I did read some tweets by Dave Metzger in response to the title question that 4.16 title was a major spoiler and that 4.17 was an even bigger spoiler.
Weren't one of those Kathryn xxxxx? or something like that?
I noticed on IMDb they included episode 86 but there's absolutely no info on that page.
It sounds to me like they are really trying to keep the episodes under wraps. They've only added #4.16 and no detail (I thought I saw 4.17 previously, along with the cast so it seems they have removed that?).
Although there were some tweets re Katarina, that was kind of expected as I think I read somewhere a while ago that she would be back as flashback. The real question is whether she also makes an appearance in real time! If she is still alive that is.
I've read somewhere else that people are thinking back again that Scottie could be Katarina, esp given the "Scott" name that is shared with Liz. I don't know, I kind of think Red would react differently to her if she were. Although at times I find it hard to figure out whether he felt affection for her (Katarina), or was just loyal due to a working arrangement, or they ended up being enemies.
Cape May really didn't show them romantically involved although why would Red even be sitting outside the bath with an open door if they were not? perhaps that would have given too much away. Its still a puzzle for me.
But I digress. I still don't buy Scottie as Katarina - Red said to her that he never liked her and that she made his toes curl!
Last edited by lara1 (3/21/2017 12:09 pm)
I think 4.16 will be Dembe Zuma and 4.17 will be Kathryn XXXX, whatever Kaplan's last name is. And I do think Red will end up being #1 on the Blacklist, as he always intended.
Tuxie400 - I think you are right about 4.17 Do you have any thoughts on what number Dembe will be? And do you think he is a "new addition" to the list, or do you think there is a wild twist and unbeknownst to us, he has done some things that meant he was always on it? Just some thoughts I'm throwing out.
I do hope that he is not the seasons' big bad though, I'd rather be totally surprised by someone in the top 10 of the list.
That's what everyone is guessing, Tuxie400 #44. Unless Katherine whatever might be Katarina Rostova. But I'm more inclined that it turns out to be Kaplan. I would be surprised if they weren't pretty high up on the list.
lara1 #45, don't forget that Alexander Kirk was not originally on the list. I think the list is fluid anyway. Some definite people or things on it, but plenty of room for more and the order probably changes as well.
These are my predictions, which may not hold any water at all: Dembe and Kaplan have aided and abetted Red in his crimes. I predict Kaplan will be #2 and Dembe will be #3. I think Red will be the Big Bad at the end of the season, and #1 on the Blacklist, whether this is the last season or not. This new FBI guy they're bringing on will become the protagonist of the show, if it is to go forward. The last season - next year - will be taking down all Red's operations and his trial.
4.16 - No Name yetCastEpisode credited cast:
Laura Aguinaga...Garment Worker
Annie Heise...Janet Sutherland
4.17 - No Name yetCastEpisode credited cast, sorted by IMDb STARmeter:
Charles Baker...Grey
Amy Rutberg...Annie
Joanna Adler...Young Kaplan
Max Darwin...Young Alexander Kirk
Spenser Granese...Jason
Jack Topalian...Little Nikos
4.18 Philomena
Director: Michael W. Watkins
Writer: Peter Noah
CastEpisode credited cast:
James Spader...Raymond 'Red' Reddington
Rest of cast listed alphabetically
:Megan Boone...Elizabeth Keen
Daniel Danielson...Motel Manager
Christopher L. Graves...FBI Agent
Bruce Sabath...Congressman Edelstein
Frederick Weller...Joe Peracchio
These cast members, episode names, and information have been the same for a few weeks now so I think we can rely on them. The first two episodes will be shown back to back on April 20th starting one hour earlier than usual.
The photos on this previous post are off by one. I'll try to fix it. But we have young Kaplan, Annie, Young Kirk, Grey and some others.
Did someone post that the actor who portrays Sam is purported to be in an upcoming episode?
Tatiana wrote:
These cast members, episode names, and information have been the same for a few weeks now so I think we can rely on them. The first two episodes will be shown back to back on April 20th starting one hour earlier than usual.
The photos on this previous post are off by one. I'll try to fix it. But we have young Kaplan, Annie, Young Kirk, Grey and some others.
Did someone post that the actor who portrays Sam is purported to be in an upcoming episode?
Hi Tatiana, Yes I posted that Sam is supposed to be part of 4.17. That was from Aly's post over the weekend of spoiler photos for 4.17 The owner of the house that formed the set indicated that she met William Sadler, the actor who plays Sam. That episode also has the black dog.
It sounds like we may get a more recent flashbacks maybe with Kaplan, Sam and Grey? or some mixed flashbacks, some older than others.
Someone somewhere else posted that the photos look as though a child is already living in the house which makes sense given that toys are already there. So I don't think its the story of how Liz went to Sam, but perhaps when she was already living there, or perhaps the house is somewhere else. Or maybe scenes are shown of both - Liz being taken to Sam and then later once she is living there. But I think we will see a connection between Kaplan and Sam. only 4 more weeks to go!
Last edited by lara1 (3/21/2017 10:53 pm)
Tuxie400 wrote:
These are my predictions, which may not hold any water at all: Dembe and Kaplan have aided and abetted Red in his crimes. I predict Kaplan will be #2 and Dembe will be #3. I think Red will be the Big Bad at the end of the season, and #1 on the Blacklist, whether this is the last season or not. This new FBI guy they're bringing on will become the protagonist of the show, if it is to go forward. The last season - next year - will be taking down all Red's operations and his trial.
Tuxie400 - interesting thoughts. I guess it depends on whether one thinks that Kaplan, Dembe (and Red) are doing good or evil. I think of the script that is part of the opening montage, extract from Cicero's The Limits of Good and Evil - so maybe a bit of both.
There certainly are a lot of questions swirling! I also wonder too where Liz fits in. If she is he chosen one. Does that mean that she is #1, perhaps because of some innate potential for bad? I somehow don't think so, although the series is supposed to be "her" story. I guess we will see soon enough!
Liz is the chosen one to finally stop him. But she has to be empowered and wake up.
Tuxie400 wrote:
Liz is the chosen one to finally stop him. But she has to be empowered and wake up.
Interesting thought. Maybe that is what the diner scene was foreshadowing. At the time I thought it was pointing to Red being the one Liz shot as a child. But it could be both.
Cape May - Where did i read recently that Jon Bokenkamp or other BL related folk said Cape May is packed with stuff. The implication is that fans have not really delved into what's really in that episode and I know we've had a lot of discussion about it for various reasons.
I just rewatched. How on earth did it not win Emmys for absolutely everything! Emmys. Hands down!!!
Stream of thought here....
I'm back to thinking Katarina and Red worked together; who ever was after them are actually after him; fighting the 'enemy' are any of those actions part of what happened at fire night? Or what happened at his own home with his own family? Things that struck me, "you sound like an actuarial"; there was a woman, there was a child - I think's meant to be nebulous so that we think of both Katarina and Masha and Elizabeth and Agnes; is it possible he's also talking about his 'real' wife and daughter?
Masha/Elizabeth - Katarina always calls her Masha. Red always calls her Elizabeth. Fire night the dialogue has the man calling her Elizabeth and the woman calling her Masha.
Red as Imposter - if Red as we know him took over Raymond Reddington's identity after fire night, who was he before? The imposter theory says that Red or the person who says he's Raymond Reddington was there the night of the fire. He was injured in the fire. After that night or some time after his real family was destroyed/taken away, imposter Red gave his daughter's identity to Masha.
But the timing is off.
They had to have been calling Masha Elizabeth for a very long time. Did Red secret away Masha from infancy so she could be created into a super spy/criminal/assassin like himself and Katarina? (There aren't many of us, you know how to recognize people like us) Masha lived part time in the Summer Palace with her mother and father, Katarina and Constantin. But there were very long extended times that he was away. Was she being raised by imposter Red? Was imposter Red making her into a super killer? training her to be a master spy?
What did Constantin mean when he said to Red, unlike you I would never harm my daughter. (Frankly, I thought that was a bit cheap of him as he was harming the daughter he thought he had by kidnapping her and her baby).