The Task Force delves into the unregulated world of cryptocurrency in order to stop an impending attack, while Red undertakes a risky endeavor in order to secure his freedom.
Last edited by Eastcoast (2/19/2019 6:14 pm)
I think the impending attack will be the one Red tried to stop to get the new immunity agreement.
Hmmm... so another currency theme?
You know, I need to draw out the storyline for this season because I don't even remember who's still out there and who's not.
Isn't there a blacklister or two still out there from this season?
Tatiana wrote:
Hmmm... so another currency theme?
You know, I need to draw out the storyline for this season because I don't even remember who's still out there and who's not.
Isn't there a blacklister or two still out there from this season?
Look at the bottom of the list I have and you will see all the ones who are still alive.
The Corsican, Bastien Moreau, is still out there. I suspect he is being paid with this cryptocurrency.
Here is a little clip of what is coming. Liz is on the stand and Red ask her to profile him. I cannot help but wonder how she ended up there.
When I think of her first profile, she has come a long way.
Eastcoast - Thanks for the link. I love the clip!
There is another clip on the!
It is Liz talking to Red about about how long his trial is going to be and giving them this case.
Well, off to RL for a while....
Eastcoast - I just saw that clip. Red is longing for a fine dining experience. LOL
I know, cracked me up! I didn't want to spoil that for you.
We do not have it posted yet, but episode 16 has Smokey coming back. I saw it a few weeks ago but realized I have not mentioned it. We have a few Smokey fans on here. I will say, it is odd that they have not had him on here yet.