I don't think Red will escape from prison. I think the judge will give him his get-out-of-jail card. Why? Because I think he needs The Phamacist Spalding Stark's cure for someone the judge loves. Since this cure is experimental, she can only get it through Reddington, so she will either end up dismissing the charges or declaring a mistrial. I think the foreshadowing for this was planted in last season's Informant episode where the female judge confessed she made a deal to save her son from criminal charges and then jumped to her death.
Tuxie - I had forgot about that judge and in usual TBL fashion, they never waste an opportunity with a character to show a mirror image.
By far, this is the most insightful theory I have read. No one else has come close. All I've been able to guess is that he won't break out of jail because he's already done this before. On the other hand, how Liz managed to skate through the killing of the harbormaster and shooting the Director, I'll never know.
Are you going to share it with Troy and Aaron for their podcast? I really hope you will!!!
Yes Tatiana, I'm putting it on BLE with some photos in a few minutes.
Tuxie400 wrote:
I don't think Red will escape from prison. I think the judge will give him his get-out-of-jail card. Why? Because I think he needs The Phamacist Spalding Stark's cure for someone the judge loves. Since this cure is experimental, she can only get it through Reddington, so she will either end up dismissing the charges or declaring a mistrial. I think the foreshadowing for this was planted in last season's Informant episode where the female judge confessed she made a deal to save her son from criminal charges and then jumped to her death.
I really like this! When I first saw this Judge, I was thinking, too bad Red does not have anything on this woman. Then I wondered if he did and was waiting for the right time or if Dembe would come up with something. But this is a great idea.
I wonder how quickly Red can get information about someone like the judge. You know how he chats up the common people. It might be as simple as talking to a bailiff on the way in or out, or overhearing some courtroom chatter.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (2/07/2019 9:53 am)
He chats up service employees, mechanics, satellite dish providers, garbage collectors. I don't remember the specific episode (for some reason I thought it was 01:02). Anyway, that's how you best get information
Wow! Yes, that could work. This is a great prediction!