Tatiana wrote:
What people don't realize is that these predators have their victims 'under their spell' so to speak. If you read about it, you see it objectively and realize how conniving it really is. The phenomena is why so many women in physically violent relationships stay.
Many people are very critical of women who stay and it's a very unfair charge.
You can never really trust anyone can you?
Yes they do. I have always told people it is a good idea not to judge anyone in that situation because you might just find yourself in something and then you will see how it is.
I saw a lot of women where I was working one time who had problems with this. There is always someone who says, 'why don't they just leave?'. Money and/or emotional support are usually the problem.
Those guys know just who to pick on and just what to say.
The man, 'B' moved in that neighborhood and got to know the people and picked them. He was right. He had them all under a spell.
We know Sam was a con man. I do not remember who brought it up first that maybe Red was a con? If it turns out that Red is in order to gain something, he would have to be the biggest con on TV.