I'm feeling squeamish about those beetles in tonight's episode, but I'm excited about Dembe playing a larger role in the action. Looking forward to discussing all the details later!
I'm not afraid of bugs Tuxie, but I do not like seeing them on people like that. I imagine I will be turning my head at those times.
I got two large slices of pizza and a glass of beer! Bring on the bugs! I can take 'em! (-:
Anyone have any idea what that is in the back-ground?
Well, that was one of the grossest BL openings ever! I'm feeling pretty buggy now. Lots of medical imagery in the first five minutes!
Eastcoast wrote:
Anyone have any idea what that is in the back-ground?
Do you mean the sound? I think it's supposed to be the sound the bugs are making as a group.
What a surprise that Glen put himself in the jury pool, and Red's reaction was so funny!
Any episode with Jellybean in it - WOW - a flashback to the good 'ol days of Blacklist
Glen is terrific!!!
Why didn't Red call Bull for jury selection.
Could have titled the episode - - - - RED BULL
Big Badd Bazzer wrote:
Why didn't Red call Bull for jury selection.
Could have titled the episode - - - - RED BULL
It's too bad Jellybean didn't make the jury. He can be so annoying, the other jurors would have gone along with him just to get out of there.
Big Badd Bazzer wrote:
Why didn't Red call Bull for jury selection.
Could have titled the episode - - - - RED BULL
OMG That's a groaner!!!
We know we can count on you for that, BBB!!
I don't think the typhoon drowning can be the same death as the Marrakesh death since Marrakesh is far inland. How many times has Red died, and how many times has Dembe saved him?
It was nice of Cooper to visit Red and bring him a cigar. Shades of Alan Shore and Denny Crane!
Tuxie400 wrote:
I don't think the typhoon drowning can be the same death as the Marrakesh death since Marrakesh is far inland. How many times has Red died, and how many times has Dembe saved him?
It was nice of Cooper to visit Red and bring him a cigar. Shades of Alan Shore and Denny Crane!
Would love to sit in on a conversation between Glen & Denny Crane!
I thought the courtroom scenes were hysterical. They were highly entertaining and balanced out the bug overkill.
Upon further review Red should have called him Glenny Crane!!!?>??
Big Badd Bazzer wrote:
Upon further review Red should have called him Glenny Crane!!!?>??
Another good one, BBB!
Haha! You are all too funny!
For me, this was shades of "X-Files" tonight. I was waiting for Scully or Mulder to put in an appearance!
Yes, a fun episode in many ways. I didn't care much for the Blacklister.
I also didn't quite follow how the person Dembe got the address for is going to help Red.
Two-hour episode next week! That's something to look forward to!
Gotta say I love the headline on the TV Guide reivew: Bugs Do Their Own Exterminating on The Blacklist.
Well this is the second week in a row a Blacklister has committed suicide. Last season The Endling, the Travel Agency lady, and The Cook did.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (2/16/2019 12:10 am)