I refer to RR as the original and Red as the one we watch in prison.
Tatiana, Yes, the one James plays.
This is just part of my process of elimination.
After learning in tonight's episode that Katarina's mother is still alive, the uncle theory just got slimmer. Her and Red could still have the same father but not mother since he has said his mother is dead. Unless he is the brother of real Red.
This thought came to me and I wanted to put it here before I forgot it. Keep in mind I am tired... lol
For one thing, I do not think we have all the players yet. We just met Ilya so there may be more people that could get thrown in at the last minute.
This is based on the idea that this KR is the real one and RRR is dead.
Ilya seemed to Love KR. I think KR cared, but not in love. Ilya isn't stupid and may have learned at some point she had planned on parting ways. I was thinking she had some crazy plan that made him see through her.
So he contacts a friend. Our Red, and he became RR.
Only problem I have is a Liz Connection. On the other hand, Sam, Red and Ilya all appear to know each other.
All of them have cared about her. Who's to say there wasn't another friend she slept with and may think Liz is theirs?
I am still bothered by Seaduke coming up and getting no further. If the shirt that Cooper took the blood from for evidence was in case they caught Seaduke, was there 2 sets of DNA on it? They already knew it was Reds shirt.
He told Liz that knowing the name of her Real father would be a danger. Red has been some danger, but maybe he is still hiding behind that name he had before.
I am still wondering if this is some how real Red because I cannot believe everything I hear in the interviews.
Last edited by Eastcoast (11/18/2019 2:33 am)
I so wanted SeaDuke to be "our" Red and to make that story worthwhile. I used to think that his penchant for older things (music, media, technology) made the case for an older man masquerading in a younger persona (my perception of SeaDuke, which may still be off). The blood sample from Reddington's shirt (for Cooper's paternity test) could have been SeaDuke's, which plays into all sorts of popular theories (DaddyGate).
The introduction of Ilya as a peer and soulmate presents him as similar age to our Red, and knowing him as a young person (even in Russia, or in the secret replacement camp) messes up my internal story. I'm back to riding the wave episode to episode.
This is the first ep that I skipped entirely until the next day so I could fast-forward through the blacklister sideshow. Hearing that Katarina Rostova (who is likely fake, with her memory altered) is the blacklister for 7.10 (via Daniel Cerone tweet, via alyblacklist) means we will reach the next swell in the mythology soon and have other questions to ponder until March.
Cate wrote:
I'm back to riding the wave episode to episode.
This is the first ep that I skipped entirely until the next day so I could fast-forward through the blacklister sideshow. Hearing that Katarina Rostova (who is likely fake, with her memory altered) is the blacklister for 7.10 (via Daniel Cerone tweet, via alyblacklist) means we will reach the next swell in the mythology soon and have other questions to ponder until March.
Cate - I need to adopt your approach to watching TBL these days. I found the Blacklister story to be very disturbing. I hate torture and revenge stories, so much so that I almost never started watching TBL after the Pilot and then again in Anslo Garrick when he has Red strung up (literally), shaking and bloody.
Friday's episode was even worse it seemed.
Back to the story at hand: I agree, I cannot fathom this Katarina being the original Katarina. It makes no sense. I still think Redarina makes the most sense. (Red was actually original Katarina, had lots of surgeries, and became Raymond Reddington).
One thing we know about TBL is they tend to have a major death or plot change in their mid-season finale. So I actually expect 07:14, "Katarina Rostova" to be about this "Fakarina" and she will meet her ultimate demise.
I just can't shake the feeling that since season 6, they've been doing everything in their power to stretch out the storyline. I just think at some point you need to tell the story and move on.