The Blacklist Refugees

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5/09/2017 7:34 am  #1

'Dembe' liked my tweet!

Well, we've been kind of quiet on this board, so I just wanted to share that Hisham Tawfiq 'liked' my tweet

'Can you imagine how much fun Raymond and Dembe have when they let their hair down :-) figurateively speaking for these bald men 

"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington

5/09/2017 7:55 am  #2

Re: 'Dembe' liked my tweet!

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! So cool!  


5/09/2017 8:23 am  #3

Re: 'Dembe' liked my tweet!

He's so gracious <3

"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington
     Thread Starter

5/11/2017 10:42 pm  #4

Re: 'Dembe' liked my tweet!

Hooray!!  Definitely a very funny, clever tweet, Tatiana!!

"I'm happy you're happy. Eat your pie."

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