The Blacklist Refugees

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3/07/2017 1:18 am  #41

Re: End of Season 4 - Parallels to Season 1

lara1 - I really hope all roads don't lead to Aram. 


3/07/2017 12:23 pm  #42

Re: End of Season 4 - Parallels to Season 1

My Pollyanna is coming out: what if Aram's loyalty stays true, but because he was NSA he will be one of those who help Red/Liz to find the big bad  ... and I really think the Big Bad is insidious government/shadow government corruption.

So far, TPBL have been fair in their presentations of character development. Elise was outed pretty quickly, as was Diane Fowler, Laurel Hitchens, The Director, etc.

(I just cannot fathom our lovely Aram going to the dark side...)


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3/07/2017 12:59 pm  #43

Re: End of Season 4 - Parallels to Season 1

Tatiana wrote:

My Pollyanna is coming out: what if Aram's loyalty stays true, but because he was NSA he will be one of those who help Red/Liz to find the big bad  ... and I really think the Big Bad is insidious government/shadow government corruption.

So far, TPBL have been fair in their presentations of character development. Elise was outed pretty quickly, as was Diane Fowler, Laurel Hitchens, The Director, etc.

(I just cannot fathom our lovely Aram going to the dark side...)


Funny, Tatiana, I was just thinking that this morning.  Picking up your vibes, maybe?!

I think there is an NSA link, and maybe yet, it will be Aram maybe who helps save the day, as he did with the Liz/Cabal arc and earned Red's everlasting gratitude (which ultimately helped get Red back to find Kirk)

What you say makes sense about character development and how the other "bad actors" have been outed as such fairly quickly.  Hopefully that is the case here as well!  And who knows, maybe Aram has been practicing his bazooka tactics some more!  


3/07/2017 2:32 pm  #44

Re: End of Season 4 - Parallels to Season 1

Everyone loves Aram so much! He has been the moral center of the show and our comic relief. I can't find any dialog in the show that confirms he worked for the NSA prior to the FBI Task Force. This info about Aram working 14 years for the NSA supposedly came out of Aram's Notes, a diary that was posted on the NBC Blacklist website during Seasons 1 and 2. By the way, I was watching part of Anslo Garrick Conclusion today. I had forgotten that Aram has a bird name. His code name when he called for help was Hatchling 5591.

Some characters are outed quickly, and some take a lot more time. Examples would be Berlin and Kirk, the two biggest bads in the series so far. (Not that I think Aram would ever be a major Big Bad.)

Last edited by Tuxie400 (3/07/2017 4:27 pm)


3/07/2017 3:29 pm  #45

Re: End of Season 4 - Parallels to Season 1

I'm revisiting The Esteban episode again. I found even more parallels. That episode was doing a subliminal clip show! LOL

In that episode, Ressler, posing as a tourist, gets kidnapped and a black bag is put over his head. In Season One, two characters are kidnapped and black bags are put over their heads: Liz in the Stewmaker and Aram in The Good Samaritan Killer when Red kidnaps him.

Ressler is put in a dungeon-like prison cell next to Ivelisse. The prison setting is similar to the one Red and Madeline Pratt were in during the episode with Pratt's name.

Ressler, by outing Esteban and his prison got all the prisoners released as a by-product. He's getting chewed out by Panabaker, who asks if he's a traitor or a moron, and tells him he needs to look at the bigger issues. Ressler says, "Torture, abuse, murder, I don't see any bigger issues than than." It really sounds like something Red would say about his BL cases.

And it especially reminded me of The Freelancer and Floriana Campo.
Red:=Madam Campo doesn’t free children from slavery. She imprisons them.
Liz: I don’t believe you.
Red: Don’t be so naive. Floriana Campo is the largest distributor of enslaved children in the eastern hemisphere. Her Foundation is a front to launder the profits of the Eberhardt cartel, which she runs. She’s been eliminating the competition.
Liz: Good God.
Red: The woman had her own husband murdered.

Last edited by Tuxie400 (3/07/2017 3:44 pm)


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