The Blacklist Refugees

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3/16/2018 10:45 am  #1

TV line says Jennifer is on the way

"The Blacklist -: Hearing rumblings that we may soon lay eyes on Liz’s half-sister Jennifer before the season is out."

I thought the two sisters theme was headed somewhere!

Last edited by Tuxie400 (3/16/2018 10:46 am)


3/16/2018 10:53 am  #2

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

This is awesome. We've been talking a lot about doubles, so much so that I started doing online searches about Jennifer a few weeks ago.

If this is true, then it would finally explain "Flora Segunda" Lara!!!

I recently watched Lord Baltimore too and just felt there was a compelling story behind this.

"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington

3/16/2018 11:33 am  #3

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I'm interested in seeing whether or not she has been hiding in plain sight.  There are only a few more eps to go.  there's a character called Christine (Xmas link) and the actress does resemble Mary Louise Parker somewhat.  But i don't get too excited about that, it could be anything at all.  That's happened before, I remember in the Kirk saga, there were actresses who looked and sounded like they could potentially be KR (before we were shown that she is a redhead), who turned out to be more minor characters.

I'm intrigued.  


3/16/2018 11:56 am  #4

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

It’s about time!

Of course if she turns out to be the bones..,

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

3/16/2018 1:29 pm  #5

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I’ve been waiting for this chick to show up for 3 seasons so I’m rolling out the welcome mat.


3/16/2018 11:58 pm  #6

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

lara1 wrote:

I'm interested in seeing whether or not she has been hiding in plain sight.  There are only a few more eps to go.  there's a character called Christine (Xmas link) and the actress does resemble Mary Louise Parker somewhat.  But i don't get too excited about that, it could be anything at all.  That's happened before, I remember in the Kirk saga, there were actresses who looked and sounded like they could potentially be KR (before we were shown that she is a redhead), who turned out to be more minor characters.

I'm intrigued.  


I saw the Christine lara1, and I was thinking she could fall into the 'family' so to speak. 
​I saw there are stunt doubles for Megan and James too! 


It's a shame you have no crackers  

3/17/2018 11:30 am  #7

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Last spring Jon Bokenkamp was in Chicago for a convention and an audience member asked him about Jennifer. HE said a bunch of things but at the end he said, "So to me, that is something yes we will eventually go through and tie together, but it’s not the burning question."

Do you take that to mean Jennifer is not critical to the story arc? That's how I take it. That's disappointing.

I think the show gets too wrapped up in red herrings, at least in the first few seasons, and didn't plan out what to do with those red herrings later on. Jennifer is probably part of that. Remember Jennifer was brought up while Red was looking for Berlin's daughter to prove that he, Red, had no involvement in Jennifer's disappearance and that she was alive. So mention of Jennifer was likely one of those red herrings. 


"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington

3/17/2018 11:56 am  #8

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Tatiana - Before that, in March, Bokenkamp was asked on the Blacklist Exposed podcast about my theory that Elise was Jennifer. He said:

 Jennifer is a real character within the universe; she was referenced in season 2, you know Naomi Hyland.  One of the things that is difficult is to tell an episode that it does not feel like is going backwards you know. Sometimes it feels like we are going to tell a story, and we’re like “oh this will be great and we will tell the story and unless is the people who are really avid viewers of the show, somebody else watching might feel like, what are they talking about? who is that? who is Jennifer? what is that? but the truth is yes, Jennifer is a character who is in the landscape of the show and Elise, not saying that Jennifer is Elise, but you have not seen the last of Elise/Janet, but yeah, Jennifer is out there. Jennifer, to be discovered.

Who knows, maybe after he was questioned by fans twice, he started thinking more about bringing Jennifer back, and she turned into a bigger piece of the narrative.

Some people on the Blacklist Exposed FB have suggested Jennifer is linked to Garvey in some way and may even been the leader of the Nash Syndicate.  I think it's more likely she's connected to the CODIS search in some way, whether dead or alive.


Last edited by Tuxie400 (3/17/2018 11:57 am)

     Thread Starter

3/17/2018 2:20 pm  #9

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I agree that I think sometimes they got in over their heads with teasers and red herrings that they don't expect people to remember, but the hard core fans do.  They may ignore some of them and answer others that fit into the story.  The way they left Jennifer in season 2 definitely kept her as an option and since they keep getting asked about her, they probably figure it's a good thing to tie in if they didn't have a plan already.  In terms of the ballerina thing and the Tacoma house thing, I don't think they would have to answer those to tell the story.  Those were one-time events, she is a person.

I've also wondered if she is connected to the Nash Syndicate somehow.  Or if Garvey will get to her.  He would have access to her WITSEC file from when she was in their system.  She isn't any longer but he may have ideas of how to find her and could use her as additional leverage against Red.  I'm definitely interested to see how she comes into the story.  

Last edited by Brittany (3/17/2018 2:20 pm)


3/17/2018 2:51 pm  #10

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I'm just curious to know how much Jennifer takes after her father. For her sake, I hope she takes after her mother. Liz seems to take after both of her parents. And that's not necessarily a good thing.

Maybe Jennifer left because of the US Marshalls? Maybe Garvey has been in play in the story background longer than we think.

And yes, I still think that Jennifer was born while Red was at the Naval Academy when he wouldn't be able to openly marry Carla and live as a family. He would have been expelled immediately. And that is why Naomi refers to Jennifer as "my" daughter, because she raised her basically alone for the first couple of years. That's my idea about that situation anyway, since about season 2, and I haven't seen anything to contradict it yet. Maybe when we finally meet Jennifer I can keep or leave that theory at long last! LOL!

Last edited by Honey West (3/17/2018 2:56 pm)

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

3/17/2018 3:03 pm  #11

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Honey West - Yes, that does make the most sense. The poster I was reading felt "I kept my end of the bargain, never said a word about you or Jennifer" (I think that was it) meant that there was the other end of the bargain, so she had to have been paid or received some other thing of great value to not say anything or something of that sort. They also speculated that Carla/Naomi is actually Katarina and Carla's bones are in the suitcase (although they were lukewarm about this idea. They felt that the bargain Carla/Naomi struck was that she could have a normal life.

I don't know. I like turning over ideas to see how they fit into the bigger puzzle.

"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington

3/17/2018 11:41 pm  #12

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I seem to recall someone asking early in the season in an interview or podcast with JB whether we will see ballerina girl this season and someone, somewhere, got the impression that he implied we would.  Whether or not ballerina girl will turn out to be Jennifer will be interesting.

further food for thought - Red wanted to find Jennifer to protect her.  But we still don't know from what or from whom.  The same person/group that led to them being in WITSEC originally?  Red also said to Naomi that it wasn't safe, that he had to give Naomi and Frank protection.  I always took that with a grain of salt as it was also self-serving, but it does seem that there is/was a threat out there somewhere to both of them.

I don't buy into the Carla/Naomi is KR thing, but I have always thought that Carla was an operative, from the very first time I saw the episode with the chicken bone thing.  That was just too specific a link back to Berlin to not have meaning.  I think she was in the ring of spies and was somehow involved in fire night also.  How, I don't know.

I've never thought Jennifer a core person to the story arc, she was kind of a footnote to the whole story.  Though the story moves around and now maybe she is.

I even got confused as to whether Zoe was even Berlin's real daughter, or just someone Red found who would look like her, then offered her a lot of money to do as he asked.  She just seemed so incredibly nervous whenever she spoke to Berlin and could not wait to slip away from him.  But even if that's the case I don't think they would ever go back to that.


3/17/2018 11:45 pm  #13

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Oh yes just to add, my theory of course is that Carla was a cover somehow or part of a duplicate family.  red's real family was taken or killed, somehow there was a mix up and either CArla/Jennifer were the real targets, or, they were in danger because of what happened to Red' real family.

But that is just an idea.  There's no telling its actually the case. 


3/17/2018 11:51 pm  #14

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

At this point the possibilities are almost endless. She has been left out there as a loose thread for too long. 

​I was wondering if the reason Naomi said she has not heard from her is because someone caught up with her?  

It's a shame you have no crackers  

3/18/2018 12:22 pm  #15

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

She has been "in the wind" so to speak for 11 years now.  She could be up to anything (married with kids and teaching 2nd grade in the suburbs or running a global arms trade).  Like I've said, I don't particularly care how she shows up.  I just want to meet her.  


3/18/2018 1:56 pm  #16

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I think it’s going to get back to the Witsec thing. When the Marshals showed up to take Naomi away because she was in danger. Of course that was fromBerlin, but Red wanted to find Jennifer, too. Was she in danger from Berlin, too? Maybe not. But I wonder if it will come back around to Red knowing there was a leak or a bad apple in the US Marshals and that might pose a threat to all of the people in witness protection who were under that program. Now he knows Garvey is one of the bad apples. There are probably more since we don't really think Garvey is acting alone. There are things he doesn’t know, like the Whole Truth. Red may use him, before he has to kill him, to gather info on the bigger threat within the system. At least as far as it endangering his people. So Jennifer could be part of that story.

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

3/18/2018 2:42 pm  #17

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Honey West wrote:

I think it’s going to get back to the Witsec thing. When the Marshals showed up to take Naomi away because she was in danger. Of course that was fromBerlin, but Red wanted to find Jennifer, too. Was she in danger from Berlin, too? Maybe not. But I wonder if it will come back around to Red knowing there was a leak or a bad apple in the US Marshals and that might pose a threat to all of the people in witness protection who were under that program. Now he knows Garvey is one of the bad apples. There are probably more since we don't really think Garvey is acting alone. There are things he doesn’t know, like the Whole Truth. Red may use him, before he has to kill him, to gather info on the bigger threat within the system. At least as far as it endangering his people. So Jennifer could be part of that story.

We also have the WITSEC list being stolen in The Harem episode.  Another tie back into the Marshals.  Was there a Marshal who put the list out there for sale?  Was Red concerned that Jennifer's information, albeit dated, might get out there and give someone a leg up on finding her by knowing where she was after being relocated as a child ( in addition to his stated reason for finding it to protect Kaplan's sister)? 

Last edited by Brittany (3/18/2018 2:42 pm)


3/18/2018 4:05 pm  #18

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

I suspect that more people know that Jennifer is his daughter than know Liz is his daughter. Jennifer would be public record of her birth and parents. Liz was supposed to be more secret, although the Director and others knew about her.

“I am exactly who I am. And I can assure you, I’m a far more interesting Raymond Reddington than Raymond Reddington ever was."

3/18/2018 4:08 pm  #19

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Brittany - I started thinking about The Haren episode too. I think Red was concerned about the list for more than just Kaplan's sister.

     Thread Starter

3/18/2018 5:34 pm  #20

Re: TV line says Jennifer is on the way

Tuxie-  I think it is something they could reintroduce if they wanted to but it can also be left alone. I’d be interested if it were brought back up. 

I think Elise being Jennifer would have been an interesting twist.  Especially because I don’t believe Red ever saw her in person or pictures.  But I’m also cool if she is completely new and we’ve never seen her.


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