To keep our links together here is the link to the interview for those who missed it (and those that didn't!)
runs about 30 mins
Thanks for posting the link, lara1. It's a very nice interview. I love it whenever he gets asked why he does what he does. I've heard more than a few actors who do it for the same reasons! And really, I think it's why most of us work at what we do - to fund our real lives!
Yes, I really enjoyed listening to it. Lucky that Aly found it!
Wish I had found it live - Charlie Rose plays every weekday nite at 11pm in my market.
Spader sure made it difficult for 75 yr old Charlie to navigate the interview - but Rose would tell you these are the interviews he cherishes the most . . . . . a subject who doesn't mince words . . . . . not a typical Hollywood interview to be sure!
Once Charlie Rose figured out he was in intellectual hyper-space the interview picked up and viewers were subjected to a real treat.
Not many folks as honest about Hollywood movies vs. TV shows as J. Spader