Season 1
1.01 Liz visits Tom on venitilator in hospital. Red escapes from hospital after receiving carotid artery wound from Liz.
1.02 Tom wakes up in hospital. Liz wheels Tom out of hospital. Liz opens Floriana Campo’s airway with a pen.
1.03 Tom is taken to physical therapy in a wheelchair.
1.04 Stewmaker puts Liz in a wheelchair. Red says Liz needs medical attention. She’s shown by an ambulance.
1.05 A doctor scans The Courier for embedded objects in his body. Cooper orders The Courier be taken to Walter Reed Hospital to have everything cut out of him as a ploy to get information. NSA analyst buried in box has an oxygen mask. Dembe does chest compression CPR to revive the NSA analyst.
1.06 Gina Zanetakos is in the hospital at the end of the episode.
1.07 Several of Frederick Barnes’ victims are shown in the hospital Barnes masquerades as a nurse.
1,08. Sam Milhoan phones Liz from the hospital. Liz and Red visit plastic surgeon Abraham Maltz’s office. Red kills Sam in his hospital bed.
1.09 Red performs surgery on Ressler’s leg, gives him a transfusion.
1.10 Two scenes with Audrey visiting Ressler in a hospital.1.11 The Good Samaritan’s victims are shown in the hospital. The Good Samaritan is a nurse. His mother is shown in a wheelchair. He calls for ambulances for his victims.
1.12 The Alchemist is shown giving an unconscious woman a blood transfusion and an injection. The Trettel family’s location is tracked through the daughter’s insulin pump.
1.13 Opens with a woman in a hospital gown wandering the streets. Liz and Ressler find unconscious pregnant women in hospital beds with IV bags and monitors.
1.14 Red is having acupuncture.
1.15 U.S. Attorney Mark Hastings is taken to the Emergency Room after being found wandering incoherent on a country road.
1.16 Red tells Ressler a house in Columbia Heights doubles as an underground hospital for criminals.
1.17 The girl hits her head on the steps and is treated by paramedics.
1.18 Red visits Vlad, a forensic pathologist, in his lab where workers wear hospital gowns and masks.
1.19 Opens at Chinese labor camp with nurse giving patient a shot and the patient going into cardiac arrest. An ambulance is called, and the patient is shocked with defibrilation paddles. The patient turns out to be an immunologist with information about a Chinese germ warfare program. She's in a coffin with an oxygen mask.
1.20 From Tom’s safety deposit box, Liz gets a picture of Red outside the Nebraska hospital where Sam died. Later Red admits he was in Sam’s hospital room at the time he died, and that he performed a mercy killing.
1.21 Paramedics quarantine bank where first Cullen virus victim falls. CDC Dr. Nina Buckner is shown at quarantine hospital. Red and Liz travel twice to meet with Dr. Bruce Sanders, a mental patient at Thornwood Hospital in Bangor, ME.
1.22 Berlin arrives in emergency room with hand cut off. Liz and Ressler interview Berlin, thinking he’s a guard, at the hospital.
Season 2
2.01 Cooper is walking with a cane. Red tells Cooper, "I know what they found when you were in the hospital. I know about the diagnosis." Ressler refuses to talk with Dr. Friedman, the shrink, and takes pain pills
2.02 Rosa Heredia is giving Red a manicure. She is wearing a surgical mask and nitrile gloves. Red tells Liz she was training to be a surgeon at the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana. After Kaja is wounded, Ressler uses a syringe and needle to give her an injection of pain medication. Red takes Kaja and says he has on on-board medic on his jet. Berlin wears an LED medical headlamp while extracting Naomi's tooth. Ressler pops more pain pills.
2.03 Kidnapped man is given an injection and taken to the operating room of Dr. James Covington. Forensic pathologist tells Liz the man's heart that was harvested was from a previous heart transplant. Mr. Kaplan does field autopsies. Red meets with BB, who is on oxygen, and tries to get a location on Covington. BB refuses but after taking a few sips of his drink is in physical distress. Red says, "Let me guess. Irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, perhaps a little tingling in the nether regions. BB, does it feel like an emergency?" Liz and Ressler find Covington's operation in the basement of a vacant storefront. They find children in hospital beds and Covington doing a lung transplant on a boy.
2.04 Dr. Linus Creel receives an on-call request from the Emergency Room to look at Liz, who is posing as a patient with a cuts on her arm who is suffering from depression and anxiety. Liz tells him about a rough patch in college and a suicide attempt after a breakup. Later Liz pretends to have stolen some prescription forms from Dr. Covington to cover for getting password info on his laptop.
2.05 Ressler and Liz visit Carrie Ann Beck and her doctor in the hospital. Liz and Samar are hospitalized for exposure to the Pneumonic Plague. At the DMV, Glen claims his mother is sick - found a lump, went through chemo and alternative remedies. Liz looks at Carrie Ann's baby in an incubator.
2.06 Matthew puts an artificial eye into a corpse. Ressler tries to get his prescription replaced after lying about it being stolen from his car, but the pharmacist won't do it. He then slams his thumb in the vehicle door and visits a doctor to get more pain meds.
2.07 Liz and Ressler are taken to a fake hospital with a fake doctor. Liz's arm is in a cast, supposedly because it is fractured in three places. Ressler supposedly has head trauma. Nurse has a syringe with sedative for Liz, but Liz uses it on her.
2.08 Flashback of Ellie turned medic working on Tom's gunshot wounds. She tells Liz she needs medical supplies and uses a syringe to give Tom a shot in the stomach and applies surgical tape.
2.09 Hypodermic needle on table in torture cell next to Luther Braxton. Liz gives an unconscious Red chest compressions.
2.10 Braxton is on Medivac chopper wearing a paramedic jacket. The chopper lands at Grace River Hospital in Juneau. Liz is strapped on a gurney. In the drained swimming pool, Dr. Orchard uses syringe to give Liz a sedative. She is in a procedure chair hooked up to IV bags and vitals monitors. Orchard gives her Lydacane. At the end, Liz's blood pressure is taken by an EMT.
2.11 Lesions are shown on body of man Denisov has soaking in water. Ressler talks to doctor in hospital room of man with similar lesions. His arms are bandaged and IV bags hang from poles. Shelves hold medicine and medical supplies. Leaking oil pipelines have contaminated water and caused many medical issues with the local population.
2.12. Charlene and Cooper discuss a clinical trial to treat his brain tumor. Dr. Levin calls to tell Cooper he's been turned down for the trial. In St. Petersburg, Glen tells Red he forgot his medication - dyslexia pills - on the counter. Cooper discusses his health issues and the clinical trial with Tom Connolly.
2.13 Medical examiner is talking to Liz and Ressler about Deer Hunter's presumed victim. ME is wearing nitrile gloves and surgical tools are visible. The M.E. says this body has the same clean incisions of the stomach and liver that other Deer Hunter victims had. Red talks with Samule Aleko in the back of a jail transport vehicle. He tells a story about Gary Goddard who needed a bicuspid valve and offers Aleko to get his brother a heart within the week, with the best surgeons and best post-op care.
2.14 T. Earl King is in a motorized wheelchair with IV pole attached and has a mechanical voice box.
2.15 The only thing is a flashback at the beginning of the Alchemist with a hypodermic needle.
2.16 Red visits Max in drug rehab hospital. Cooper has a nose bleed, collapses and is taken to the hospital. Doctor tells Liz and Charlene that Cooper had a seizure that was likely caused by the chemotherapy drug he was taking. The doctor says the drugs Cooper is receiving in the trial have slowed the growth of the tumor.
2.17 Cooper no longer has to use his cane. Three bodies are found with craniotomies. M.E. said all three died during neurosurgical procedures. Foreign cells were injected in brain - fetal stem cells and some cells from jellyfish. Refrigerated cabinets have medical supplies. Patient is in procedure chair having a brain scan. Patient is restrained and seizing. At the long-term care facility, Liz talks with man in wheelchair who keeps pushing the card with a King toward her. She learns that means Gold Crown Pharmaceuticals. Jullian Powell is an endocrinologist who is injecting jellyfish cells in patients to regenerate brain cells, but the treatment doesn't work. Cooper's doctor says the trial is lowering the age of participants, and he's out.
2.18 A disguised Vanessa Cruz gives Declan Salinger a syringe full of "something to help you relax," which kills him. At the address of Cruz's shelf corp. Ressler finds a refrigerated unit with blood samples, saliva samples, and petri dishes of trace evidence. He also find medical records of several of Cruz's victims.
2.19 Reddington is shot and critical, but Dembe refuses to let Liz take him to a hospital. Kaplan calls medical specialists to E.R. Reddington has a bullet to the right chest, collapsed lung, and needs six units of blood. After surgeon is shot dead, Liz calls Dr. Nik to help.
2.20 Quon Zhang has medical tools including scalpel and scissors. He has a medical table, operating lights and refrigerated medicines. QZ makes cast of Margaret's palate and upper teeth. Reddington is walking laps, which Dembe says is an important part of his therapy. Medical Examiner says: "When I was a kid, I wanted to race motorcycles. My mom said, No Jeffery, go into medicine. It's safe." M.E. opens Margaret's chest by cutting along the previous incision but finds no explosives or unusual items inside. Cooper tells Charlene his position in the clinical trial rests on doing Connolly favors. Kenneth Jasper is brought to room for torture by teeth extraction. Red gives Samar a syringe and needle to use on Jasper. Karakurt is revealed to be in a coffin wearing an oxygen mask.
2.21 Andropov, a virologist, gets students to sign a petition to kill the Patriot Act. A student who talks to him begins shaking with eyes bleeding and then has a seizure. The student, Connor, dies and his tissue samples are sent to the CDC. Andropov's apartment has test tubes, medical equipment, and genotyping lab. Cooper tells Red about Connolly holding the drug trial and Charlene's leaking classified info over his head. Dr. Lauren Kimberly tells Liz and Red the virus is a weapon of individualized destruction. Samar finds out Connor is the son of Sen. Hawkins. Liz tries to stop Karakurt from touching Sen. Hawkins, but he gets the virus anyway. Red tells Liz she has the virus and infected the senator.
2.22 Blood test from Liz shows she tested positive for the virus and infected the senator.
Season 3
[size=100][size=75]3.01 Solomon gives Dembe and inhaler with a knockout drug.
3.02 The driver of the Russian convoy is hospitalized, intubated and on a repirator. Solomon uses a syringe to inject something in his IV that kills him.
Liz wants medical attention for the guy whose ribs she broke.
Solomon puts on nitrile gloves to beat Dember with pool balls.
3.03 Glen jokes with Red saying he's hypoglycemic and nearly had a stroke.
Solomon again wears nitrile gloves while beating Dembe.
Eli Matchett plans to release a replicating virus that will wipe out the world's corn supply.
Liz and Red drop deputy Liz shot at the hospital.
3.04 The fronting Djinn tells a man in scrubs and a scalpel, "The road to healing begins tonight." The man uses markers to denote where patient's organs are located. A syringe is used to put sedative in an IV line.
The real Djinn has her father strung up on a cross. She tell him, "You sliced out my identity and discared it like waste."
3.05 After Dembe saves Red and Liz from Solomon and collapses, he's put on a gurney with an oxygen mask and taken to am ambulance. Later Red is at Dembe's bedside at the hospital where Dembe is on a respirator and hooked up to vitals monitors.
3.06 Man on Sir Crispin Crandall's plane is on oxygen and in a wheelchair.
Liz tends to Dembe' bandages.
A medical team is in an operating theater removing a brain.[/size]
3.07 Shahin is taken to the hospital. [/size]
Brimley gets oxygen from a tank.
3.08 The Knights of the Highway guy that Red shot wants to go to the hospital. He's lost blood and is going into shock. He goes to a walk-in medical clinic and gets treatment for a gunshot wound.
Tom performs surgery on Karakurt to remove his tracking device.
3.09 Liz inside the containment box can't breathe and is losing oxygen, causing her to pass out. Aram does mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions to revive Liz.
3.10 Dembe uses a syringe to give Peter a sedative. Peter is wheeled out of building on a gurney.
3.11 Gregrory DeVry had stomach cancer and requested Red euthanize him.
Liz is in hospital after parking lot attack with three broken ribs. Doctor tells her she's pregnant.
3.12 Cardinal Richards is taken out on a gurney.
3.13 Happy Eriksson is in the hospital on life support. Ressler tails Christopher Eriksson to a hospital where he meets his nurse fiance, who is gunned down.
Josephine is in a wheelchair at a care facility.
3.14 One of three children presumed dead and then found is shown in a photo wearing a hospital gown and in a hospital bed. Ressler takes Liz to the hospital to interview Ethan. Ethan is in a hospital bed.
Brimley is shown leading a lama and dragging his oxygen tank. Anya is given nitrous oxide with a face mask.
Tom uses a tweezer to remove the bullet from his leg. Tom is shown being wheeled into hospital on a gurney with an oxygen mask.
3.15 As Tom is being wheeled into the E.R., a nurse tells Dr. Nik he's into hypovolemic shock. Dr. Nik says his pulse is dropping. Dr. Nik in scrubs calls Liz about Tom's condition and his being a suspect in a robbery. There are four scenes where Liz visits Tom in his hospital room.
3.16 Tom gets a prescription drug delivery of Percocet. The Caretaker wears ntirile gloves when cutting open a corpse's chest to retrieve a secret.
3.17 Nuclear facility workers are wearing white coats like doctors. Ressler tells Nez Rowan her takedown resulted in two wounded agents, one in Critical Care. Aram applies pressure to chest wound of the organist shot in Soloman's wedding shootout.
3.18 Liz hides from Solomon in a church room with old hospital-type beds, a patinet, a tray table and a walker. Tom finds a bottle of Demerol pills for Liz's pain. Tom carries a bleeding Liz to a hospital E.R. where she is given an ultrasound. Dr. Nik leads a mobile surgical team in diagonosing Liz's plancental abruption and delivering her baby. The baby isn't breathing, so a manual resuscitator is used on the baby. Liz is put on a bipap machine to help her breathe. Satellite Surveillance guy is taking pills. Liz is intubated and put in an induced coma, then put in an ambulance bound for the hospital. A manual recuscitator is used on Liz by both ambulance personnel and Red. Liz flatlines and Nik uses the defibrilation paddles and chest compressions on Liz. Finally Nik pronounces Liz dead, and she's put in a body bag.
3.19 Dr. Nik explains to Red his actions during Liz's medical crisis and how she died. Agnes in an incubator, Tom, and Red are shown in the hospital. Red lifts Katerina up to help get the water out of her lungs, and later tries to warm her up to prevent hypothermia and shock.
3.20 Red picks up and looks at Dom's pill bottles on the table. Tom visits Agnes in the hospital.
3.21 Red tells Susan Hargrave she needs to be bandaged.
3.22 Tom finds Suan Hargrave in the hospital holding Agnes. Tom makes sure little girl wounded in back robbery gets to an ambulance. Nez and Solomon pretend to be EMT's and use a mobile resuscitator on the guy Tom drugged. They try to take a retinal scan but need to steet a drug to counteract the pupil shrinkage.
Season 4
4.01 Esteban takes out his artificial eyes.
4.02 Little Nikos undergoes laparoscopic surgery in an operating room. Liz asks the boat captain for medicine and first aid for Kirk. Kirk gets a blood transfusion.
4.03, Miles McGrath gets a sample of the CKC’s Ribowski virus for Kirk. Kirk wants the virus to offset his genetic blood disease, aplastic anemia.
4.04 Gaia drops pills into two men’s drinks so he can masquerade to commit bioterrorism. Kaplan is in a cabin, bandaged and receiving care for her gunshot wound. Dr. Reifler tells Kirk his body will start rejecting blood transfusions soon. Agnes is discussed as a stem cell donor. Gaia suffers from radiation poisoning that caused his son’s birth defects.
4.05 Silas uses a paralytic to kill an inventor. Samar gives CPR to a female inventor Silas attacked. Medical personnel wait for Kirk at a rendezvous point where a car explodes. First aid is given to victims of the car explosion. Liz receives a DNA test showing Kirk is her father.
4.06 The Hunter continues caring for the wounded Kaplan.
4.07, Dr. Adrian Shaw and her partner conduct illegal medical experiments on patients aboard a ship. Kirk collapses. Liz does chest compressions and calls for a medic. Kirk is taken to an army hospital in Bethesda. Liz is tested to see if she is a match to donate stem cells to Kirk. She isn’t a match.
4.08, Kirk’s people break his out of the hospital. Red offers Kirk the Crispr cure. Kirk has a lab set up in an underground parking garage where he uses syringes to inject Red with various meds designed to torture and kill him.4.09 None
4.10 Girl who suffers from birth defects from fetal rubella wears hearing aids that pick up sounds of people planning crimes.
4.11 None
4.12 Natalie Luca lives a hospital setting and is the carrier of a deadly disease.
4.13 Dr. Justin Sperry is in a wheelchair
4.14, None
4.15 Red is poisoned and wakes up in a mobile hospital unit. Red breaks in a pharmacy to get meds for his condition. The Apothecary makes deadly toxins.
4.16 Dembe taken to hospital after shot with an arrow.
4:17 Kate is hospitalized with a serious gunshot wound to the head.
4:18, Autopsies are being conducted on some of the 86 bodies unearthed by Kaplan.
4:19, Dr. Bogdan Krilov steals medical equipment to manipulate memories.
4:20 Bodies autopsied.
4:21 Mr. Kaplan, removes a mans eye.
4:22 Reven Wright’s body is autopsied. DNA test by Cooper of Liz and Red.
Season 5
5.01 Smokey Putnam says he's a diabetic and needs his insulin.
5.02 Greyson Blaise - Hospital parking lot with Tom and Nik
5.03 Miss Rebecca Thrall - Tom and Nik meet Pete outside the hospital.
5.04 The Endling - real hospital and two mobile ERs, surgery in vet's office
5.05 Ilyas Surkov - Tom undergoes medical trial at Daken Medical Research where Pete works. Meets Lena the nurse.
5.06 The Travel Agency - Liz and Samar visit long-term care facility Tom breaks into Pete's computer at Daken Medical Research.
5.07 Kilgannon Corp - The little girl, Ana, is taken to the hospital.
5.08 Ian Garvey - Red tends to Tom's bullet wound and sews him up. Tom and Liz taken to hospital. Liz put on ventilator and given craniotomy. Defibrilation paddles applied to Tom.
5.09 Ruin - Liz stitches up wounded Witsec guy and applies compress. Liz uses toboggan as a gurney to transport wounded man. At the end, we learn she got the Witsec guy to the hospital.
5.10 None
5.11 Abraham Stern - Glen goes to the hospital with heart attack symptoms.
5.12 The Cook - The doctor whose house was burned by Wattles was interviewed at a hospital.
5.13 The Invisible Hand - Red visits both Anthony in the hospital and the Invisible Hand suspect in the hospital.
5.14 Mr. Raleigh Sinclair III - none
5.15 Pattie Sue Edwards - Virus victims in quarantine hospital, cure sent in hospital elevator. Heddie is home sick with pet fur allergies.
5.16 The Capricorn Killer - Vitals monitors attached to second serial killer that Hollis is dismembering.
5.17 Ana-Gracia Duerte - Red is cooking medicinal South Sudanese cuisine. Red interviews the teenage wife, Reva, in a hospital after she passes out at home. Brimley has his oxygen tank in tow.
5.18 Zarak Mosadek - Internal Affairs guy tells Aram, who pretends to have been hit by the guy's car, that he has a first-aid kit in his car.
5.19 Ian Garvey Conclusion - Procedure chair and operating room light are in Sinclair's workshop.He wears blue nitrile gloves. Dembe uses a syringe to give Garvey a sedative. Gavey goes to the hospital with three gunshot wounds.Liz talks to Garvey, who is on a gurney.
5.20 Nicholas T. Moore - Dr. Lomeh takes off her stethoscope and puts it in her black bag. She says Red has a concussion, but the brain bleed is under control. She has a trauma team on standby. Maybell, a mysterious girl is taken to Waterville Valley Hospital and diagnosed with leukemia. The girl and the people in her village believe the Ollo carry a deadly virus. Samar and Liz visit a psychiatric facility. Man dressed as nurse takes child and Samar.
5.21 Lawrence Dean Devlin - Aram tries to resuscitate Samar after she drowns in a submerged van. He gives her chest compressions. Samar is shown in intensive care intubated and in a coma. Aram is trying music therapy.
5.22 Sutton Ross - Samar starts episode still intubated and in coma. She wakes up in the hospital. Liz gets in a car crash and needs stitches.
Season 6
6.01 Dr. Hans Koehler is using a mobile surgery unit to perform plastic surgery
An FBI doctor gives Samar a vision exam and clears her for duty.
Jennifer is wearing a top that looks like a hospital gown.
Liz asks for a list of hospitals within a 20 mile radius of Rehoboth Beach.
Moreau puts on a fake cast and rolls himself away in a wheelchair.
Red gives Liz Dr. Koehler's medical files on a thumb drive.
6.02 Liz and Jennifer talk about plans to recover the erased medical file from the thumb drive.
Red talks about LSD as a therapy.
6.03 Medical experiements are being done in a warehouse hospital.
Patients enter the medical facility, one in a wheelchair.
Patients inject themselves with proposed cure and begin seizing. Defibrilators applied without success.
6.04 Samar has trouble dialing 9-1-1 and later looks up info on aphasia.
Dr. Koehler's Dec. 1991 patient is wearing what looks like a doctor's coat in one of his photos. Gerald Todd Klepper's blood test results are shown in his patient folder.
6.05 Marcus tells Helen to go get the pills for Tim Peterson. The pills are to be used in their murder plot.
Samar is watching a video of a physician or therapist talking about aphasia.
6.06 The Ethicist, Gerald Klepper, was a doctor called the Angel of Death for killing 17 of his patients. The Blacklister is on kidney dialysis and needs a transplant. Liz threatens to take his DNA to get a positive ID. Red is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. He switches Skittles candy for the pills of a patient from whom he needs info. The patient goes beserk and is given a medication with a hypodermic needle.
6.07 Man in bed looks at his pill bottles and seeks his inhaler for asthma. He's taken to the hospital ER in respiratory distress. The doctor makes a cut in his throat and dozens of beetles pour out. Someone uses a syringe with a large beetle. Liz and Ressler take a stretcher with them into a Congressional hearing on a bug killer.
6.08 Woman who appears to be pregnant is taken to a mobile hospital unit and given oxygen. Doctor uses scalpel to cut a pouch of LSD out of the woman's stomach. Later, Ressler cuts open the stitches of another drug mule who appears to be pregnant, but her plastic bladder has ruptured.
6.09 Samar is sitting in the dark with a migraine headache.
6.10 Hacker hacks into child's pacemaker. then threatens all the pacemakers made by the girl's father's company. Aram explains that pacemakers are mini defibrilators.
6.11 Red gets a physical. Hypodermic needle is used to test Red for allergies. Red gets the first injection to render him unconscious for the lethal injections.
6.15 Red gives himself and injection and takes pills. A fund raiser for Parkinson's Disease is happening in the building the Blackliister is attacking. An ambulance is in front of the bulding, which suffered and explosion and a fire.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (4/05/2019 10:47 pm)
I started noticing a lot of hospital references this season, about as many as we have fire imagery. I thought maybe they were foreshadowing a reveal about Red's burns after the fire. But then after Tessa asked me to do it for all the seasons, I discovered Season 1 had even more. I will do the other seasons as I have time.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (1/13/2019 10:11 am)
Thanks Tuxie400. As you know I do think there is something to this.
Very nice list Tuxie!
Thanks Eastcoast and lara1!
Every episode of 1 and 5? I can't wait to see if 2,3 and 4 have it!
In the last episode when I saw the monitors hooked up to the guy in a building that appeared to be in the middle of the city I shook my head and thought they are all insane! There was something very unreal about that whole thing.
Eastcoast - Not every episode in 1 and 5, but most. I'm through 17 episodes in Season 2, and they all have it.
That is really striking that those images are so pervasive, and yet we didn't really notice them. It's like it's a sleight of hand... look at this shiny object here while all the action is over here.
Good work!
Tatiana - I am stunned that I didn't notice all them mounting up over time. It was like sleight of hand. Kudos to lara1, who did notice it this season!
Tuxie400 - thanks so much for cataloging the hospital references.....there were so many, I gave up listing them, LOL - but now that we've seen other "medical" like things, its important I think to have that list.....
It is interesting that you know they make a reference but you do not realize how much until it is all listed.
I re-watched a few episodes tonight.
I did find a reference in 3. Ellie is taking Tom to physical therapy.
in 14, Red is getting acupuncture.
In 17, the girl Abby hit her head on the stairs and Meera calls the Paramedics and they are there with her.
Eastcoast - Your finds make it 100 percent for Season 1! I will add those you list in #11 to the main list, along with some others that were mentioned on the other board. As for Red's acupuncture, I didn't think it would me accepted by some under hospital/medical. But if we count that, there are other alternative medicines that could be listed. Also, once characters are in a hospital room or the E.R., I don't list every piece of medical equipment. I was mainly just trying to see if there was something medical in an episode to guage overall prevalance. Sometimes, especially in Season 1, once I found something, I moved on to the next episode.
Last edited by Tuxie400 (4/03/2018 9:33 am)
Tuxie400 wrote:
Eastcoast - Your finds make it 100 percent for Season 1! I will add those you list in #11 to the main list, along with some others that were mentioned on the other board. As for Red's acupuncture, I didn't think it would me accepted by some under hospital/medical. But if we count that, there are other alternative medicines that could be listed. Also, once characters are in a hospital room or the E.R., I don't list every piece of medical equipment. I was mainly just trying to see if there was something medical in an episode to guage overall prevalance. Sometimes, especially in Season 1, once I found something, I moved on to the next episode.
Tuxie400 - you could also look at the acupuncture thing as needles/injections symbolism. I think I added Tom to the parallels list because its a wheelchair reference. But not the physical therapy part.
It's a Holistic/Alternitive medical treatment so I would consider anything like that to fit in that category.
Great list!
In episode 1, Smokey was claiming to be a diabetic who needed insulin.
In 10, the woman jumped out of the window and you hear sirens.
Not sure if there were any paramedics or anything until I see it again. I think I just remember Samar looking up at the window.
Updated to add South Sudanese medical cuisine, Reva's hospital trip, and Brimley's oxygen tank for the Anna Gracia Duerte episode.
Eastcoast - I added your item about Smokey and his claims of being a diabetic and lara1's item about Heddie being home with pet allergies.
Updated with first aid kit from the Zarak Mosadek episode.
I added the Season 2 medical/hospital imagery to the list. That season was extremely heavy on this. There was something in every episode, and in most episodes multiple things.
Tuxie, every time I see Lillian May Roth I think she either looks like a patient or a very tired orderly or nurse. When she's at Liz's apartment she even has a grey blue kind of color coat. It just reminds me of hospital or treatment centers or jail.