guess--she will offer to exchange places with Agnes in order to save the baby.  Kirk would hope to get stem cells then from Liz and be relieved of jeopardizing Agnes.  For that to happen, Liz would have to be relying on Tom, or a resurrected Kaplan to take care of Agnes.  I don't think she would rely on Red.

I missed Red's having to wait in the seats after picking a number, before finally getting to see Jellybean.

This program had a villain of the week and a lot of the "old" Blacklist.  It was a fun program.  I agree that Red's story to Liz was really out of place and unnatural in this context--where Agnes' life is at stake.


10/14/2016 11:58 pm  #77

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

David - Insightful thoughts about Samar!  I agree with your predictions about Liz.  Red's story to Liz was not only out of place, it made no sense that what she responded to was climate change.  


10/15/2016 12:00 am  #78

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Welcome, David. You make a lot of very good points. I sure hope the Hunter (at least that's what IMDb calls him) is not a cannibal!  but they have had some very oddball characters, so I suppose anything is possible.  (alien)

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

10/15/2016 12:15 am  #79

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

Observation trivia:  I was surprised the helicopter exploded, unless he was carrying explosives for blowing up the nuclear plant--which I suppose he was.  A helicopter that loses rotor power is often in a safer position than an airplane that loses power. Unless Aram had a cargo of explosives in mind, he would ordinarily not have been signing a death warrant by shutting down the rotor.  An airplane that suddenly loses power has a longer, more gradual descent to the ground, but needs to find a road, runway, or open field (or for Captain Sullenberger, the Hudson River).  The helicopter's descent path is five times as steep, but it can find almost any open space or top of something to land on.  Aerodynamics of the rotor design will keep it slowing down the rate of descent.  One of my friends  is a helicopter rescue pilot and tells me that he feels safer in a helicopter.  In this program, the helicopter was not falling very fast--so the explosion was most likely from explosives being carried on board.

Last edited by David (10/15/2016 12:16 am)


10/15/2016 2:26 am  #80

Re: The Blacklist Episode 4.4 "Gaia" Discussion

It seems very possible that survivalist Hunter witnessed the shooting of Kate.  I don't remember his exact lines, but he asked Kate - 'those men that did this to you, will they be back?'  Kate weakly responded non-verbally, "No."

Given her inability to speak at this point, I don't believe she told Hunter what happened.

How far from the "Heavely Acre" does he live?  He has incandescent lighting but I doubt a survivalist would be hooked up to the utility grid - and I did not hear the hum of a generator.  Is he on solar?

Even with holes in her nylons, I trust she will be the Elegant Survivalist.....


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