The Blacklist Refugees

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3/04/2017 12:08 am  #21

Re: 2017 Winter Hiatus

Tuxie400 #19 - that's an interesting theory.  But I do think that bubble girl is not Liz, and now that we have had Kirk's photos of Liz as well, the two girls don't seem to look alike.  But I could be completely wrong and I no longer have the episodes to watch.  


3/09/2017 6:22 pm  #22

Re: 2017 Winter Hiatus

Rewatching the series from the beginning - 

"The Stewmaker" - gosh this stuff is morbid, but I must say, I love the music!
Stanley books room 122 in the hotel; red and white tile in the bathroom.And there's another big American flag.

And Lorca.
Oh yes, he gets an injection right in the neck.
The juror was poisoned. 
And Lorca - you know what an Orca is, right? 

Red: A man's life is always at stake. I'm after the big game Lizzy. The ones that matter.
Liz: No bodies have been recovered.
Red: Did you say hundreds and no bodies have been found?
- silence -
Liz: What? What are you thinking?
Red: Nothing. You should go home LIzzy. Pour yourself a Chardonnay and move on.

I'm sure someone has already pointed out how much this is like Red's statement to Donald, "Go Home Donald...."
Orca - "This is on you." - that statement is so often used.

Red about Ressler when they meet Lorca: "He's also a wonderful dancer!"

Record player - Stanly Cornnish; Lord Baltimore; the 'taxidermy' son in Oregon/Washington State

Rabbits - The Courier, the writer who's house Red habitates. Liz comes to the house, Red is reading letters to the editor from the writer who occupied the house, daily letters to The Washington Post, Red chuckles and reads, "Dear Mr. Bradley, what is up with all the rabbits..."


Last edited by Tatiana (3/09/2017 8:14 pm)

"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington
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3/15/2017 8:56 pm  #23

Re: 2017 Winter Hiatus

So here is what I mentioned over in the Chess game thread.

While watching a UK mystery series, I came across the Epimenides Paradox - how can something be true and untrue at the same time?  And tried to apply it to Redspeak.  Many of you may already be aware of this paradox, but I was not, or, maybe, I learned it long ago and forgot about it.   Anyway, it goes like this:

 “All Cretans are liars.” 

Epimenides the Cretan says: ‘”all Cretans are liars” ;
Epimenides is himself a Cretan; 
therefore Epimenides is a liar.  

But if Epimendes is a liar:
what he says is untrue;
therefore the Cretans are truthful,not liars;  

Epimenides is a Cretan:
Therefore what he says is true; 
saying the Cretans are liars, is true:
Epimenides therefore is himself a liar, and what he says is untrue.   

So that Epimenides and the Cretans are truthful and untruthful at the same time and this can be argued in circles. 

But -  the above paradox is only true if the assumption is that the initial statement is true.
If the original statement is actually false, that all Cretans are liars, it means that all Cretans are not liars and therefore some Cretans are truthful.; the circular reasoning is then broken. 

I tried to apply this logic to Red’s "criminals are notorious liars" vs  “everything about me is a lie”, vs "I have never lied to you" : and “I am not your father”.  

And how any of his statements can be justified as truths…. And my brain short-circuited!  LOL. 

If anyone among us has a more logical/mathematical way of thinking and can figure out how/if this applies, and justifies his statement to Liz that “I have never lied to you,” when Red may be lying but can justify it as "not lying" that would be great to know. 

Of course it may not help us at all, LOL!  

Last edited by lara1 (3/15/2017 9:12 pm)


3/15/2017 10:35 pm  #24

Re: 2017 Winter Hiatus

This is philosophy at its finest ... and my brain loves it but has no answers. 
I believe this could be summed up as "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Lots to think about! Thanks for posting this Lara :-D

"I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race. It's not. It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20." Raymond Reddington
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3/15/2017 10:58 pm  #25

Re: 2017 Winter Hiatus

Tatiana - ha, I don't know whether its interesting but useless to know! or whether there is some strange logic behind it that is like Red's double speak.  LOL!  I got a headache when I first read the longer version of it!  LOL    That is what happens when you have a snow day I guess!  


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